Elite: Game talk

31 Aug 2024, 6:55am
Given the possibility that all Pilots Fed CMDR's are actually clones with false implanted memories and stuff it might be that human life REALLY is that cheap in elite
31 Aug 2024, 7:22am
Bonjour a tous les pilotes

je viens tout juste d'avoir mes ailes , et je cherche a explorer le minage d'asteroid pour commencer

mais j'ai un soucis d'affichage sur la composition des asteroid , quand j'envoi un drone propecteur sur un asteroid , l'animation se fait correctement , j'ai un message qui me dit approximativement scan terminé, mais je n'ai aucun affichage sur ce que contient l'asteroid devant moi (aucun pourcentage de metaux divers) et ceux meme quand il en contient

que dois je configurer pour obtenir cet affichage ?

je suis sur Odyssey
Vaisseau imperial clipper

merci par avance pour votre aide

31 Aug 2024, 1:52pm
MiseriGiven the possibility that all Pilots Fed CMDR's are actually clones with false implanted memories and stuff it might be that human life REALLY is that cheap in elite

A very unlikely possibility because there are much(many?) more of them than just the players, and creating millions of clones just to give them their own free will anyway, seems rather pointless compared to just… creating a propaganda machine and environment where most pilots are very likely to do what you want them to anyway.
03 Sep 2024, 4:33am
How wonderful would it be if Fleet Carriers could have Interstellar Factors.

(Never gonna happen, but I still wanted to type that somewhere.)
05 Sep 2024, 8:14am
Fleet carriers should have mission boards, just like stations. This would add more variety to the gameplay when you leave the bubble with the carrier. There could be rescue missions involving explorer NPCs, including surface missions. There could even be combat missions. You can fight pirates at Beagle Point; why not anywhere else?
05 Sep 2024, 12:57pm
MiseriGiven the possibility that all Pilots Fed CMDR's are actually clones with false implanted memories and stuff it might be that human life REALLY is that cheap in elite

IMHO the the most likely explanation for the apparent cheapness of human life is that the Elite universe is a simulation where death is not permanent.
Oh, wait

(Warning: this post contains links to tvtropes.org. Remember, TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life.)
05 Sep 2024, 2:24pm
We wouldn’t need to rescue humans from Titans if it was all a simulation because the Thargoids actually won the war with the Titans and are just keeping the survivors in pods thinking that we are winning it someone from the 21st century told an AI to run all possible outcomes of our future societal development.

This sounded funnier in my head.

Or maybe it was the Guardian AI and they are just trying to educate remaining humans to not be such idiots.
05 Sep 2024, 2:34pm
They got it wrong! Why do you have to grind if it's just a piece of software? Does it use humans as batteries when they grind?

I'd make a terrible battery. And a terrible human, perhaps.
05 Sep 2024, 2:58pm
MeowersThey got it wrong! Why do you have to grind if it's just a piece of software? Does it use humans as batteries when they grind?

I'd make a terrible battery. And a terrible human, perhaps.

It's not the "power" humans generate individually that matters for the simulation, but the "power" exercised by others who have accumulated certain resources (i.e. money). Resources extracted from the ones doing the grinding. ;-)

Hmmm... Perhaps I have predicted PowerPlay 2.0? Ha!
05 Sep 2024, 3:09pm
Imagine Salvation uploading his personality into a Guardian machine only to end up reincarnating into an old beer fridge half-buried in sand on some nondescript Bah-Blah Oh-Oh Something-Something index-named planet and dozens of players poke him with their teeny-weeny pop guns every single day to extract materials. His chat lines should be really amusing.
05 Sep 2024, 6:50pm
Sampi Ogonek
MiseriGiven the possibility that all Pilots Fed CMDR's are actually clones with false implanted memories and stuff it might be that human life REALLY is that cheap in elite

IMHO the the most likely explanation for the apparent cheapness of human life is that the Elite universe is a simulation where death is not permanent.
Oh, wait

(Warning: this post contains links to tvtropes.org. Remember, TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life.)

I was just throwing out the idea elsewhere that this is all a Guardian Simulation that never got turned off and literally evolved us in the game.
05 Sep 2024, 6:54pm
MiseriI was just throwing out the idea elsewhere that this is all a Guardian Simulation that never got turned off and literally evolved us in the game.

So, did they put Thargoids into there just to make us suffer? What's next? Removing swimming pool ladders and building mazes with toilets?
05 Sep 2024, 6:56pm
If it was an ancestor simulation of sorts, its likely just been running on since whatever it was set as.
Thargoids were the enemy of Guardians too. So it makes sense if this was their simulation then Thargoids would be their Boogey man in a game world.
05 Sep 2024, 7:00pm
So, I know the way out of the simulation. Shred 'em piss daisies! Seeing that you rock at it, Guardians should transfer your consciousness into a body and send to fight bugs for real.
05 Sep 2024, 7:13pm
MeowersSo, I know the way out of the simulation. Shred 'em piss daisies! Seeing that you rock at it, Guardians should transfer your consciousness into a body and send to fight bugs for real.

What if the bugs already won and this is just their simulation of the species they already wiped out.
Maybe the Thargoids in-game aren't the soldiers, they're the zookeepers and rowdy students on a school field trip.

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