Elite: Game talk

28 Dec 2015, 3:16pm
Jack Dekerdt[quote=Kurotama]I've been reading the thread Artie linked to in his New Year's message. The "isolationist" crowd has me scratching my head. [img]/js/sce/emoticons/getlost.png[/


My ship, in 3301, ought to contain a lot more info than it does. MSFS provides more information for their Cessna than FD does for my DBS. Since all the information is in the game, I'm really unclear on the statements by others that using 3rd-Party apps is cheating and violates the 'spirit' of the game. I would be willing to bet if the info was in the ship the isolationists would be the first ones using it--I sincerely doubt they are going to ignore it and continue to blindly fly around 200 systems trying to remember where a rare commodity is or a specific ship part--it just seems counterintuitive. At the end of the day, we pay our own money to play the way we want, right? I quit reading the forums a while back because it was all just people wanting to impose their style on everyone else. If a player doesn't want a 3rd party app, cool, don't use it but don't tell me how to play or call me a cheater because I prefer a more productive use of my session time than flying 150LY off course because I miss-remembered where a ship part is located.

Hear hear. I'll bet it's the same group that calls solo players "pussies" just because they wanna be left alone.
28 Dec 2015, 3:18pm
Jack Dekerdt
KurotamaI've been reading the thread Artie linked to in his New Year's message. The "isolationist" crowd has me scratching my head.

It's the folks who are into "emergent gameplay"... which, these days, roughly equates to "hold still and let me be a dick to you."
28 Dec 2015, 3:23pm
Jack Dekerdt
KurotamaI've been reading the thread Artie linked to in his New Year's message. The "isolationist" crowd has me scratching my head.

It's the folks who are into "emergent gameplay"... which, these days, roughly equates to "hold still and let me be a dick to you."

28 Dec 2015, 4:24pm
I'm a dirty, rotten cheater: I've watched lots of Youtube videos with ED tutorials!
28 Dec 2015, 6:04pm
KentilZhaI'm a dirty, rotten cheater: I've watched lots of Youtube videos with ED tutorials!

Remember the motto of ELITE is

Fly safe Fly smart .

Watching tutorials is not cheating its considered learning and teaching
28 Dec 2015, 9:59pm
KentilZhaI'm a dirty, rotten cheater: I've watched lots of Youtube videos with ED tutorials!

I watched alot of videos/streams and read many tutorials to learn how to fly. It took me 2-3 hours on the first day to learn how to dock and I consider myself a fairly decent "gamer".
28 Dec 2015, 10:08pm
KentilZhaI'm a dirty, rotten cheater: I've watched lots of Youtube videos with ED tutorials!

I watched alot of videos/streams and read many tutorials to learn how to fly. It took me 2-3 hours on the first day to learn how to dock and I consider myself a fairly decent "gamer".

Learning to takeoff and land, with everything in between was incredible fun for me back in beta when just starting out. It's that sort of detail which keeps me in game and often enjoying simple things like just going from a to b.
28 Dec 2015, 10:22pm
Jack Dekerdt
KurotamaI've been reading the thread Artie linked to in his New Year's message. The "isolationist" crowd has me scratching my head.

LMAO...most of us probably wouldn't be SOLO players if the 'universe' wasn't full of full of Porch D*cks...**

** Sorry, couldn't resist The Walking Dead reference
28 Dec 2015, 10:44pm
What music do you guys listen to while playing? I am sure we all stopped listening to the game soundtrack a long time ago because we just couldn't bare to be disappointed anymore.
28 Dec 2015, 11:16pm
So I just got an X-55 Rhino after using a Keyboard and Cheap Joystick setup for a whole year.

I'm sitting here thinking: "What the f**k do I do with all these buttons?"

This thing will take a while to get used to.
28 Dec 2015, 11:24pm
RosomondWhat music do you guys listen to while playing? I am sure we all stopped listening to the game soundtrack a long time ago because we just couldn't bare to be disappointed anymore.

Radio Sidewinder

SynthorianSo I just got an X-55 Rhino after using a Keyboard and Cheap Joystick setup for a whole year.

I'm sitting here thinking: "What the f**k do I do with all these buttons?"

This thing will take a while to get used to.

That looks pretty sweet. I'd get chaff, heatsink, jump, lights, cargo hatch and landing gear keyed ASAP.
28 Dec 2015, 11:24pm
I am SO jealous.
28 Dec 2015, 11:25pm
SynthorianSo I just got an X-55 Rhino after using a Keyboard and Cheap Joystick setup for a whole year.


I'm sitting here thinking: "What the f**k do I do with all these buttons?"

This thing will take a while to get used to.

That's beautiful. I have the CH HOTAS (Fighterstick and Pro Throttle). Basically you can have it so the only time you use the m&kb is for typing locations on the minimap (I actually only use the mouse when browsing systems on the open map and system map). Everything else (EVERYTHTHING, including logging on and off from the main menu) you can do through the HOTAS.
28 Dec 2015, 11:40pm
OliviaVesperaThat looks pretty sweet. I'd get chaff, heatsink, jump, lights, cargo hatch and landing gear keyed ASAP.

I was thinking just that.

Nova CassidyI am SO jealous.

One of my wingmen called me a rich bastard for buying the thing on a whim. I could smell the jealousy from here.

OzramThat's beautiful. I have the CH HOTAS (Fighterstick and Pro Throttle). Basically you can have it so the only time you use the m&kb is for typing locations on the minimap (I actually only use the mouse when browsing systems on the open map and system map). Everything else (EVERYTHTHING, including logging on and off from the main menu) you can do through the HOTAS.

Configuring this beast will be a nightmare, I'll need to use my Friday off to mess around with the controls to get the best setup, and get used to using it.

But the biggest problem right now is that it doesn't fit properly on my desk, and I have to rest the throttle on my lap for it to be usable. Time for a new desk, me thinks.
28 Dec 2015, 11:56pm
Hey gang. New user here. Love the system so far. Just wanted to say keep up the good work.

I'm an explorer by trade, and just getting myself hooked into the systems here. Where's the best place to put stupid questions? And is there a how-to introductory kind of tutorial anyplace?

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