Elite: Game talk

05 Sep 2024, 7:32pm
That would fit with my Thargoids as Ecological Conservators theory
05 Sep 2024, 7:34pm
What if the Guardians are/were the Thargoids and its all just a culture war between the Electrotechs and OrganiTechs
05 Sep 2024, 7:37pm
This theory hinges on the not very hinged point that some Guardians just randomly) decided to turn themselves into ammonia-based organisms, which… I really don’t think happened, and is also not very logical if you were to ask me.
05 Sep 2024, 7:37pm
Miner WillyWhat if the Guardians are/were the Thargoids and its all just a culture war between the Electrotechs and OrganiTechs

one of the actual possible theories that could in fact turn out to be true
05 Sep 2024, 7:46pm
This whole discussion of hypotheticals is really making me want ground combat with Thargoids even more.
05 Sep 2024, 7:48pm
I’d prefer the “Thargoids watch over the galaxy” angle, but maybe without the part where they decide to thoroughly bash humans into stardust.

… we are yet to find out what the whole abduction thing was for but knowing Frontier they will either do nothing with it or do the predictable thing instead of it being part of a Thargoid plan to leave some humans alive for… whatever the aftermath of this might have been. Or still will be, depending on how things go from here (right now this week has the looks of another boring one).
05 Sep 2024, 7:50pm
Thargoids never developed pickle technology, unlike Humans and Guardians. The Guardian/Thargoid war was over the Thargy's trying to get pickle recipes before all guardians turned themselves into sentient machines without the need for pickles. This is why Thargy attacks on human controlled systems seem to lack strategy. They are more concerned with finding a pickle recipe than obliterating the enemy. Unfortunatley, if civil communications could be established with the Thargy's, thir term for pickle would be loosely translated into "We want your juicy insides, human. They taste good."
05 Sep 2024, 7:53pm
Then they should ask me, I would tell them pickles, cucumbers and that other similar-looking green thing are disgusting.

Also not edible to Thargoids anyway.
05 Sep 2024, 10:14pm
Kasumi Goto Also not edible to Thargoids anyway.

Pickles are the universal food, edible by all, and will bring peace to all species, but I would expect a pickle denier to discount the cosmic significance of the humble pickle. Don't worry, though. Pickle believers bear no ill will against non-believers and wish them no harm. Well, at least as long as no one threatens the supply of pickles, then they go all crazy like kung-fu cocaine monkeys with nunchakus.
05 Sep 2024, 10:30pm
05 Sep 2024, 11:17pm
Which break immediately on impact. First impact.

And my dislike of pickles is sufficient that I will stay away from any source but will not actively seek out to destroy them. However, I am convinced the Thargoids are not very interested in them. The resemblance to meta-alloys is only, barely, in color.
06 Sep 2024, 3:48am
I will gladly fight for whichever side will pay.

... and then I'll switch sides to ensure my reputation stays close to neutral for both sides.
(That's how I do ground CZs too. Hehe.)
06 Sep 2024, 3:51am
I don't think the Thargoids have credits to pay you with. And anything they might provide you with could either just be totally useless to humans or so exotic everybody will trip over their feet to make the best offer.

(And you'd probably have every thief in the galaxy after you as well.)
06 Sep 2024, 3:55am
...or so caustic that you'll die. :p
06 Sep 2024, 4:06pm
I meant in the Great Pickle War that was brewing. haha

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