Elite: Game talk

25 Dec 2015, 6:02pm
That goes without saying
25 Dec 2015, 10:24pm
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!!!
27 Dec 2015, 12:17am
Took some time off. Does Inara have planetary stations listed? Any Horizons features It doesn't have? Any issues I should be aware of using Inara in Horizons?
27 Dec 2015, 11:20am
xREESExTook some time off. Does Inara have planetary stations listed? Any Horizons features It doesn't have? Any issues I should be aware of using Inara in Horizons?

All important Horizons features are here, including planetary stations (but as it is lot of new stations, these are still added as discovered or coming via EDDN). No known issues so far.
27 Dec 2015, 7:50pm
Whenever I launch a limpet, especially collector limpets, the first one I launch always grabs one item and then expires. But the second one I launch works fine. Does anyone else have this problem?
27 Dec 2015, 7:52pm
RosomondWhenever I launch a limpet, especially collector limpets, the first one I launch always grabs one item and then expires. But the second one I launch works fine. Does anyone else have this problem?

Did you targeted the item before launching the limpet? if you target something, the limpet will grab the targeted one and expire, if you don't target anything, it will grab all items in the vicinity.
27 Dec 2015, 7:52pm
Mila Strelok
RosomondWhenever I launch a limpet, especially collector limpets, the first one I launch always grabs one item and then expires. But the second one I launch works fine. Does anyone else have this problem?

Did you targeted the item before launching the limpet? if you target something, the limpet will grab the targeted one and expire, if you don't target anything, it will grab all items in the vicinity.

Did not know that. Thanks!
27 Dec 2015, 10:05pm
Does anyone know what weapons would be best in the class 4 slots of a corvette. Every time I have c4 cannons I can never get a good shot but when I use c3 pulse I get lots of opportunities where the cannons would hit.
27 Dec 2015, 11:21pm
Nathanc213Does anyone know what weapons would be best in the class 4 slots of a corvette. Every time I have c4 cannons I can never get a good shot but when I use c3 pulse I get lots of opportunities where the cannons would hit.

Either fixed Plasmas or Railguns. Gimballed Cannons just don't really work with the position they are placed in on the Corvette.
28 Dec 2015, 5:12am
Nathanc213Does anyone know what weapons would be best in the class 4 slots of a corvette. Every time I have c4 cannons I can never get a good shot but when I use c3 pulse I get lots of opportunities where the cannons would hit.

Using there 2 3-class turreted beams.
28 Dec 2015, 7:42am
Nathanc213Does anyone know what weapons would be best in the class 4 slots of a corvette. Every time I have c4 cannons I can never get a good shot but when I use c3 pulse I get lots of opportunities where the cannons would hit.

Either fixed Plasmas or Railguns. Gimballed Cannons just don't really work with the position they are placed in on the Corvette.

I probably should have said I was using fixed cannons, whats the heat like with he PAs because the haz res im at is orbiting a brown dwarf so my ships runs about 10-15% hotter than normal
28 Dec 2015, 11:14am
Nathanc213Does anyone know what weapons would be best in the class 4 slots of a corvette. Every time I have c4 cannons I can never get a good shot but when I use c3 pulse I get lots of opportunities where the cannons would hit.

Either fixed Plasmas or Railguns. Gimballed Cannons just don't really work with the position they are placed in on the Corvette.

I probably should have said I was using fixed cannons, whats the heat like with he PAs because the haz res im at is orbiting a brown dwarf so my ships runs about 10-15% hotter than normal

In that case I would suggest railguns, as they run much cooler than PAs, if you want PAs either way, then just plaster your ship with heat sinks. You will have to do a lot of power management though.
28 Dec 2015, 11:18am
Nathanc213Does anyone know what weapons would be best in the class 4 slots of a corvette. Every time I have c4 cannons I can never get a good shot but when I use c3 pulse I get lots of opportunities where the cannons would hit.

Either fixed Plasmas or Railguns. Gimballed Cannons just don't really work with the position they are placed in on the Corvette.

I probably should have said I was using fixed cannons, whats the heat like with he PAs because the haz res im at is orbiting a brown dwarf so my ships runs about 10-15% hotter than normal

In that case I would suggest railguns, as they run much cooler than PAs, if you want PAs either way, then just plaster your ship with heat sinks. You will have to do a lot of power management though.

Ok thanks, ive used railguns before on my asp but never thought to use them on my corvette or conda
28 Dec 2015, 2:14pm
I've been reading the thread Artie linked to in his New Year's message. The "isolationist" crowd has me scratching my head.
28 Dec 2015, 3:10pm
[quote=Kurotama]I've been reading the thread Artie linked to in his New Year's message. The "isolationist" crowd has me scratching my head. [img]/js/sce/emoticons/getlost.png[/


My ship, in 3301, ought to contain a lot more info than it does. MSFS provides more information for their Cessna than FD does for my DBS. Since all the information is in the game, I'm really unclear on the statements by others that using 3rd-Party apps is cheating and violates the 'spirit' of the game. I would be willing to bet if the info was in the ship the isolationists would be the first ones using it--I sincerely doubt they are going to ignore it and continue to blindly fly around 200 systems trying to remember where a rare commodity is or a specific ship part--it just seems counterintuitive. At the end of the day, we pay our own money to play the way we want, right? I quit reading the forums a while back because it was all just people wanting to impose their style on everyone else. If a player doesn't want a 3rd party app, cool, don't use it but don't tell me how to play or call me a cheater because I prefer a more productive use of my session time than flying 150LY off course because I miss-remembered where a ship part is located.

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