Elite: Game talk

09 Jan 2016, 9:01pm
Anyone joining Distant Worlds expedition?
10 Jan 2016, 3:28am
Jack, if I remember right there were two separate events one delivering the fireworks and another turning in bountys, I was active in the bounty collecting side for one day and got into the 40 percent for 800,000 credits hope that helps.
10 Jan 2016, 3:32am
Question: A lot of people are putting 3 letters in front of their ship's name; like SLS, FSS, etc. I was wondering what those letters stand for to you.
10 Jan 2016, 5:22am
If anyone wants to know why a player that's playing a role of a pirate just shoots you no scan or trying to get you to drop cargo its because everyone just decide oh I will just shut my game off. sixth time today roam the universe looking for cmdr send a message I will let them go if they drop their cargo and arnt wanted and boom disconnect, a lot of fun so now just gonna start shooting that will be much funner.
10 Jan 2016, 5:44am
Then they'll just disconnect anyway. Good luck being a griefer.
10 Jan 2016, 5:55am
I just got my first asp explorer and was wondering what makes it worth almost 7mil? its max cargo is almost the same as a type 6, and a few extra hard points don't seem enough to justify the price tag. not salty lol just curious if I should maybe trade it in for something else.
10 Jan 2016, 5:55am
Pirating isn't griefing... Jolly Roger if they dc, record it and send it to Frontier.
10 Jan 2016, 6:00am
MoarDanI just got my first asp explorer and was wondering what makes it worth almost 7mil? its max cargo is almost the same as a type 6, and a few extra hard points don't seem enough to justify the price tag. not salty lol just curious if I should maybe trade it in for something else.

The bang for buck on the Asp is it's insane Jump Range.
It's called Explorer for a reason.

IMHO, It is absolutely one of the best ships in the game.

If you ever decide to go exploring the universe, you have the ship for job.
10 Jan 2016, 6:35am
DracoChojiPirating isn't griefing... Jolly Roger if they dc, record it and send it to Frontier.

No, pirating isn't griefing. Killing people unannounced is, which is what he petulantly threatened to do.
10 Jan 2016, 1:59pm
XeknosThen they'll just disconnect anyway. Good luck being a griefer.

If one plays the role of a pirate and asks for your cargo, whether under conditions or not, that is not griefing. Some pirates give a warning (stand and deliver) or they shoot. A griefer is one who intentionally under the spirit of ruining others play, destroys ships or otherwise disrupts other players for no other reason than to ruin the session. There is no rule in the game that I am aware of that says a pirate must announce their intentions. Camping and destroying empty ships, starter ships, etc., with no cargo, no bounty, etc. It is about the intent. If one is a trader it is assumed risk that you will be interdicted. As a trader, I accept the risk. Sure, it is frustrating and we can argue all day about needing better armor or weapons on traders but it is a risk. The player that operates outside the 'spirit' of the game whether employing cheats, or on the other end, blowing up ships for no financial or rep gain might be seen as griefers. Still others say, well I'm a psycho-berserker and my MO is just killing for killing, so I'm not a griefer. It is an argument without a lot of agreement in the end--there are as many opinions as complaints. I do object strenuously, to those that log when they know they are beat--that is just as much griefing as the other examples. This is all of course, my opinion. BTW, I'm a trader and a BH. I've been interdicted by priates and yeah, it is frustrating, and I have to calculate my odds and decide to stand or flee. I will not drop cargo for anyone ever. I've found if one has excellent pilot and combat skills one can generally survive in interdiction one way or another. There isn't a need to log, logging indicates a lazy pilot with poor piloting and reasoning skills, again, my opinion.
10 Jan 2016, 2:21pm
Jack Dekerdt
XeknosThen they'll just disconnect anyway. Good luck being a griefer.

If one plays the role of a pirate and asks for your cargo, whether under conditions or not, that is not griefing. Some pirates give a warning (stand and deliver) or they shoot. A griefer is one who intentionally under the spirit of ruining others play, destroys ships or otherwise disrupts other players for no other reason than to ruin the session. There is no rule in the game that I am aware of that says a pirate must announce their intentions. Camping and destroying empty ships, starter ships, etc., with no cargo, no bounty, etc. It is about the intent. If one is a trader it is assumed risk that you will be interdicted. As a trader, I accept the risk. Sure, it is frustrating and we can argue all day about needing better armor or weapons on traders but it is a risk. The player that operates outside the 'spirit' of the game whether employing cheats, or on the other end, blowing up ships for no financial or rep gain might be seen as griefers. Still others say, well I'm a psycho-berserker and my MO is just killing for killing, so I'm not a griefer. It is an argument without a lot of agreement in the end--there are as many opinions as complaints. I do object strenuously, to those that log when they know they are beat--that is just as much griefing as the other examples. This is all of course, my opinion. BTW, I'm a trader and a BH. I've been interdicted by priates and yeah, it is frustrating, and I have to calculate my odds and decide to stand or flee. I will not drop cargo for anyone ever. I've found if one has excellent pilot and combat skills one can generally survive in interdiction one way or another. There isn't a need to log, logging indicates a lazy pilot with poor piloting and reasoning skills, again, my opinion.

I remember the SDC blockade of Robigo. They would kill everyone who would jump into the system. THAT is not how you do a blockade.

Scan their cargo holds for unwanted materials, damn it!
10 Jan 2016, 2:33pm
Just need to tell every person thats new to apply to Mobius or some other Wing/ Clan with Private Servers where you can fly safely, away from all those who have no other intent then to ruin your day. There's no respect from me for whatever excuse one comes up with to do so, even if just roleplaying being a Pirate. Just my 2 cents.
10 Jan 2016, 2:43pm
This is always disputable. I personally do not play in Open not because I am afraid of human pirates (in opposite - I see it as a nice activity which makes pirating more a "living thing" than generic NPCs, if made right and not used just as an excuse to kill someone), but because you may meet the griefers and simply just bored idiots there (and this is not mean against Jolly Roger or Jack ), shooting Sidewinders in their Anacondas just because they can. I have nothing against PvP in MMO games, but I want to do PvP just when I want to (like CQC or mutual agreement between players), not because someone force me into it. If these targets of piracy has the similar attitude and they even do not want to be pirated, they shouldn't play in Open (there is PvE only group like Mobius) instead of logging out. In opposite it is true that Open is more live with more players in it, which may be one of the reasons they are playing rather there (or they simply do not know about Mobius, etc.). From that points of view I understand both camps, those logging out and also pirates suffering by that behavior which may lead to "shoot on sight" instead of decent piracy, despite the fact it may force people outside the Open or logging out even often than before. It's an endless circle of causes and consequences.

I still think that official PvE only mode would be great (but then it needs some different pirating and bounty hunting mechanics there as it is obvious that PvP part of it is important). It may help to "standardize" behaviour and everyone will know what to expect.

Last edit: 10 Jan 2016, 2:49pm
10 Jan 2016, 3:20pm
ArtieThis is always disputable. I personally do not play in Open not because I am afraid of human pirates (in opposite - I see it as a nice activity which makes pirating more a "living thing" than generic NPCs, if made right and not used just as an excuse to kill someone), but because you may meet the griefers and simply just bored idiots there (and this is not mean against Jolly Roger or Jack ), shooting Sidewinders in their Anacondas just because they can. I have nothing against PvP in MMO games, but I want to do PvP just when I want to (like CQC or mutual agreement between players), not because someone force me into it. If these targets of piracy has the similar attitude and they even do not want to be pirated, they shouldn't play in Open (there is PvE only group like Mobius) instead of logging out. In opposite it is true that Open is more live with more players in it, which may be one of the reasons they are playing rather there (or they simply do not know about Mobius, etc.). From that points of view I understand both camps, those logging out and also pirates suffering by that behavior which may lead to "shoot on sight" instead of decent piracy, despite the fact it may force people outside the Open or logging out even often than before. It's an endless circle of causes and consequences.

I still think that official PvE only mode would be great (but then it needs some different pirating and bounty hunting mechanics there as it is obvious that PvP part of it is important). It may help to "standardize" behaviour and everyone will know what to expect.

I agree. 1) In SOLO, my experience anyway, NPC AI doesn't seem to differentiate between an empty hold, a full hold, or gold vs. bio-poop. In OPEN, again my experience, MOST pirates (humans...) are able to reason out the value between gold and poopy diapers...it isn't worth their time to mess with you. I prefer SOLO generally because I am tired at the end of the day and I want to enjoy myself without some 12-year old who didn't pay for my gaming experience telling me how to play or worse, coming after my empty T6 'cause it's fun to blow sh*t up.' Having said that, I do like jumping into OPEN for BH ops because I find flying against people so much more interesting, in the sense, that, I enjoy pursuing those same 12-year olds who really can't fly against a pilot that knows what he/she is doing. SOLO would be amazing if FD would tune up the AI. By that I don't mean just doubling the number of interdictions, lol, which is what they seem to do, rather than invest in more intelligent AI.
10 Jan 2016, 3:48pm
Well just to be clear, I in no way was looking to ruin anyones day and or grief them I simply hunt bounties and if I see a chance to get some cargo then I take it but as of yet still have not shot a single round at a player target. By the time I announce my intentions and pull them out of hyperdrive and get out and run my scanner they disconnect so the fun in that is over I guess. Just wish people would play the game, as someone else said I guess theres no right or wrong but I guess I will just continue on my original path and maybe one day I will run into a CMDR that will stay and play the game. The way I always seen it was if you don't want interaction with other players to play in solo mode or on a private group but maybe I was wrong. Keep on flying and I appreciate all your responses that helped me decide how to move on.

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