Elite: Game talk

23 Aug 2024, 3:32pm
MeowersIf referring to naval terms is correct, then the whole line of ship classes is missing. Okay, we have corvette-class ships, represented, literally, by the Corvette. Then, the Cutter maybe falls into the same category, being relatively similar. No destroyers, cruisers, frigates, etc., none of that, just a jump straight to battlecruisers. With only one type of them per side. Okay, I got it, that's a game about smaller vessels which can be normally operated by a single pilot, so maybe having such a variety of larger ships is unnecessary, and creating dozens of new ship models isn't something Frontier capable of (anymore, lol), but... It'd be funny to see their... Attempts, maybe. :p

My first, possibly oversimplified thought, is to reskin starports and make them undockable. If they need to move, do it during an update like they did with the rescue ships.

I remember that waaay back in the day we RPers in Star Wars Galaxies could make temporary mods by reassigning skins and sharing the mod files with others. So, you could turn a flower pot decoration into a ruined building and it would inherit all the size and collision properties of the ruined building. Just be sure to disable the mod after in game RP was done, or every damn flower pot model in the game would be rendered as a ruined building.
23 Aug 2024, 8:53pm
Vasil VasilescuMy first, possibly oversimplified thought, is to reskin starports and make them undockable. If they need to move, do it during an update like they did with the rescue ships.
Still includes a lot of modelling. Even in the FDev 'minimal effort' way of one model per one 'class' as they did with Odyssey toy pew pew sticks, and even there several classes are missing.

In short: it's a flop, but I'd like to see them trying once more. :p
24 Aug 2024, 10:00am
BeetchleAnyone else's game been rendered unplayable since the update like mine? All I get is a screen that's about 80% red.
I submitted a support request last week but have heard nothing back as yet.

It will be "investigated", probably you will even see the result.
24 Aug 2024, 7:57pm
". . . 80% red . . . ".
Had one short flash of it durring a transition screen. Maybe a shader glitch?
28 Aug 2024, 9:55am
Today is a big day for me.

Firstly, I was the first person to set foot on a planet today, namely NGC 1999 Sector IC-U b3-0 2, where I was even able to mine some minerals. Even though it took me almost an hour to get my SVR back on board afterwards, I'm pretty proud to be in the elite history books forever.

Secondly, this has apparently put me in the top 100k in the Inara ranking, which makes me no less proud.

I know for most of you this is absolutely unexciting, but me little noob is happy to have reached an essential goal in the game.
28 Aug 2024, 10:22am
Ain't we all little noobs one way or another...
28 Aug 2024, 10:30am
MeowersAin't we all little noobs one way or another...

txs for this sweet support
28 Aug 2024, 12:06pm
Ralph ThumToday is a big day for me.

Firstly, I was the first person to set foot on a planet today, namely NGC 1999 Sector IC-U b3-0 2, where I was even able to mine some minerals. Even though it took me almost an hour to get my SVR back on board afterwards, I'm pretty proud to be in the elite history books forever.

Secondly, this has apparently put me in the top 100k in the Inara ranking, which makes me no less proud.

I know for most of you this is absolutely unexciting, but me little noob is happy to have reached an essential goal in the game.

That is exciting! I hear ya! First time I had first footfall, I felt like I should make a quote like Neil Armstrong. Then plant a flag or something there. Heh heh!
28 Aug 2024, 12:33pm
Joxilb 8Q

That is exciting! I hear ya! First time I had first footfall, I felt like I should make a quote like Neil Armstrong. Then plant a flag or something there. Heh heh!

Nice idea, let's see what Photoshop comes up with.
28 Aug 2024, 1:48pm
Just take care not to explode on your way to turn in all of that sweet chartography data, otherwise it is all lost.
28 Aug 2024, 6:07pm
new explorer ship is.. goofy
28 Aug 2024, 8:33pm
Vasil VasilescuJust take care not to explode on your way to turn in all of that sweet chartography data, otherwise it is all lost.

Yes, this has happened to me a few times on previous, shorter trips, this time it would be pretty awful as I'm on my way back from the Orion Nebula. So thanks for the reminder.
29 Aug 2024, 12:44am
I almost crashed my biggest exploration trip (in terms of earnings but also distance, I'm pretty sure), while it was also my first one, through inattention approaching a .5G planet.

But quick reflexes in hitting the shield pips to max "only" made me look at about 44% hull once I bounced off the surface. Startled but not deterred, I ended up heading to the nearest DSSA carrier (and landed at a couple of planets on the way, much more carefully), finding the Zurara megaship* there because it was in the Formidine Rift, and then carried on for another few ten thousand light years before turning back around.

I also carry a repair limpet controller on the ship since. And at least keep a side eye on what my ship is doing as I close in on a planet, instead of realizing the throttle is at full and I am hurtling toward a planet at over 500 m/s, a few hundred meters from the surface. Going to remain curious about the newest upcoming and exploration-dedicated ship.

*See below, but beware spoilers if you continue to read. Or just copy the system name and go have a look there yourself. You may or may not regret the rabbit hole of conspiracies it may lead you down, however.

Last edit: 29 Aug 2024, 4:00am
29 Aug 2024, 3:16am
Vasil VasilescuJust take care not to explode on your way to turn in all of that sweet chartography data, otherwise it is all lost.

Yeah. Thargoids got me twice and I lost it all. At least now they are pinined in in small areas.
29 Aug 2024, 5:00am
Rayman.new explorer ship is.. goofy

I kind of like the look of it, personally. I think the name is odd; perhaps "Naga" or "Naja" would have been a better (shorter) fit with the snake names, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As far as the ship itself, I'm looking forward to any information about its stats and potential module slots. (I want to see if it can actually beat my longest jump Anaconda.) On the other hand, the cockpit does not look as enjoyable for exploration as an Asp X.

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