Elite: Game talk

12 Aug 2024, 2:00pm
Silver Taffer
Ralph ThumUpdate: I found the Inter Astra Bureau at the station and was able to have my ship picked up........But I believe or hope that nobody else is as stupid as I was.

Sorry to disillusion you in your hopeful belief, but I fear I also excel in stoopidity on occasion.

Ok, I have to admit that I kind of liked the idea of me being the clumsiest in the galaxy; but I'll continue working on it.
12 Aug 2024, 3:50pm
Ralph Thum Ok, I have to admit that I kind of liked the idea of me being the clumsiest in the galaxy; but I'll continue working on it.

You have not lived until accidentally boost-slamming into a high gravity planet. Very fast way to land...in several pieces.
12 Aug 2024, 5:56pm
Vasil Vasilescu
Ralph Thum Ok, I have to admit that I kind of liked the idea of me being the clumsiest in the galaxy; but I'll continue working on it.

You have not lived until accidentally boost-slamming into a high gravity planet. Very fast way to land...in several pieces.

Sounds interesting!
13 Aug 2024, 1:21am
But you don't need to. It's actually possible to land on those planets, and it doesn't even take a special ship.
13 Aug 2024, 3:47am
The key word is accidental here. I don’t think you are going to boost toward such a planet while attempting a routine landing.
13 Aug 2024, 9:40am
SakashiroBut you don't need to. It's actually possible to land on those planets, and it doesn't even take a special ship.

Ya, but we can! Sometimes it's just the attraction of doing stupid things that you know beforehand won't work, but let's see how it turns out. My ex-wife would confirm that without reservation
13 Aug 2024, 9:21pm
I've been wondering about adding a fighter to my small fleet but it's funny how unlike trading, mining, even exploration, it's kinda hard to find a tool for setting up a fighter if you don't know what you're doing.

Apart from the basic "workings" of each weapon I still haven't the foggiest how they actually work and I feel I'd end up with useless weapons that just sound cool
14 Aug 2024, 3:15am
Thanks a million! That definitely gets me started yeah
15 Aug 2024, 8:18am
Let's friggin' go!
15 Aug 2024, 11:24am
Meanwhile, GalNet is incapable of deciding whether Pranav succeeded or failed so he is doing both right now, and it is infinitely more entertaining than this shitty Titan turkey shoot that has lost all but the barest semblance of narrative relevance.

… yes, I’m still cranky about it and will be until the story that is behind the existence of the invasion in the first place, returns. Or at the very least until Frontier’s dog-tier writing comes out of the hole that literally makes an enemy sit there waiting for their capital ships to get exploded with literally no real attempts at avoiding that fate in any sort of noticeable or sensible way occurring. For six months. Urgh.
15 Aug 2024, 2:17pm
Kasumi GotoMeanwhile, GalNet is incapable of deciding whether Pranav succeeded or failed so he is doing both right now, and it is infinitely more entertaining than this shitty Titan turkey shoot that has lost all but the barest semblance of narrative relevance.

… yes, I’m still cranky about it and will be until the story that is behind the existence of the invasion in the first place, returns. Or at the very least until Frontier’s dog-tier writing comes out of the hole that literally makes an enemy sit there waiting for their capital ships to get exploded with literally no real attempts at avoiding that fate in any sort of noticeable or sensible way occurring. For six months. Urgh.

And it was not that one CG succeeded and one failed?
15 Aug 2024, 2:20pm
Yes, but well, two published articles make no distinction. Either total failure or total success.
15 Aug 2024, 3:11pm
In the simworld of the simguru, all you have to do is change what constitutes a simsuccess. It is that simple.
15 Aug 2024, 3:15pm
Well game GalNet claims it was a total failure because of course Frontier just copy-paste 90% of the article without reflecting any of the partial success. And it wasn't exactly down to the players when they basically forced the outcome by making the requirements of the data delivery side completely excessive, for being asked G3 materials.

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