Elite: Game talk

08 Jan 2016, 3:33am
09 Jan 2016, 1:53am
So I just tried to upload a couple screenshots I took recently but it's saying that the file is too large? I don't know if there's someplace that I've got to go to resize these before uploading them?
09 Jan 2016, 6:25am
Jace FaolanSo I just tried to upload a couple screenshots I took recently but it's saying that the file is too large? I don't know if there's someplace that I've got to go to resize these before uploading them?

I use Imgur, you can store, resize, and it provides various links and formats for posting your pics to forums, etc.
09 Jan 2016, 7:07am
You can also do it yourself, I use Photoshop but there is free image manipulation software.
Like GIMP .

Maybe a bit more of a complex solution, but worth learning.
09 Jan 2016, 10:02am
looking for some advice...my main ship is the viper 4...I still have  the viper 3 ..whats a good ship to start mining with...is it worth setting up the viper 3 as a mining ship for awhile or buying a different ship...I have 600k atm :-)

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2016, 11:36am
09 Jan 2016, 10:18am
AnsonUK, don't mine.  Unless you have a particular dedication to the trade (if so, fair enough).  It's simply not worth the time invested vs. profit.  My opinion only though.  If you are dedicated toward mining then the Python is your ultimate goal.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2016, 11:36am
09 Jan 2016, 10:29am
If you're super dead set on mining, you could probably set up an Adder for a decent price.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2016, 11:36am
09 Jan 2016, 10:44am
ok..will stick to bounty hunting and exploring, I just need the advanced scanner lol

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2016, 11:36am
09 Jan 2016, 10:59am
Nah dude.  You don't.

Exploration, PVP, Trade.  All of that you need specific load outs.  If your goal is money? Trade.

If you don't care about the "quick"?  You can literally play the game however you want.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2016, 11:36am
09 Jan 2016, 11:15am
CavanNah dude. You don't.

Exploration, PVP, Trade. All of that you need specific load outs. If your goal is money? Trade.

If you don't care about the "quick"? You can literally play the game however you want.

Since Horizons, and FD's insistence on pilots getting to know surface activities, frankly, I find it quite difficult to meet BB missions requiring landing at surface ports without an advanced scanner. Especially on the multi-part missions they are certainly time-saving IMHO.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2016, 11:36am
09 Jan 2016, 11:28am
Jack Dekerdt
CavanNah dude. You don't.

Exploration, PVP, Trade. All of that you need specific load outs. If your goal is money? Trade.

If you don't care about the "quick"? You can literally play the game however you want.

Since Horizons, and FD's insistence on pilots getting to know surface activities, frankly, I find it quite difficult to meet BB missions requiring landing at surface ports without an advanced scanner. Especially on the multi-part missions they are certainly time-saving IMHO.

it can be a proper pain in the asp if you forget to equip 1 when running lots of missions.. sod's law, you will need it for the the 1st short clock mission, with no time to spare lol..

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2016, 11:36am
09 Jan 2016, 12:32pm
Jack Dekerdt
CavanNah dude. You don't.

Exploration, PVP, Trade. All of that you need specific load outs. If your goal is money? Trade.

If you don't care about the "quick"? You can literally play the game however you want.

Since Horizons, and FD's insistence on pilots getting to know surface activities, frankly, I find it quite difficult to meet BB missions requiring landing at surface ports without an advanced scanner. Especially on the multi-part missions they are certainly time-saving IMHO.

it can be a proper pain in the asp if you forget to equip 1 when running lots of missions.. sod's law, you will need it for the the 1st short clock mission, with no time to spare lol..

Preach on, my friend, preach on...
09 Jan 2016, 12:39pm
So, I got around to collecting my pay for the Cheret's CG (it is 200LY+ from my AO, so I wasn't in a hurry). In addition to the pay it mentioned 'global awards' but I am not sure what those are and a quick Google din't spell it out. Someone enlighten me, please and thanks.
09 Jan 2016, 3:31pm
Galactic Base Jumping Open Final - Njokujinun System - Sunday

Date: 10th January 3302, 14 00 UTC/GMT

What will you be signing up for, so you have a pretty good idea, we have video:


Competitors will find the event mountain for this year's Galactic Base Jumping Open Final - Njokujinun System , Planet 1. Location is planet side at Lat -13 Long -128. Emergency and First Aid is located at Nyberg Vision Station in low orbit.

The following message is preceeded by this basic warning, you might blow up doing any or all of the activities procrastinated, demonstrated or otherwise alluded to in this post. Bounties and Powerplay Merits will be lost if this happens. You have been warned, cash your cheques

So, I have surveyed the location for Jumps tommorow, Geo Stationary and Solar Wind conditions look favorable, Equipment is readily available at all 3 stations in system.

We have Prize Credits. The winner is decided by a panel of 3 Judges based on points in the 4 events/points eligable areas:

Best Crash (if you fail to crash for any reason but score well in the other 3 areas, then you will win bonus points, this is a wildcard category)
Longest Freefall (landed, and alive)
Best Base Jump (can include tricks for extra style)
Place in the Downhill Race.

Jumps will be recorded should a Judges Enquiry be needed and most likely available on YouTube or Twitch, subject to Internet Weather.

Could all interested competitors drop me a message on Inara or in game with your in game name AND apply to the following Private Group in-game PeachSlicesV . We will form up at 2pm outside Nyberg Vision in Private Group and perform the nessesary parachute and safety briefings.

Feel free to bring your friends to participate, they must be in the private group to take part in the Main event. This is a faction free event. You might even get to say "Hi" to some adversaries, we are mostly adults and kick is always available.

Instructions: Buy one (or 2 or 3) of the Planetary Vehicle Hanger and buy the SRV for the slots in the Star Port, Nyberg Vision 2ls (!) off surface and practically geo stationary:

A Cobra Mark III can fit 2 without further upgrades (2 SRV each) for a meagre 600k, and you only spend 30k on the 10% ship sale. Maximum fun minumum cost.

Almost any ship will do, dont forget your planetary approach suite, if you took it off for any reason.

Then just drop down to surface find a nice spot with a steep bit, get yourself to a drop off and BOOOOOOOOOST!

Refill SRV's at the station. Repeat and Stir.

Good luck and see you Nyberg Vision 2pm UTC/GMT.

Last edit: 09 Jan 2016, 3:37pm
09 Jan 2016, 5:08pm
PeachSlicesVGalactic Base Jumping Open Final - Njokujinun System - Sunday

Date: 10th January 3302, 14 00 UTC/GMT

What will you be signing up for, so you have a pretty good idea, we have video:



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