Elite: Game talk

30 Jul 2024, 4:07am
MeowersHope to catch an 'inactive NPCs' bug as well to blast them right off the landing pads, and get rich, and very very bored, overnight.

Shhhh! If we speak about it, they might patch it. (LOL. I know, not going to happen, but I still like to joke that it must stay an unspoken secret.)
30 Jul 2024, 4:14am
Ah, no worries. If they do, it will only bring more funny bugs. :p
30 Jul 2024, 10:02am
Kasumi Goto
A prismatic shield at size 7 is heavy. Some of my loadouts also require a max size power distributor or power plant to work as I intend them to, so I haven't bothered doing any kind of component stripping, which would require engineering them and finding the required module storage, for a benefit I don't feel I need.

But if you're into this kind of min maxing, well, it's not like I'll stop you from it.

Funny, it seems to me that you're writing on pure assumption: My fit seems to be working for me since I keep making progresses in CZ at a rate of 1/2% every two days, plus if you haven't tried and gone through the same process, all you can do is assuming and talking about unknown.

There's a difference of 1/2 M/s in Speed and Boost speed between a Class 2D FSD and the stock Class 6A (-39 tons), so there are gains even with a corvette, you just don't know about it.

Something else, in my test reports I specified that gains can also be about onset rather than sheer figures, since the game's flight envelops are based on physics and inertia, acceleration/mass are part of it. One might not notice a change in terms of axis rate figures, it still will play in terms of maneuverability, particularly in the Throttle axis since there is no atmosphere in space and drag to counter.

It's pretty simple, to reach a top rate in any axis, you need to accelerate from 0 or other value and even 1% will alter the onset. Feel free to ignore facts and not bothering, just don't try to lecture me on stuff you know nothing about since you don't even bother trying. Cheers.

Last edit: 30 Jul 2024, 11:22am
30 Jul 2024, 10:10am
I think you’re going a bit far in assuming that I claim for there to be no benefits… which I didn’t. Of course there are, I just wouldn’t consider them worth it. An active night of running high (orbital) CZs in my Corvette with its “heavy” loadout (at least it would be compared to figures you’ve mentioned), could still get me some 7% progress from Deadly to Elite, so it works just as well.

Player’s choice, and it’s perfectly fine like that. You want to lightweight components and it works for you, but it wouldn’t for me (nor do I want it)… I also occasionally take bounty hunting missions against pirates for one reason or another, so having the ability to jump a limited distance… kind of useful. If you go hunting signals in the mission system or find a res site there.
30 Jul 2024, 11:51am
If weight is a concern Thinder, are you still rocking those E grade core modules? Going to D would make a big difference.

As for Prasmatics, IMHO they are only optimal for PvP or an armoured cargo ship. Both situations would hope to be single engagements and a quick recharge back at port.

For PvE stuff you can tank a lot more damage with Bi-Weave over an extended period of time (bounty hunting and CZs).

If I took your Deep Blue ship I could increase your absolute shield values by 23% instead of relying so heavily on resistence values which have diminishing returns after the first couple. Recharge time (50% back to 100%) goes from over 20mins to 5 1/2mins. So in the time you recharged from 1300 damage (about 1600 when factoring in the extra resistances your current build has) I could have taken and recharged over 6500 damage.... oh, and I'd be 80 tons lighter as well.

Plasma weapons deal absolute damage, so your build would also be more vulnerable to them.

Everyone is free to play things their own way, and after all these years I still learn new stuff, so please take this feedback as it is intended, just trying to help. Some things are more fun found out in game, you don't need to follow the meta. Personally I don't like the FDL, but loads of people say it's the best combat ship. I'm sure they are right, but my experience (more likely my play style/abilities) have come to different conclusions. Go with what works for you.
31 Jul 2024, 12:22pm
This is saying from Hamiota Man "It is impossible to finish tuning your ship, it only could be stopped"
31 Jul 2024, 3:12pm
Aunty Sledge
As for Prasmatics, IMHO they are only optimal for PvP or an armoured cargo ship. Both situations would hope to be single engagements and a quick recharge back at port.

For PvE stuff you can tank a lot more damage with Bi-Weave over an extended period of time (bounty hunting and CZs).

As matter of fact, I have largely switched to running a bi-weave on even my Corvette, albeit with thermal resistant engineering because my brain just likes it as an effect, running 4 heavy duty and 4 res augmented boosters. Don’t have the recharge figures at hand but I’ve never had issues with it in a haz res or when I’ve taken it out into CZs rather than fitting a prismatic…

… but that shield still has its place, like in those rare weapon configurations which really benefit from a weapon focused distributor*. But I would never think of running a C7 biweave on that engineering, it requires two minimum to stay even/slowly charge up the capacitor on the size 8 with charge enhanced/super conduits.

*What are those, you may ask, and one is an all beam laser boat, the other runs two huge plasma accelerators alongside a C3 burst laser and four thermal vent beams (for SCBs). The PAs are long ranged because I think/find that the increased accuracy the higher shot speed provides makes up for the damage bonus lost by not running the ‘Efficient’ blueprint… but that also makes them really hungry on the distributor. And hot, just because class 4 PAs are by default.

The former/beam setup can use the charge enhanced distributor as well, but it runs out pretty quickly when I eventually give in to the temptation to just fire them all at once (and no, they are not long ranged). And since I mentioned SCBs, I just use those if/when I require additional shield power for the prismo (though biweave builds carry them anyway because they are good to have).

But yeah, most of my ships either use a standard shield(in case of explorer-s) or a biweave, with exception to Thargoid evac ships and the Cutter I use if I need/want to move cargo, which also serves as an evacuation ship but I got tired of using it and how terribly sluggish it is in supercruise… so I haven’t done any of that gameplay in a while. (Also not much of a hauler. I considered going for the odd one out with a Corvette as an evac ship but never got around to it and working around its complications.)
31 Jul 2024, 3:42pm
I used bi weave in my explorer builds and in some of my early battle builds until i realized I'm better off with a harder shield with my fighting style and setup. And in exploration what you need is a harder shield to defend the ship from rough landing. Which will going to occur since no planet has the same atmosphere and gravity. And this renders any well practiced landing maneuver into infeasible, it cannot be done out of reflex. So we have to roll with two choice, waste a lot of time with careful landing or take the risk. And I'm not a fan of toiling around so?

BW? Not useless if someone goes after fast regeneration, but i find a good shield with high resistances better.
01 Aug 2024, 8:53am
Thargoids : run out of spire sites around Thor for Orthrus farming

Frontier : “Oh no!” cheese godhands one spire back into Thargoid hands and removes 5 control systems of it elsewhere because god forbid the skill-less clubber crowd does not have a target around the actively attacked Titan, but it makes literally zero sense for the Thargoids to want it back when they literally only lose more systems than they would have by not holding it, and right from the start spires were always just a tool to bash Thargoids for players, with no obvious effect at all for the opposite side

… why do I even still take this war storyline remotely seriously. Oh wait, I haven’t really for most of its rush developments since January-February because it started getting shoved aside for the Power Pissing 2.0 contest then.
01 Aug 2024, 3:50pm
Just imagine: the reactivation of the cleansed spire sites, with the mentioned repurposed inner function, turns out to be some kind of Thargoid equivalent to the Protheus Wave... just bigger. It annihilates part of the bubble, and voila... the future is indeed different for humankind than everyone imagined

Yeah, something like that won't happen, but somehow I remember that it was once said that the future of the bubble will be completely different from what existed before.
01 Aug 2024, 4:03pm
It was said in relation to the P(iss) MKII(thank Meowers), something about "to explore a new galaxy you want new ships"... I cannot discount marketing speak behind that statement.

I've poked around a little and so far it just looks like standard spire site operation to me, in both systems. Seemingly no progress has been registered in either yet but I'm not sure whether that's just down to low activity on Thursday or some other funky stuff going on.

(But maybe the professor making those claims about the spires should fact check - for one, they've been reactivating the sites just fine for months now, and on the other hand, the oddity is that they chose to recapture them in the first place, because last I heard the Thargoids were not reinforcing assaulted spire sites/systems at all, yet they decided to retake these.)

... and if Thor wants to do anything it should probably do it soon, rather than continue to sit there waiting to become target practice.
01 Aug 2024, 4:05pm
Do Thargoids have their own psychopath with overblown ego like Salivation? If they do, then what kind of super-pooper weapon it might be? :p
01 Aug 2024, 4:09pm
Maybe it will just take a little while until they figure out how to make 'Thor's hammer', so that's why you did not register anything unusual yet... I'll be surprised to see how things continue.
01 Aug 2024, 4:41pm
Yeah, I remain doubtful, after nearly 6 months of dull “events” that were only barely story-related in the loosest way possible because the Titans only are/were in the Bubble from prior story events, and it has all just been canned or pushed off to next year so the stupid Powerplay nonsense can be shoved onto people, even if they have absolutely no interest in it.
01 Aug 2024, 10:09pm
The real problem sometimes not the smaller community but the whole picture, but for that things isn't supposed to talk about must be brought to here.
however? The aforementioned still having a lot of choice at some matters, and avoiding a certain mistakes and ideas.

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