Elite: Game talk

08 Jul 2024, 6:28pm
Three times destroyed yesterday and today by cmdr X (call-name known to me) in HIP 20567 at the titan Indra during repair moments (hanging still between the stones at about 15 km from the Titan. In all cases, a Python MK II suddenly appeared about 200-500m behind my ship. Immediate the power output of my powerplant was reduced by more than 80% in one second time, causing almost everything in my ship to fail. In all cases, this power outage lasted exactly 10 seconds, after which everything started up again, starting with the engines.

The moment I "fled" (engines at maximum, I am no match with AX missiles against this kind of attacker) my shield (strength 185 MJ) and my military hull with a strength of 3100 armour are pulverized within 3-5 seconds and my Krait II was history. The attacker was "blocked" by me yesterday because I thought it was a ganker. So blocking didn't help.

You are for at last 10 seconds completely defenseless. You are not warned in advance that you have been "scanned" before the attack starts and the attacker “wait” to shoot until you flee (pathetic sadistic traits?). The call-name of the attacker cannot be found in the INARA database or via Google.

Does anyone have an idea with which weapons this form of attack is carried out (I'm thinking of a combination of a very cold running Python II with four high damage fragmentation cannons and a pulse Disruptor) for close range combat?
08 Jul 2024, 6:40pm
I guess the arsehole sub-targeted your power plant (since destroying the power plant destroys the ship no matter how many hull hit points it has remaining). Weapons I've seen those dimwits carrying were Pacifier Frags (powerplay version of Frag Cannons), also Railguns, MCs, etc., usual kinds of anti-ship weaponry.

"Why do they do that", namely attack ships that, due to the questionable game design decision, must use equipment inadequate for self-defence to progress the event of Titan siege, or, in general, attack a single player in groups, or someone who can't defend themselves, is a question from the human psychology area. As I like to say, it takes something really horrible to happen during a person's childhood for one to become a griefer in game.

p.s.: Yeah, I've been doing some griefing-the-griefers fun yesterday, with my PvP skills super rusty and ages old, and leftover PvE guns from CZs since my 'primary' activity has been AX for the last like 2.5 years. And, sometimes, it was even successful, lol. Maybe I should get a proper loadout and some training and whatnot. Also, they really like to appear in wings of two at least, which makes going alone sub-optimal as well.

Last edit: 08 Jul 2024, 7:25pm
09 Jul 2024, 5:04pm
Hello pilots, I haven't read anything from Thinder here for a long time. Has anyone heard anything? Is he doing well?
09 Jul 2024, 5:28pm
I can barely keep track of where I am most of the time.
09 Jul 2024, 5:30pm
At least you could always answer the question of what you are... Do you? :p
09 Jul 2024, 5:41pm
So I'm often not who I think I am

Boah, just got into HIP 20567 and was immediately fried by the Thargoids and sent to the Thales. I guess my phyton isn't quite enough to take the fight.
09 Jul 2024, 5:47pm
You also need some AX weaponry to do that stuff. Thargoids are immune to the laws of physics and common sense, so there's no real and reliable way of dealing with them without having a specialised build. And, yeah, an under-engineered Python might be a sitting duck in a fight against them.
09 Jul 2024, 5:50pm
MeowersYou also need some AX weaponry to do that stuff. Thargoids are immune to the laws of physics and common sense, so there's no real and reliable way of dealing with them without having a specialised build. And, yeah, an under-engineered Python might be a sitting duck in a fight against them.

Ok, txs for this information. Than I know what's to do first. :/
10 Jul 2024, 8:39am
10 Jul 2024, 9:01am
Holy craps... Do you all see what I see? Epi advises someone not to use a Python!
10 Jul 2024, 4:40pm
Episparh+ Python (assuming it is the original one) lacks speed. I would advise against using it as a ship for first attempts in AX combat.


Wow, that' very helpful... Thank You!
10 Jul 2024, 7:00pm
MeowersHoly craps... Do you all see what I see? Epi advises someone not to use a Python!

Well, it is proven that even sidewinder can kill cat-piss ... but then babies need a walker before they learn to run and win a 50km marathon.

Ralph Thum
Wow, that' very helpful... Thank You!

I am just a messenger. All the good stuff there is thanks to AXI.
10 Jul 2024, 7:29pm
So... Some really, really unholy idea appeared in my mind. After looking at those 8.1k Arx I have no real use for. Why can't we purchase cringeneering materials for Arx instead of wasting life on grinding them? Seems like a quite 'justified' option of dumping real money into the game to save time.
10 Jul 2024, 7:39pm
MeowersSo... Some really, really unholy idea appeared in my mind. After looking at those 8.1k Arx I have no real use for. Why can't we purchase cringeneering materials for Arx instead of wasting life on grinding them? Seems like a quite 'justified' option of dumping real money into the game to save time.

Cuz after them will be best thing on ED in my opinion-lack of P2W mechanics (early access and jumpstarters are balanced enough to not count them) gone. For this I like ED very much over other games of this genre
10 Jul 2024, 7:44pm
MeowersSo... Some really, really unholy idea appeared in my mind. After looking at those 8.1k Arx I have no real use for. Why can't we purchase cringeneering materials for Arx instead of wasting life on grinding them? Seems like a quite 'justified' option of dumping real money into the game to save time.

Gosh , why you need engineering materials? You have just ONE ship FFS!

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