Elite: Game talk

19 Jan 2016, 11:03am
Jameson LaveHey, friends. I've bought Horizons and Elite has changed language for me to Spanish. I DON'T WANT TO SEE ELITE TRANSLATED. I want it back to English. Do you know how? Thanks a lot.
I've changed a file (named "Specs" and I've replaced every "Spanish" to "English", but it doesn't work.

it's an option in the launcher. No need to fumble around in files.

OMG. Thank you very much. I was going mad.
19 Jan 2016, 11:21am
Jameson Lave...

you're welcome!
19 Jan 2016, 5:53pm
TechowlAnybody know where I can find a high intensity conflict zone? any will do

I'd wager in any System hat has a Civil War or War brewing between two factions.
20 Jan 2016, 3:22am
i just went thru ltt 9391 near chilton dock there is a high intensity conflict zone if that helps any
20 Jan 2016, 3:30am
New to this. Is there any times when training is going on?
20 Jan 2016, 4:28am

Get out and do, friend.

Get out and do.
20 Jan 2016, 6:58am
ShodprismNew to this. Is there any times when training is going on?

There are some tutorials on the main menu. They are worth doing. Aside from that there is YouTube etc but otherwise the rule of thumb is to only fly what you can afford to rebuy (insurance) and get as far from Erevate as you can right off the bat (if, like me, you play in open). That or play solo or find a friendly group like möbius that will more than likely help you out as you learn the ropes. Cheers and enjoy.
20 Jan 2016, 10:12pm
Galactic BASE Jumping - Round 1 Event Start: Saturday 6th Febuary 10PM UCT (5PM EST) The Monolith, Altais 2B, Coordinates 46 1.8

The start of the new season of Galactic BASE Jumping will be hosted at The Monolith, this breath taking planetary table top is a spectacular location for the start of the new season.

The Monolith is a 6 km tall table top, on a low gravity planet making ideal for SRV BASE Jumping.

The event is rated at "Moderate" therefore the categories are Best Crash, Best Trick, Best BASE Jump and Monolith BASE Jumping Champion.

Get your SRV Planetside and join in!

21 Jan 2016, 2:32am
ShodprismNew to this. Is there any times when training is going on?

Ghost Squadron has a very active flight training for members... wing flights, etc. The trainers drop a lot of great info on our boards and do 'hands on' training as well.
21 Jan 2016, 12:06pm
CG Onion Head Appeal Tier 1 reached

TheoJones;FDforums-Today, 12:17 PM50,003 just a few moments ago - and a few commanders gathered at Harvestport helping out.

we made it!
21 Jan 2016, 12:38pm
Martind ForlonCG Onion Head Appeal Tier 1 reached

TheoJones;FDforums-Today, 12:17 PM50,003 just a few moments ago - and a few commanders gathered at Harvestport helping out.

we made it!

was this community goal not reached last December or November?
21 Jan 2016, 1:06pm
Alright, not sure where to put this, or how to kick it off, and I don't mean to interupt anything but, I have an issue that I can't seem to figure out, nor can two of my wingmates who I regularly fly with.

The elusive Cobra MK IV

I've searched high and low, used this site as a guide to find one, however with all my effort, with all my research, I have yet to find one or even get hint of one being around. I've seen ONE. ONE CMDR with it, and I could not stop the bounty I was in to ask him as he jumped away. Can anyone help me with this? Please and thank you. o/
21 Jan 2016, 1:10pm
Shadow7889Alright, not sure where to put this, or how to kick it off, and I don't mean to interupt anything but, I have an issue that I can't seem to figure out, nor can two of my wingmates who I regularly fly with.

The elusive Cobra MK IV

I've searched high and low, used this site as a guide to find one, however with all my effort, with all my research, I have yet to find one or even get hint of one being around. I've seen ONE. ONE CMDR with it, and I could not stop the bounty I was in to ask him as he jumped away. Can anyone help me with this? Please and thank you. o/

"The Cobra MkIV is available for in-game credits to anyone who has individually purchased both Elite: Dangerous and Elite Dangerous: Horizons on PC. This also includes Lifetime Expansion pass holders" see: http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Cobra_MkIV

if you don't have both you can't buy it ingame.
21 Jan 2016, 1:13pm
Ah, thank you for clearing that up for me. To further this discussion, what should be my next step as a ship past the Viper MK IV as far as bounty hunting? The Viper is a WONDERFUL ship, and my Wingmates and I have done some serious hunting with them but we're not sure where to go next as far as bounty hunting ships. Any suggestions?
21 Jan 2016, 1:20pm
Shadow7889Ah, thank you for clearing that up for me. To further this discussion, what should be my next step as a ship past the Viper MK IV as far as bounty hunting? The Viper is a WONDERFUL ship, and my Wingmates and I have done some serious hunting with them but we're not sure where to go next as far as bounty hunting ships. Any suggestions?

I'm a big fan of the vulture. My current loadout for bounty hunting is this: http://inara.cz/cmdr-fleet/8202/29476

You can save power and not disable the FSD when you equip D-rated sensors and lifesupport. But I like to have the better rating to stay longer in rez sites.

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