Elite: Game talk

24 Jan 2016, 11:48am
PepsijoeI don't want to start anything here, but I am trying to decide on whether or not to give up my Asp Explorer for a Python...
I currently really only do "smuggling operations" with occasional rare trading... Any thoughts?

Why not just save up a little more get both?

Eventually, that would be a great idea; however, I am still struggling to get credits. I hate the grind of trading (and with only 64-80 cargo) that takes too long. I enjoy the credits for long distance "smuggling" but they take forever as well. Trying to find a way to get more by doing (a little) less...
24 Jan 2016, 11:49am
PepsijoeI don't want to start anything here, but I am trying to decide on whether or not to give up my Asp Explorer for a Python...
I currently really only do "smuggling operations" with occasional rare trading... Any thoughts?

I lost my love for the Python recently. If you want to have a heavy combat ship then use the FDL instead. If you want a small fighter the vulture is they way to go imho. Trading to medium landing pads with a python is okay too, but you won't be able to do smuggling as good as in an Asp Explorer (due to its jump range).

Actually I love the python it has a great number of internals to use and especially when the multi crew option comes in to play and makes it even more effective . I would keep the Asp explorer and safe up for the python than you can always go back to the asp if you don't like it

a fully outfitted Python costs more than 300.000.000 credits.

Ouch! That just took my dreams and aspirations and squished them!
24 Jan 2016, 11:53am
PepsijoeI don't want to start anything here, but I am trying to decide on whether or not to give up my Asp Explorer for a Python...
I currently really only do "smuggling operations" with occasional rare trading... Any thoughts?

Why not just save up a little more get both?

Eventually, that would be a great idea; however, I am still struggling to get credits. I hate the grind of trading (and with only 64-80 cargo) that takes too long. I enjoy the credits for long distance "smuggling" but they take forever as well. Trying to find a way to get more by doing (a little) less...

Sounds to me like you could use a vulture.
24 Jan 2016, 1:23pm
PepsijoeI don't want to start anything here, but I am trying to decide on whether or not to give up my Asp Explorer for a Python...
I currently really only do "smuggling operations" with occasional rare trading... Any thoughts?

I lost my love for the Python recently. If you want to have a heavy combat ship then use the FDL instead. If you want a small fighter the vulture is they way to go imho. Trading to medium landing pads with a python is okay too, but you won't be able to do smuggling as good as in an Asp Explorer (due to its jump range).

Actually I love the python it has a great number of internals to use and especially when the multi crew option comes in to play and makes it even more effective . I would keep the Asp explorer and safe up for the python than you can always go back to the asp if you don't like it

a fully outfitted Python costs more than 300.000.000 credits.

Ouch! That just took my dreams and aspirations and squished them!

you can buy the python fit it out for trade and trade some gold in the Lembava system it sells pythins on discount and internals are 15% off . or make an rare trade runs between leesti diso lave orrere uszaa +/- 80 rares and head to fujin and back it wil create around 1 million in a round trip .
24 Jan 2016, 2:20pm
PepsijoeI don't want to start anything here, but I am trying to decide on whether or not to give up my Asp Explorer for a Python...
I currently really only do "smuggling operations" with occasional rare trading... Any thoughts?

Why not just save up a little more get both?

Eventually, that would be a great idea; however, I am still struggling to get credits. I hate the grind of trading (and with only 64-80 cargo) that takes too long. I enjoy the credits for long distance "smuggling" but they take forever as well. Trying to find a way to get more by doing (a little) less...

I'd keep the Asp. Doing LDS I've made more credits with my trade Asp than I have with my trade conda.
24 Jan 2016, 8:05pm
I hear the Robigo smuggling rout has been interrupted intentionally through the use of UAs. The creative minds thought they'd pretend they were doing the player base a favor on reddit.
24 Jan 2016, 11:05pm
Any station controlled by Brotherhood of Terra Mater? Trying to get a Terra Mater permit. But can't find the right station.
(Yes, i looked through Updated permit list on frontier forums)
25 Jan 2016, 2:00am
An in game web browser to link to Inara would be awesome.

wouldnt bother me . i use a seperate PC and have inara a glance upwards with KVM making it a button press for mouse + k/b

Nice. I just keep my iPad with me when I'm playing (and frankly, pretty much all the time).

Yeah, I have my tablet next to me or my phone, which works great. Have to say i am a bit jealous of the YouTube guy with the $4k setup...3-55" screens and all those tablets setup in a custom desk. Lol, he's got it made.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2016, 1:33pm
25 Jan 2016, 2:14am
PepsijoeI don't want to start anything here, but I am trying to decide on whether or not to give up my Asp Explorer for a Python...
I currently really only do "smuggling operations" with occasional rare trading... Any thoughts?

I sold my beloved DBS which is by far my favorite (for my style) BH & small mission trader but, alas, I need a ship that can do more in the same realm against bigger ships and haul more. My Clipper is too slow for BH. So, I am going to the Python soon as I find a discounted station near Hollos.
25 Jan 2016, 2:58am
Has anyone noticed that the AIs behaviour changes depending on loadout, when my corvette had 1 large PA under the nose and 2 dual pulse lasers they always tried not to face me whilst attacking yet when I swapped to dual PAs and had a beam under the nose the AI faced me all the time whilst attacking, this happened with most ships in the res apart from condas and the federal ships. Also would anyone recommend the imperial cutter for trading and occasional combat missions

Last edit: 25 Jan 2016, 3:04am
25 Jan 2016, 8:30am
PepsijoeI don't want to start anything here, but I am trying to decide on whether or not to give up my Asp Explorer for a Python...
I currently really only do "smuggling operations" with occasional rare trading... Any thoughts?

You'll get as many answers as there are play styles.

But that's the route I took myself, and personally I'm pretty happy with the Python. It's fitted for a mutli-role setup because I hardly stick to one mission type for extended periods, whereas other pilots favor a fleet of individually specialized ships. I'll take good jobs when they come along, but I'm not really after the credit grind so a decent cargo setup is fine. The jump range doesn't bother me, because with enough fuel I get where I want to anyway, plus with the adv scanner installed I end up scouring the neighborhood and uncovering systems I would have missed otherwise. Good enough for haz res, comp nav, and CZ as long as I choose my battles wisely, plus I tend to stay away from PvP anyway. (I learned early on to only go looking for trouble if I'm sure I'm gonna win.)

Though I really miss the view from the Asp.

Last edit: 25 Jan 2016, 8:37am
25 Jan 2016, 8:31am
Jack Dekerdt
PepsijoeI don't want to start anything here, but I am trying to decide on whether or not to give up my Asp Explorer for a Python...
I currently really only do "smuggling operations" with occasional rare trading... Any thoughts?

I sold my beloved DBS which is by far my favorite (for my style) BH & small mission trader but, alas, I need a ship that can do more in the same realm against bigger ships and haul more. My Clipper is too slow for BH. So, I am going to the Python soon as I find a discounted station near Hollos.

LYR systems are the way to go.
25 Jan 2016, 8:59am
Jack Dekerdt... Have to say i am a bit jealous of the YouTube guy with the $4k setup...3-55" screens and all those tablets setup in a custom desk. Lol, he's got it made.

any link to the video? I only know of the guy with a triple beamer setup, I guess you meant him?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2016, 1:32pm
25 Jan 2016, 9:34am
Jack Dekerdt... Have to say i am a bit jealous of the YouTube guy with the $4k setup...3-55" screens and all those tablets setup in a custom desk. Lol, he's got it made.

any link to the video? I only know of the guy with a triple beamer setup, I guess you meant him?

There is an setup with a multi beamer surround set up for all kinds of simulators where also the rood and floor are projected.

And retina screens at http://www.aviationmegastore.com/cat/cockpit-building-355.html

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2016, 1:32pm
25 Jan 2016, 12:15pm

That's impressive to look at. Although I keep thinking that VR might bring alot to the table as well

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2016, 1:32pm

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