Elite: Game talk

27 May 2024, 8:04am
Thinder for Pharmaceutical Isolators which seems to be the rarest of Grade 5.

Would you like to hear about Military Supercapacitors?

I swear they’re even worse for me, because if you find a HGE signal source in Outbreak(marked as such when targeted) it should always be PIs, barring Elite being a piece of jank and filling with with Core Dynamics Composites despite being the right faction and state.

The Supercaps, meanwhile… points middle finger behind self shared with the Alloys and like they’re set to a 10% spawn rate comparatively, you have no goddamn idea how ridiculously infuriating they are. (Though you probably actually do)

Alas, at this point I just trade for both anyway. And rarely run the signal sources through.
27 May 2024, 8:23am

On top of that she (Python MK II) has a rather difficult to control YAW axis, a high rate with an onset making precise targeting with fixed weapon more difficult than with the FDL, the extra hardpoint can't be exploited to the full because of her Class 6 Power Distributor, mine looses her b3C BEAM LASER [FIXED] fast and then can't boost, so it's one case of more is too much.

That's weird for I do not have any issues with yaw on my Thrustmaster. Sensitivity there is similar to the FDL I would say.

My issues with PMKII are mainly powermanagement and heat. In combination with few optional slots, this leaves you with little room to play. While PMKI was sort of a JOAT types of ship, the PMKII certainly isn't.

Last edit: 27 May 2024, 8:31am
27 May 2024, 10:17am

On top of that she (Python MK II) has a rather difficult to control YAW axis, a high rate with an onset making precise targeting with fixed weapon more difficult than with the FDL, the extra hardpoint can't be exploited to the full because of her Class 6 Power Distributor, mine looses her b3C BEAM LASER [FIXED] fast and then can't boost, so it's one case of more is too much.

That's weird for I do not have any issues with yaw on my Thrustmaster. Sensitivity there is similar to the FDL I would say.

My issues with PMKII are mainly powermanagement and heat. In combination with few optional slots, this leaves you with little room to play. While PMKI was sort of a JOAT types of ship, the PMKII certainly isn't.

Are you using fixed weapons?

Because what is acceptable with gimballed weapons can fast become a problem with fixed weapons, particularly against fast and agile targets.

I'm using a brand new TWCS Throttle and it works fine, what I noticed while testing solution to gain weight with the Fer-de-Lance, is that the lighter she was, the more difficult it was to control the Yaw axis with precision, so I added a Guardian Shield Reinforcement Package and a couple of Shield Cell Banks.

With the extra weight, she is a little bit calmer.

That's where she stands in her actual configuration and below the (incomplete) "Lightweight" configuration.

That's the Python MK II configuration. Yaw rate is way too high for controlling with a TWCS Throttle...

I recon Power Management is an issue with the Python MK II, she'd deserve a Class 7 Power Distributor, she can overheat when using the Lasers but otherwise not, I guess it depends on fits.

What I've done to gain weight is strictly a personal fit procedure: She doesn't have any Fuel Scoop. The Fuel Tank is very small. The FSD is a Class 2 D. Jump range and endurance matters little because I use my combat ships only from my Carrier (Ross 342). The ships have little distance to travel to go to the hunting grounds.

Last edit: 27 May 2024, 10:29am
27 May 2024, 10:23am
ThinderI recon Power Management is an issue with the Python MK II, she'd deserve a Class 7 Power Distributor, She can overheat when using the Lasers but otherwise not, I guess it depends on fits.
It will make the Pee Mk2 absolutely unbalanced.
27 May 2024, 10:51am
ThinderI recon Power Management is an issue with the Python MK II, she'd deserve a Class 7 Power Distributor, She can overheat when using the Lasers but otherwise not, I guess it depends on fits.

It will make the Pee Mk2 absolutely unbalanced.

It is unbalanced as it is now, the Krait MK II has a Class 7, so how a ship 130 t heavier would suffer from it?

I got plenty of power on tap but Power Distribution doesn't follow.

Last edit: 27 May 2024, 11:04am
27 May 2024, 12:11pm
The class 6 distributor exists so you don’t just slap six plasma accelerators with efficient engineering on it without any care in the world, like you could if you had a C7 distributor with it.

That’s my best guess, anyway. C7 distrib with 4 pips to wep and charge enhanced engineering would last a minute of sustained fire with 6 efficient PAs. If you pulled the trigger on them all at the same time, anyway, which is unlikely, but there’s quite a difference between 11 seconds and 57 seconds of sustained capacity to fire six plasma accelerators at the same time.
27 May 2024, 2:08pm
Kasumi GotoThe class 6 distributor exists so you don’t just slap six plasma accelerators with efficient engineering on it without any care in the world, like you could if you had a C7 distributor with it.

That’s my best guess, anyway. C7 distrib with 4 pips to wep and charge enhanced engineering would last a minute of sustained fire with 6 efficient PAs. If you pulled the trigger on them all at the same time, anyway, which is unlikely, but there’s quite a difference between 11 seconds and 57 seconds of sustained capacity to fire six plasma accelerators at the same time.

One doesn't need six plasma accelerators with efficient engineering to run out of power with this class 6...

That's an issue. I don't have more firepower than the Krait MK II after 11 sec of lasing my target, and I need my lasers to get the shields down, I also need to be able to boost during engagements, and this is made impossible in this configuration.

As I said, after the 3C BEAM LASER [FIXED] is off, I'm in the same configuration than the Krait minus the reserve for boosting...
27 May 2024, 10:18pm
and I need my lasers to get the shields down

Just switch to all mc with incendiary, one medium with corrosive.
28 May 2024, 4:43am
Nick Nova
and I need my lasers to get the shields down

Just switch to all mc with incendiary, one medium with corrosive.

Fixed Weapons: It makes no difference if I don't hit the target, plus, +200% THERMAL LOAD, -5% RATE OF FIRE.

I use fixed Beam Lasers on my Corvette, I don't have this problem.

What I am planning to do is to switch those 1E BEAM LASER [FIXED] Long range/Thermal Vent for Short range Grade 2/OVERSIZED and use the 3C BEAM LASER [FIXED] Long range as THERMAL VENT.

It's rare when I fire from maximum range due to the limited range of the Kill Warrant Scanner, so I'll gain +39% Damage per 1E BEAM LASER [FIXED] and still keep the lot cooled since the 3C is on the central position.

Maximum range should be reduced to 4.800 m.

Correction: After a short trip to Muang, it's the 3C BEAM LASER and one 1E which are engineered to Short Range Blasters Grade 2/Oversized. The third Beam Laser (1E), Stays unchanged (Long Range, THERMAL VENT).

I'm on my way back to Ross 342 (Carrier Jump) where I'll be testing this configuration.

Info: Broo Tarquin (Broo's Legacy - Muang) is selling those Lasers, so I still have the weapons I replaced.

Last edit: 28 May 2024, 5:46am
28 May 2024, 6:35am
So, Frontier took the best ship and made it in FDL v2?
28 May 2024, 9:49am

That's weird for I do not have any issues with yaw on my Thrustmaster. Sensitivity there is similar to the FDL I would say


Are you using fixed weapons?

Not yet, atm I use gimballed on an AXCZ build with my PMKII. Because of your experience I was playing with it in FA off at a yaw rate of 20,15 deg/s. Perhaps not an legitimate way to test then.

What I did not realize until now: pips to engine do not seem to make a difference to roll and yaw (just pitch).

Re. power management:
I ran 5 Azimuth MCs and a large TV beam. Power was on the edge but the ship got fried in no time. To me, the most viable build for Pee 2 seems to be an interceptor with e.g. Pacifiers and rails. That comes a bit as a surprise. The Pee 1 was / is my bread and butter ship for almost everything.
28 May 2024, 12:13pm

That's weird for I do not have any issues with yaw on my Thrustmaster. Sensitivity there is similar to the FDL I would say


Are you using fixed weapons?

Not yet, atm I use gimballed on an AXCZ build with my PMKII. Because of your experience I was playing with it in FA off at a yaw rate of 20,15 deg/s. Perhaps not an legitimate way to test then.

What I did not realize until now: pips to engine do not seem to make a difference to roll and yaw (just pitch).

Re. power management:
I ran 5 Azimuth MCs and a large TV beam. Power was on the edge but the ship got fried in no time. To me, the most viable build for Pee 2 seems to be an interceptor with e.g. Pacifiers and rails. That comes a bit as a surprise. The Pee 1 was / is my bread and butter ship for almost everything.

Just get a simple fixed Beam Laser and try it.

While I have no issues with the corvette, it is more difficult with the FDL once fully engineered and really hard with the Python, but it might also depend on your controller.


I really can tell the difference (Corvette), target shields goes down in seconds, a short burst of the cannons does the rest, the smallest the target, the faster the kill.

INARA Doesn't show the fit yet for some reasons, but turning the 3C BEAM LASER [FIXED] into a Short range Blaster - OVERSIZED, really works, of the two other Beam Lasers I only have one set as THERMAL VENT, no overheating, no PIP issues either, 4 X weapons 2 X engines and go!

If I could tame the Python MK II and have the Power Distributor work for me I'll get the same results from her, perhaps I should try to reduce the 2D BEAM LASER [FIXED] to 1E and put some weight on her...

The Python MK II...

Last edit: 28 May 2024, 1:14pm
28 May 2024, 2:29pm
Soooo. It's done.

The 3 Lasers are all Short Range Blasters, tow of them Oversized, the third one Thermal Vent.

When it comes to the Controls sensitivity, I went the opposite way than previously with Weight Saving Measures, I added weight but also reduced Power Consumption with a 4E Life support (10 t, - 0.50MW), Thruster is downgraded to 6E but I guess it's not gonna stay this way...

Old stats.

New stats.

After a quick combat test and a few kills, I can say that this ship is now a lot more controllable when using fixed weapons, I could stay on target easily even vs the fastest and most agile targets.

The lasers are super-efficient but one must take care of not firing OFF target or there is a risk of over-heating, with 4 X PIPs on Weapon I had no power shortage and 2 X PIPs on Engine allows me to boost although the Power distributor is still on the weak side.

Conclusion: The Python MK II is unbalanced, she needs Class 7 Power Distributor and Power Plants, as it is one must compromise between performances and weapon output which is not so good for a Combat ship.

Personally, if I can keep my piper on target, the ship is agile enough, I can deal with a slower and less maneuverable ship for as long as I can kill targets, like I do with the Corvette which is a monster when it comes t o Combat Persistence, something the Python and FDL can envy her.

Last edit: 28 May 2024, 3:05pm
28 May 2024, 2:37pm
I switched shields from Bi-Weaves to Prismatics. Thats adding 40 tons plus 6.5 tons on other items. Effects on agility were:

Pitch 59.60 --> 58.82
Roll 146.59 --> 144.68
Yaw 20.15 --> 19.88

Not sure, if the model takes different position into account (i.e. more effect on inertia for weight added farther away from turn axis). However, I would say, in our example yaw is not very sensitive to weight.

Last edit: 28 May 2024, 2:55pm
28 May 2024, 5:03pm
DiQueue yaw is not very sensitive to weight.


19.52% Difference in Yaw rate is not a response to the weight increase? What is it then?

BTW I'm not the only one who noticed this Yaw axis sensitivity, a Youtuber called it wallowing which is another way to describe the excess of acceleration onset mixed with intertia (2.32).

The Yaw movement starts too fast and doesn't stop when prompted, not uncommon but very disturbing when one needs precision in the control response.

Last edit: 28 May 2024, 5:09pm

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