Elite: Game talk

18 Jun 2024, 2:25pm
My suggestion: If you are using Inara to search the markets, look at the updated column when searching for commodities to buy and sell. Don't fully trust anything over a day, three at the most. And especially don't fully trust anything over 12 hours if the buy or sell price is awesome. "Updated" means the last time that price/quantity was verified, not what it currently is, or that a carrier is still in the same place.

In the past, I've had orders for commodities (sometimes 10-20K) filled within a day and items listed for sale at good prices sold within 2 hours.
18 Jun 2024, 2:45pm
Vasil VasilescuMy suggestion: If you are using Inara to search the markets, look at the updated column when searching for commodities to buy and sell. Don't fully trust anything over a day, three at the most. And especially don't fully trust anything over 12 hours if the buy or sell price is awesome. "Updated" means the last time that price/quantity was verified, not what it currently is, or that a carrier is still in the same place.

In the past, I've had orders for commodities (sometimes 10-20K) filled within a day and items listed for sale at good prices sold within 2 hours.

As you say: it was a 2 hours actualisation
18 Jun 2024, 3:32pm
Vasil VasilescuMy suggestion: If you are using Inara to search the markets, look at the updated column when searching for commodities to buy and sell. Don't fully trust anything over a day, three at the most. And especially don't fully trust anything over 12 hours if the buy or sell price is awesome. "Updated" means the last time that price/quantity was verified, not what it currently is, or that a carrier is still in the same place.

In the past, I've had orders for commodities (sometimes 10-20K) filled within a day and items listed for sale at good prices sold within 2 hours.

I do keep this in mind but this one was a couple of hours - really, it seems Ralph Thum and I were gunning for the same carrier
18 Jun 2024, 7:49pm

I do keep this in mind but this one was a couple of hours - really, it seems Ralph Thum and I were gunning for the same carrier

That would at least be the solace of not having failed alone
18 Jun 2024, 9:33pm
@Vasil Vasilescu, @Ralph Thum, were you hatched from the same Genebank?
18 Jun 2024, 10:31pm
No doubt Elite Dangerous is the game with the highest rate of grey-haired bearded gentleman avatars. I love that.

Did you guys play the original 1984 game?
18 Jun 2024, 11:15pm
Went for the silver fox look personally, ended up looking like a William Hartnell on hunger strike.
but yep of that age.
18 Jun 2024, 11:54pm
Miner WillyWent for the silver fox look personally, ended up looking like a William Hartnell on hunger strike.
but yep of that age.

Nothing wrong with looking like the first Dr Who.
19 Jun 2024, 12:00am
SakashiroNo doubt Elite Dangerous is the game with the highest rate of grey-haired bearded gentleman avatars. I love that.

Did you guys play the original 1984 game?

Ya of course I played that; that's the only reason I'm here in the first place! And it almost brings a little tear to my eye when I think about it
19 Jun 2024, 7:10am
Sampi OgonekSome bio types are indeed very picky about the type of terrain they can spawn on. In particular, certain species of Osseus grow only on larger patches of rock sticking out of sand. I’ve had a few instances where I had to fly dozens of km over the terrain looking for the second/third specimen to sample. (A trick that makes certain bios, especially Osseus, easier to spot is to fly with night mode on — it makes those things look more distinct in daylight.) Bark mounds are even worse in this respect, although on the plus side if you find one you will almost always find the other two nearby.

In case of bacteria, there are two problems that one may encounter:
  • Some genera of bacteria are associated with geo features (geysers/fumaroles). You have first to find a field of those geo features, then fly around trying to spot bacterial colonies among them.
  • Several genera of bacteria generally do not stand out much from the terrain. On a distant, low light world it can be nigh impossible to see them without using lights and being quite close (which means it is easy to fly right past them and not notice them because your ship lights were pointing a few metres off to the side).

Now, if I decide to bother to go out to scan biologicals on a particular world, I do my best to scan all of them on that world. I recall two instances where I failed. One involved a planet with both bark mounds and brain trees; it appears that bark mounds cannot spawn where brain trees do, and in that particular case brain trees covered most of the world, including apparently every patch where bark mounds might spawn otherwise. (The other instance involved some atmospheric biological, AFAIR Osseus, which just refused to spawn anywhere I looked, and I looked a lot.)

I think I've just run into a similar scenario - a planet with supposedly 4 biological signals. I've scoured every section of the planet...it is covered in geysers and only one biological spawns near them. I haven't detected any of the other three, not even bacteria. Just geysers and the fumaroles. Very frustrating!
19 Jun 2024, 7:19am
Had an interesting though about Saud Kruger ships
(well, interesting to me, at least)

So all three have that upper level with the big tinted canopy up front. I used to think of this big canopy section as just cabin space, but now I wonder if it's actually intended to be some kind of observation deck?
19 Jun 2024, 6:08pm
Faiza I think I've just run into a similar scenario - a planet with supposedly 4 biological signals. I've scoured every section of the planet...it is covered in geysers and only one biological spawns near them. I haven't detected any of the other three, not even bacteria. Just geysers and the fumaroles. Very frustrating!

I've noticed on planets with more than 3 or more bio signals that at least one may be hard to find all three diverse samples, particularly on small-med planets. I don't waste time looking for difficult-to-find samples. If I cannot find all three samples within 15 or 20 minutes, I move on.
20 Jun 2024, 3:59pm
Is Sirius mad?

Oh no. Whatever we are going to do… besides not care.
20 Jun 2024, 4:02pm
Told ya, megacorps don't like being losers. :p
20 Jun 2024, 4:07pm
SakashiroNo doubt Elite Dangerous is the game with the highest rate of grey-haired bearded gentleman avatars. I love that.

Did you guys play the original 1984 game?

No, I was 7 back then.

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