Elite: Game talk

05 Feb 2016, 11:34pm
Is it just me, or is anyone else seeing missions to surface ports that are not on the maps.
Also, when you arrive in the system, there is no sign of the place.
Can anyone else find Lawson Hub in the Deyus System.

Baffling, or. . . . is it an error.
Or am I doing something wrong?
05 Feb 2016, 11:41pm
BeachwalkerIs it just me, or is anyone else seeing missions to surface ports that are not on the maps.
Also, when you arrive in the system, there is no sign of the place.
Can anyone else find Lawson Hub in the Deyus System.

Baffling, or. . . . is it an error.
Or am I doing something wrong?

do you have a discovery scanner equipped? Some system are missing in your own "collection" and you won't see them without scanning the system first (while the target is in range). You can get missions to stations that are not discovered yet in your collection.
06 Feb 2016, 12:10am
BeachwalkerIs it just me, or is anyone else seeing missions to surface ports that are not on the maps.
Also, when you arrive in the system, there is no sign of the place.
Can anyone else find Lawson Hub in the Deyus System.

Baffling, or. . . . is it an error.
Or am I doing something wrong?

do you have a discovery scanner equipped? Some system are missing in your own "collection" and you won't see them without scanning the system first (while the target is in range). You can get missions to stations that are not discovered yet in your collection.

I have an intermediate discovery scanner, but not a surface scanner.
I've made a start scanning the planets, so far, nothing. Just two left.
I'll get back to work.
Thanks for the info.
06 Feb 2016, 12:53am
BeachwalkerIs it just me, or is anyone else seeing missions to surface ports that are not on the maps.
Also, when you arrive in the system, there is no sign of the place.
Can anyone else find Lawson Hub in the Deyus System.

Baffling, or. . . . is it an error.
Or am I doing something wrong?

Yes, and they drive me up a wall. Thankfully they appeared right about the time I was looking to upgrade so I installed an Advanced Discovery Scanner on my new Asp Explorer. However, that doesn't get you the port right away; you still have to figure out which of the unexplored blobs are planets or moons and go manually target them with sensors to see if there's a port on them or not. Very time-consuming but I figure what the hell, when an Exploration CG ever pops up again I'll cash in that data for my contribution.
06 Feb 2016, 1:02am

This is advertised on the ED Game Launcher, by David Braben on Twitter

and in the latest newsletter, the details are here,

SRV Base Jumping Thread

Read the forum thread, turn up, jump!

Get your SRV planetside and have some fun
06 Feb 2016, 1:26am
BeachwalkerIs it just me, or is anyone else seeing missions to surface ports that are not on the maps.
Also, when you arrive in the system, there is no sign of the place.
Can anyone else find Lawson Hub in the Deyus System.

Baffling, or. . . . is it an error.
Or am I doing something wrong?

Yes, and they drive me up a wall. Thankfully they appeared right about the time I was looking to upgrade so I installed an Advanced Discovery Scanner on my new Asp Explorer. However, that doesn't get you the port right away; you still have to figure out which of the unexplored blobs are planets or moons and go manually target them with sensors to see if there's a port on them or not. Very time-consuming but I figure what the hell, when an Exploration CG ever pops up again I'll cash in that data for my contribution.

Managed to discover another 7 planets in this system. Unfortunately, they're all Icy worlds.
Think I'll give up and take the fine. Might just about break even, especially with the couple of bounties I picked up.
06 Feb 2016, 2:04am
Has anyone noticed that the RES crashing issue seems to have been fixed?  I had been wondering if it was my computer or a legit issue with the game, but it seems to be working fine now.  Anyone else?

If it's fixed, I'm going to send a thank you to Frontier.  Programmers don't get much positive feedback, and I submitted a lot of whiny crash reports.
06 Feb 2016, 4:12am
SurrenderHas anyone noticed that the RES crashing issue seems to have been fixed?  I had been wondering if it was my computer or a legit issue with the game, but it seems to be working fine now.  Anyone else?

If it's fixed, I'm going to send a thank you to Frontier.  Programmers don't get much positive feedback, and I submitted a lot of whiny crash reports.

They did put something about that in 0.4 patch notes if I'm not mistaken so perhaps they did fix it.
06 Feb 2016, 1:17pm
Hi guys... just looking for some advice. I play on the Xbox one but feel am missing out on so much of the game that am considering buying Elite: Dangerous on the pc.

I have a HP pavilion 500-326na (the AMD quad core version)... not a bad PC but was wondering if anyone knows how well the game would run on this? Am not talking ultra settings or anything and am a console gamer so 30fps is fine by me (yes I am a filthy heathen) lol.
06 Feb 2016, 6:19pm
Does anyone know how electronic counter measure works. Does it automatically deploy like point defense?
06 Feb 2016, 7:09pm
HunterdayHi guys... just looking for some advice. I play on the Xbox one but feel am missing out on so much of the game that am considering buying Elite: Dangerous on the pc.
I have a HP pavilion 500-326na (the AMD quad core version)... not a bad PC but was wondering if anyone knows how well the game would run on this? Am not talking ultra settings or anything and am a console gamer so 30fps is fine by me (yes I am a filthy heathen) lol.

I wouldn't be thinking about playing Horizons on it, but original Elite Dangerous will work nicely on this configuration.
P.s. I must admit I haven't used any AMD hardware for 8 or so years so I'm talking from comparison to same models of Nvidia and Intel hardware, not from my own experience.
07 Feb 2016, 9:42am
As Professor Palin and his team are planning on leaving Obsidian Dock in the next 24 hours to go to Maia b1ba, was wondering if due to the recent sighting of a rogue diamondback scanning the station, if a team should head there to give him some cover and escort, it smells fishy, what with Starship One going missing and the Antares recently I think there is something going on which isn't well.. for want of a better word human, Alien perhaps linked to the barnacle's, especially now his intentions have been announced. publicly, thoughts?
07 Feb 2016, 9:58am
Ade MasonAs Professor Palin and his team are planning on leaving Obsidian Dock in the next 24 hours to go to Maia b1ba, was wondering if due to the recent sighting of a rogue diamondback scanning the station, if a team should head there to give him some cover and escort, it smells fishy, what with Starship One going missing and the Antares recently I think there is something going on which isn't well.. for want of a better word human, Alien perhaps linked to the barnacle's, especially now his intentions have been announced. publicly, thoughts?

Is there even any game mechanic for escorting them?
07 Feb 2016, 10:13am
Ade MasonAs Professor Palin and his team are planning on leaving Obsidian Dock in the next 24 hours to go to Maia b1ba, was wondering if due to the recent sighting of a rogue diamondback scanning the station, if a team should head there to give him some cover and escort, it smells fishy, what with Starship One going missing and the Antares recently I think there is something going on which isn't well.. for want of a better word human, Alien perhaps linked to the barnacle's, especially now his intentions have been announced. publicly, thoughts?

Is there even any game mechanic for escorting them?

Not sure If I'm honest, in the interest of the game and the background Galnet story being there, I would have thought it would be possible, problem being, not knowing a time when they would leave so hanging out for 24 hours waiting I guess wouldn't be possible
I'm in already in the area, landed on Merope 5C last night, guess I could just fly around Obsidian and see what happens if anything, failing that, head to Maia myself ahead of the team and scope the area for unusual activity...
07 Feb 2016, 10:18am
Ade Mason
Ade MasonAs Professor Palin and his team are planning on leaving Obsidian Dock in the next 24 hours to go to Maia b1ba, was wondering if due to the recent sighting of a rogue diamondback scanning the station, if a team should head there to give him some cover and escort, it smells fishy, what with Starship One going missing and the Antares recently I think there is something going on which isn't well.. for want of a better word human, Alien perhaps linked to the barnacle's, especially now his intentions have been announced. publicly, thoughts?

Is there even any game mechanic for escorting them?

Not sure If I'm honest, in the interest of the game and the background Galnet story being there, I would have thought it would be possible, problem being, not knowing a time when they would leave so hanging out for 24 hours waiting I guess wouldn't be possible
I'm in already in the area, landed on Merope 5C last night, guess I could just fly around Obsidian and see what happens if anything, failing that, head to Maia myself ahead of the team and scope the area for unusual activity...

I think it'd be a great mechanic if so, sadly have my doubts about it being possible but do let me know, I'm close to there doing some missions to rank up empire.

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