Elite: Game talk

24 May 2024, 2:44am
Silver TafferSo, if a new player invests in a pre-built combat ship for Arx (the Python MkII being the only such option as it stands) it would clearly be overpowered for the newb zone, true.
But only one PvP victory would be sufficient to raise them above Harmless. As I understand it any rank increase is enough to disqualify a player from the zone? If that is so I wonder how many folks would pay Arx for such a fleeting advantage? And once out of the safety of the newb zone that Python MkII would be easy fodder for the specialized, engineered ships flown by experienced Cmdrs.

I wouldn't entirely rule out your concerns but I suspect they may not prove to be that big an issue.

arx are bought with real world money mate. lik eit or not. earning 400 a week aint buying a pre built ship any time soon.
So the thought experiment here is simple.

Does a new player who pays for the arx 33,000 arx...
have an advantage over other new players who do not.

YES very much

Conclusion its a pay to win mechanic.

The reason us lot here don't give a crap about it is because it is never gonna negatively affect us. considering our level of game we are at.

But morally ... Pay to win is really off putting, very unexpected from Fdev to be honest and more a roberts space scam type of deal from my point of view.

5k hours in the game. I think im entitled to the opinion not expecting agreement

Good luck as a newbie taking advantage of the superiority of the Python MK II over a well engineered FDL in PvP and btw, those ships sells like cookies...
The fact that the first to use them are PvP gankers proves you wrong all the way, "pay to win" is what we hear every time War Gaming release a new ship or DCS a new module, and yet the players don't necessarily buy them, there's a good reason why, they cost 2 X to 3 X more.

You're entitled to your opinion but nothing stops an experienced PvP player to get one, either Premium or in a few weeks through the game itself, which is a fundamental difference with other games, you can get one for free.

It's about time the developers of this game stop giving candies away to geezers who are gonna complain whatever they do and take care of their finances, how much ARX did you get for free in this game? Did you give it back? Talk about "morally", you had no problem taking advantage of the game...

And something else, I don't use the Python MK II, to me they're pieces of museum that I purchased to support the game, I can't even fit them with the weapon fit I want (Class 6 POWER DISTRIBUTOR), so for bounty hunting, I'll stick to my Corvette and Krait MK II.

Just for comparison: A Premium T9 Battleship in WoW cost £59.44, A F-15E from DCS, £63.99, and no version of them comes for free in a month or so... £17.98 = 25.500 ARX and 8.400 ARX.

Last edit: 24 May 2024, 4:50am
24 May 2024, 11:07am
Back in the bubble. (Robigo Runs).

Got my new TWCS Throttle, it works perfectly, it's a little bit different when it comes to the texture of the plastic, better grip, I hope it will last longer...
24 May 2024, 11:18am
Kasumi GotoI never watched Spaceballs. Sorry.

No, you don't...
24 May 2024, 4:09pm
Back to back, Combat with the Python MK II and the Corvette.

The Python is definitively the most maneuverable but... It came to a point where her response is explosive, making the use of fixed weapons a lot more difficult than with the Corvette, especially against fast and maneuverable ships (Vulture). So I hardly can see a newbie being able to use her to the full of her capabilities.

With a different weapon fit it might be interesting (gimbaled) but the loss of firepower doesn't appeal me, the Corvette is going to make an Anaconda go boom in seconds (especially with this weapon set up), the Python will demand more time, so at the end of the day, my Corvette remain my favorite Combat ship.
25 May 2024, 2:47am
...so here goes another giant crapper :p
25 May 2024, 4:03am
And I’m sure humans won’t come to regret it in any way.

Just like they can’t stop being idiots with inappropriate brains.

And hitting things with a hammer repeatedly, instead of actually trying to use their brains for a long-lasting solution that won’t shoot them in the backside later.
25 May 2024, 4:27am
Meowers...so here goes another giant crapper :p

I'm not sure if you were responding to my post but I can add to it as clarification.

What I'm actually trying to say is that the Python MK II isn't the easiest ship to fly, for the same reason, (as an example), the French Air force limits the roll rate of its most recent fighters artificially (they are more than capable of rolling faster) for the simple reason that your average pilot will not be able to exploit faster roll rates with precision.

The key word is precision, you can have a roll rate 90°/sec higher but only a fraction of your pilots will be able to exploit it, the rest will struggle to achieve precision, it's a case of more isn't best...

I have the same problem with the MK II especially in the yaw axis, now that I have resolved my controller issue, she is responding in a way that needs taming with curves, non existent in this game, all we have is a dead zone so the use of fixed weapons is a struggle.

It's about the acceleration (can't talk about Gs in this game) onset, the speed at which she reaches her maximum yaw rate (in my case).

An experienced player will be able to figure out a weapon fit adapted to her or/and get an app with control curves that works for them, right now I'm looking for a suitable app in an attempt to partly sort the issue.

Other than that and those specific (to me) problems (Class 7 Power Distributor, weapon fit and handling) with the right fit and in the right hands she will be hard to beat but far from being invincible, you still can see your shield go down fast and many newbies will have trouble with this even in PvE.

Last edit: 25 May 2024, 4:32am
25 May 2024, 4:34am
Kasumi GotoAnd I’m sure humans won’t come to regret it in any way.

Just like they can’t stop being idiots with inappropriate brains.

And hitting things with a hammer repeatedly, instead of actually trying to use their brains for a long-lasting solution that won’t shoot them in the backside later.
If bigger crappers appear, we take bigger hammers! :p

ThinderI'm not sure if you were responding to my post but I can add to it as clarification.
Nah, I wrote it right after Hadad began Ha-dying. :p
25 May 2024, 5:15am
Kasumi GotoAnd I’m sure humans won’t come to regret it in any way.

Just like they can’t stop being idiots with inappropriate brains.

And hitting things with a hammer repeatedly, instead of actually trying to use their brains for a long-lasting solution that won’t shoot them in the backside later.

If bigger crappers appear, we take bigger hammers! :p

ThinderI'm not sure if you were responding to my post but I can add to it as clarification.

Nah, I wrote it right after Hadad began Ha-dying. :p

It's OK I saw her post after I wrote mine...

I downloaded Thrustmaster TARGET, I'll see how it goes, my previous experience with it wasn't fantastic but at least it's free.
25 May 2024, 7:55am
If bigger crappers appear, we take bigger hammers! :p

Until Thargoids bring the Biggest Hammer and humans sit there looking stupid (unless another miracle weapon comes along… bleurgh). Because it is stupid to think they could actually really fight a much more advanced opponent like that properly. If at all…

But then, you’d actually have to still care about the Thargoid story, instead of basically freezing it in place but leaving the Titans around to practically just serve as giant punching bags for a bunch of idiot apes with rocks and sticks.
25 May 2024, 9:53am

I wanted to support the game by buying the Python MK II, mission accomplished but two of them was too much, so I decided to replace the grey one by (yet another) FDL.

I didn't remember this ship being so light (250 t compared to the 320 t of a Krait MK II) but the cockpit yeah... I'm seating on the LEFT.

No fighter bay, that's something I regret, I'm in the process of equipping her with A Class modules and started to engineer the Power Plant...

It's gonna take me some time but I'll have some points of comparison with the Python MK II (which is still 200 t heavier), let's see if good engineering can take advantage of this difference of weight in favor of the Fer-de-Lance...
25 May 2024, 11:19am
Thinder but the cockpit yeah... I'm seating on the LEFT.

That’s really just something you either get used to on the FDL… or you don’t, and you can’t use the ship because of it. Wouldn’t be so bad, if there wasn’t that annoying canopy support beam stuck right into your view. Now that is a design choice I cannot understand. Just, like, make the damn thing a single seater and center it appropriately, can’t even mount a fighter bay on it anyhow.

(Other than supporting the game, I don’t really get why you’d want two PMII’s anyway. Damn thing looks ugly as hell and it’s basically “What if we took an FDL but gave it a few different hardpoints instead of a huge, and also make sure it can’t just immediately outperform it at everything in combat”. To me, anyway …)

Does raise one question - does the PMKII also have an offset pilot’s seat like the original, or have the DeLacy designers come to their senses about it?
25 May 2024, 11:33am
I really like the looks of Pee2. It's front winglets give it the silhouette of a cobra :-)
Cockpit layout is the same as MK1.
25 May 2024, 11:50am
PMKII has cockpit of Python, you are also sitting on the left. FDL cockpit view is superior wide open, Python's view has something on top left corner, I wish they put MKII cockpit on PMKII instead.
25 May 2024, 11:55am
Shg56PMKII has cockpit of Python, you are also sitting on the left. FDL cockpit view is superior wide open, Python's view has something on top left corner, I wish they put MKII cockpit on PMKII instead.

True, I noticed a better view in the FDL.

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