Elite: Game talk

01 Feb 2016, 11:10am
Nathanc213 Heres a link to a relatively cheap exploration cobra build http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_iii/02A4D4A3D1D3D4C----0202350q43-2i2f.AwRj4tmlRI==.Aw1-kA==

Looks good... but the fact the price tag is in the millions is going to make it tricky to get one in time for this proposed run I'll make note of it, though.
01 Feb 2016, 11:13am
If you wing up you can get trade divends from wing members which I think is 5% of their profits
01 Feb 2016, 11:45am
Hello every one our wing claimed a home for our self in the new Yembo System

As the origins of our wing lies with an exploration and mining expedition to find new extra Terrestrial live , habitable worlds and new resource that started 400 years ago and are now returning to inhabited space.

We are in desperate need of commanders who are willing to help or join us to boost the economy and make New Yembo the envy of human space and to create a buzzing stepping stone for future expeditions .

And to usher in a new era of exploration and mining .

We hope to see you soon in New Yembo
01 Feb 2016, 2:31pm
Hey everyone,

I am currently trying to figure out a some what cheap trade build for an anaconda.
01 Feb 2016, 3:27pm
I might be looking with my elbows but I can see where available landing pad size can be entered into the market data when editing. I've read through all the posts here and can't find an answer. Any help? It would be useful as I'm entering quite a few surface stations at the moment.
01 Feb 2016, 3:29pm
Volestrangler: Just select the proper station type, landing pad sizes are based on this.
01 Feb 2016, 3:35pm
So I was looking with my elbows, instead of my eyes! Thanks Artie.
01 Feb 2016, 4:25pm
MongoriansHey everyone,
I am currently trying to figure out a some what cheap trade build for an anaconda.

Hi! THis one is quite cheap Tradeconda

If you buy it at Li Yong-Rui's system you can get in for about 140 mil complete and ready for trading
01 Feb 2016, 5:29pm
Nice to have a CG with crazy short in-system commute and not a single interdiction, woot!
01 Feb 2016, 5:46pm
Darn. There I was, just trying to deliver Palladium when I was interdicted by an NPC - FIVE TIMES IN A ROW. Boost, boost, jump, interdict, boost, boost, jump, interdict.....
01 Feb 2016, 6:45pm
Does any one see a comparison with the galnet news of the unidentified explorer

and the news bulletins I wrote for a role play story   in December in the galactic bar on page 1.

And the galnet bulletin https://community.elitedangerous.com/galnet/uid/56ab79989657ba031aaab151

Last edit: 01 Feb 2016, 7:14pm
02 Feb 2016, 9:08am
Now that the exploration has been delayed until distant worlds is finished im now worried that FD will announce a release date for horizons which could coincide with the trip meaning ppl might self destruct to go play it.
02 Feb 2016, 9:11am
Ah the dilemma of loyalty and curiosity.
02 Feb 2016, 9:22am
Nathanc213Now that the exploration has been delayed until distant worlds is finished im now worried that FD will announce a release date for horizons which could coincide with the trip meaning ppl might self destruct to go play it.

Release date for Horizons? You mean 2.1 release date?
02 Feb 2016, 9:47am
Nathanc213Now that the exploration has been delayed until distant worlds is finished im now worried that FD will announce a release date for horizons which could coincide with the trip meaning ppl might self destruct to go play it.

Release date for Horizons? You mean 2.1 release date?

Xbox one release date

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