Elite: Game talk

22 Feb 2016, 6:04am
Good job everyone who partook in the antislavery CG! It's nice to be nice. The pay didn't hurt either:
22 Feb 2016, 10:44am
How many CMDRs can instance on PC?
22 Feb 2016, 10:49am
I think Distant worlds just broke 110 in one instance.
22 Feb 2016, 10:54am
Yikes. Yea...12 here on neglected box one.
Good gravey can you imagine a 110 free for all? Last ship standing... total boss.
22 Feb 2016, 11:37am
Many thanks to the Cmdr who shadowed me into Lorentz Hub and chased that pest of an NPC who was just about to interdict me around 1045 - 1100hrs UK time this morning. I am more the explorer/trader type and although I have perfected my submit/chaff/boost and high wake to the closest system technique it is a royal pain in the butt to be a few seconds from the "safe to disengage" signal when that asshat NPC pulls you up. Anyway hope you read this it was much appreciated, Cmdr Rockin' the Ante.
22 Feb 2016, 11:54am
anyone got deeper knowledge of the "killing grounds" mission?
1st part says to kill cmdr xyz which I did, after which ich had to kill X systemauthority vessels.
I began this some days ago and killed the cmdr. After that I had to kill 5 system authority ships. I Killed one and got a high bounty. that was expected.
But then i had to leave the Computer, so the mission timer ran out. Yesterday I thought the mission must have failed, but it was still there showing 1/5 kills and still seemed to be completable without a timer showing.
Is this true? can I still kill the 5 authority vessels and complete the mission, or will it just bug out(I read about some other bugs about that mission) and will not be completeable?I dont want to geht an crazy high bounty on my head for nothing.
22 Feb 2016, 3:41pm
So I have a debate on which lazers are the best when it comes to hard and quick damage

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Feb 2016, 4:11pm
22 Feb 2016, 3:56pm
HunterdayAnyone know a good Charity system for the Empire, the few systems I have been using now only give me independent missions (Tamar, Xi Wangar, Waangamici, Liabeze).  Any help would be great,  I just want to get Baron rank so I can get a clipper ><.

I feel kinda bad asking as its a little bit like an exploit but I really want a Clipper and a Python. I have a decent trade route but its taken ages and the grindy and repetitiveness of do the same thing over and over this driving me nuts >< .

I play on an Xbox one.


  • head out to Cubeo - Weaver Vision
  • look at the bulletin board for donation missions and only take those you can turn in immediately (If you have to abandon a mission, it will drop rep a little bit)
  • do the Open > Private > Solo dance, i.e. go back to main menu and select the next play mode
  • if 2-3 full dancing circles still give the same missions and no new donation missions pop up, then return to the desktop and restart either in 64bit normal or 64bit horizon client
  • repeat the cycle again and again and again 

Send my kind regards to the blue-haired space barbie and her followers if you head out there! [img=21x21]http://i.imgur.com/fQuWiRz.png[/img]

Thanks all took about 7 hours and a fair bit of boredom but managed to get the permit. Much appreciated support
22 Feb 2016, 4:15pm

Thanks all took about 7 hours and a fair bit of boredom but managed to get the permit. Much appreciated support

you're welcome.
22 Feb 2016, 6:39pm
OzramGood job everyone who partook in the antislavery CG! It's nice to be nice. The pay didn't hurt either:

I logged on today to run more slaves and discovered I had 15 mil to collect. The progress bar was off the page. Great job everyone.
22 Feb 2016, 6:42pm
You may have seen it but the Anaconda paint jobs are now available, four sets at £5 each.

22 Feb 2016, 7:46pm
HumpsterYou may have seen it but the Anaconda paint jobs are now available, four sets at £5 each.


yeah, I'm pumped! Guess who gets the white Anaconda
22 Feb 2016, 8:57pm
Haha I bought all 4 packs, variety is the spice of life!
22 Feb 2016, 10:37pm
damnit ... I just bought 3 of them ...

"It's a shame that the Imperial society is separated in either filthy and poor folk or rich people ... I'm glad to say that I'm a part of both worlds: I'm filthy rich." - Imperial Citizen Rob "AreZee" Zacharias at a recent charity event.

link to animation of the frame shift jump

Last edit: 22 Feb 2016, 10:43pm
22 Feb 2016, 11:22pm
Hi fellow commanders, I'm in search of a little advice with regards to the direction I'm heading to.
At the moment, I've been trading with both the Empire and the Federation, roughly 50/50 and my ranks have increased equally.
But. . . I think it's time to make a choice.
Ship wise, the Empire does have some beautiful ships. But the Federation has a more sturdy, rugged type that suits my line of work. (Trading & a bit of exploring).
I've also considered joining a faction, and again, which way?
My head's spinning out of control with all these directions to go.

Any advice?

The one decision I have made is. . .
It's time to say goodbye to my beloved Cobra Mk.IV. She's a great little ship, handles superbly. Can usually look after herself in a tight corner.
But the limited cargo space is becoming a burden.
Also, has anyone else noticed that the pirates and "bushwhackers" seem to be either travelling in groups or have upgraded their ships. I find myself running a lot more than I used to.

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