Elite: Game talk

09 Feb 2016, 2:41pm
HatatytlaHello, is there any possibility to send a message to all my wing members, please?

No option for it, for whole-wing alerts I suggest to use wing board, or some alert message for wing members only on the wing front page.
09 Feb 2016, 3:01pm
Is there any CMDRs here that would be willing to travel to the NGC 7822 nebula and cross the gap towards the bubble nebula in a ship with a jump range of 20ly or less?
09 Feb 2016, 4:19pm
MerinidJust curious - there are many systems with "SHUI WEI" in name. Аnyone knows what does it mean in Elite?
Definitely looks like chinese, but without hanzi I don't really know what FD ment.

I don't know for sure, but sector names are randomly generated seven-letter words. Using 26 letters, we have some 8 billion possible sector names. SHUI WEI is just an accidental one of these names.

I wonder if they use all the seven-letters words with some meaning in any language, though 'shui wei' means 'water level' according to this Chinese dictionary: here Must be a coincidence

they are actual star designations , along with HIP etc-etc-etc (FD went into great depth on that front) . as to who/why umm pass
09 Feb 2016, 7:38pm
Just got killed while docked at a port.
I'm at Shaw Point on MarianNungari 4C. I'd like to thank anyone that was involved in the attack on this station. You just cost me a fair chunk of money.
09 Feb 2016, 7:48pm
BeachwalkerJust got killed while docked at a port.
I'm at Shaw Point on MarianNungari 4C. I'd like to thank anyone that was involved in the attack on this station. You just cost me a fair chunk of money.

Wow!! I was planning to head over there just a sec ago. Turning back. This is why I head inside the hanger when doing my transactions. I'm very sorry to hear about that. I hope those people got their's. Be safe CMDR.
09 Feb 2016, 8:07pm
BeachwalkerJust got killed while docked at a port.
I'm at Shaw Point on MarianNungari 4C. I'd like to thank anyone that was involved in the attack on this station. You just cost me a fair chunk of money.

Wow!! I was planning to head over there just a sec ago. Turning back. This is why I head inside the hanger when doing my transactions. I'm very sorry to hear about that. I hope those people got their's. Be safe CMDR.

Never seen anything like it before. Missiles coming from every direction, explosions all around.
The station is located in a crator. From what I could see, they seemed to be firing from the rim down onto the port.
Once I'd got my ship back, I waited a while before heading out. Seems to be over now.
09 Feb 2016, 8:13pm
BeachwalkerJust got killed while docked at a port.
I'm at Shaw Point on MarianNungari 4C. I'd like to thank anyone that was involved in the attack on this station. You just cost me a fair chunk of money.

Wow!! I was planning to head over there just a sec ago. Turning back. This is why I head inside the hanger when doing my transactions. I'm very sorry to hear about that. I hope those people got their's. Be safe CMDR.

Never seen anything like it before. Missiles coming from every direction, explosions all around.
The station is located in a crator. From what I could see, they seemed to be firing from the rim down onto the port.
Once I'd got my ship back, I waited a while before heading out. Seems to be over now.

Wait just a minute!! If the station is in a crator then it also can be Drones that went rouge or something? Or maybe both? Just a thought. I can be wrong at this. I don't stay in planetary stations too long.
09 Feb 2016, 8:53pm

Never seen anything like it before. Missiles coming from every direction, explosions all around.
The station is located in a crator. From what I could see, they seemed to be firing from the rim down onto the port.
Once I'd got my ship back, I waited a while before heading out. Seems to be over now.

Sounds a bit more than a ground attack mission against a base. Maybe a crew decided to see if they could take down a base with massive firepower just for fun?
10 Feb 2016, 5:48am
Really enjoying BH in RESs in Python a bit more of a challenge as they don't corner like my old DBS but at least I can take on bigger fish. Downside: my new job is seriously cutting into my flying time...come on...what's that about?!
11 Feb 2016, 4:43pm
Greetings from an Aussie here residing in Australia .. The Greater Down Under.
63 years old, Military Retired and introduced to this game by one of my 3 son-in-laws.... bloody addictive.

At the moment my bucket of bolts is a TYPE-6 TRANSPORTER. It developing into a great little machine and is good enough to beat all interdiction's - so far. We, the "AUSSIE DIGGER" as I have named her, and I have a system when hit... we do come close to failure BUT not close enough and manage to escape... and manage to reach our Destination.

Mainly, so far, done some planet crawling, harvesting as i call it and some Trading of items. NOT Making a fortune BUT making money to spend on the machine and improving it.

The TYPE-6 is a great Load Machine and set up with bigger fuel tanks and Larger Cargo Holds - is a good traveling trader. Will be hard to pass this ship for what its able to do.

Well thats me, in a nut shell.... cya later!
11 Feb 2016, 4:48pm
I got some questions regarding the background sim:
is there a page or something that lists every system a minor faction is part in?
and if a faction triggers EXPANSION at lets say 85% influence , will it expand automatically or is there something that has to be done to let expansion work, like getting to 100% or something?
11 Feb 2016, 5:21pm
RaverbashingI got some questions regarding the background sim:
is there a page or something that lists every system a minor faction is part in?
and if a faction triggers EXPANSION at lets say 85% influence , will it expand automatically or is there something that has to be done to let expansion work, like getting to 100% or something?

I would also like to know, my faction has been in game since October and has been in an expansion state at least once but I cant find the system it expanded to
11 Feb 2016, 5:32pm
RaverbashingI got some questions regarding the background sim:
is there a page or something that lists every system a minor faction is part in?
and if a faction triggers EXPANSION at lets say 85% influence , will it expand automatically or is there something that has to be done to let expansion work, like getting to 100% or something?

I would also like to know, my faction has been in game since October and has been in an expansion state at least once but I cant find the system it expanded to

That's where you need to get dedicated at the moment. Supposedly the regular NPC minor Factions and those that were created for a certain Player Wing are capable of expanding randomly in a 30 LY range around the System where the Expansion State was triggered in. If you don't know exactly where the Expansion went to, then there's only one way to find out: make a list and check through all the Systems, either via System Map or (if the info isn't shown on it) fly there.

If you don't find any System where your faction expanded to, it could very well be that due to neglecting it (or well, not knowing where it went) it has perished. That happens if a System is full in means of factions (current maximum allowed per System is 7) and a new minor faction expanded to that System. Whatever faction is the lowest on the list gets removed from the System or eventually perishes completely.

And one more thing - you can only expand once in every System. If you're kicked out, that's it. At least according to the current BGS setup.

Regarding if there's a list of every System and with the up-to-date current Minor factions in it, I doubt it. Unless someone went totally bonkers and wrote a program that keeps track of all Influence changes and where which faction expanded to. And considering all the problems that FD themselves have to keep the BGS working...

The Expansion State is triggered once a faction goes beyond 75% Influence. Once any State is Pending, it will happen (if more then one are shown, the little arrow on the bottom gives away which is most likely to be triggered). Just give it time and hope for the BGS not getting stuck.

Last edit: 11 Feb 2016, 8:37pm
12 Feb 2016, 5:08am
Horizons season pass is on sale for a few hours still & I am wondering if it is worth it. I don't have Horizons & planet exploration sounds neat but from what I've read it isn't much in terms of content. There are a few things coming out this year I could get with the pass but nothing that stands out for me. I want it straight from the horses' mouths - ya or nay nay?
12 Feb 2016, 5:52am
Bobo's ToupeeHorizons season pass is on sale for a few hours still & I am wondering if it is worth it. I don't have Horizons & planet exploration sounds neat but from what I've read it isn't much in terms of content. There are a few things coming out this year I could get with the pass but nothing that stands out for me. I want it straight from the horses' mouths - ya or nay nay?

Horizons came out a few weeks after I picked up ED, and I got it as soon as it was available - I did not preorder since I was still getting used to ED.

I obviously can't tell you ya or nay, since I don't know what you like or if you will enjoy it. There isn't that much in terms of content, it's true, but ED is, IMO, one of those games where your own imagination is as important, if not more so, than "content". As with all things, I find that I get out of it what I put into it, and since I'm looking for things to enjoy rather than things by which to be disappointed, I'm having a very good time with both ED and the Horizons extensions.

With Horizons you get several things that ED doesn't have.

Planetary landings, for one. They're not that big a deal - just more places to go to buy and sell stuff, or pick up missions, for the most part. Planetary landings are more time and effort-consuming than stations and platforms, so for more trading opportunities alone, they're not worth it. BUT, they do offer more opportunities within a single system for increasing your rank, so if that appeals to you, there is that. If you like trading, planetary bases offer more of that. Different planets and moons look different and fly different, have different gravity, and I'm finding that I'm learning a few different ways of fly in orbit and near the planet depending on gravity, terrain, etc. So if you like the nuances of flight control, this brings some more environments in which to experiment. Turning off flight assist while running around in a canyon can be fun.

Planetary incursion missions: Going to an outpost and shooting up a settlement, taking out a piece of hardware or accessing a data link. Again, good for leveling rank and grinding credits. If you like bounty hunting, you well may like planetary assault missions, with ship or SRV. Again, different styles for flight and weapon loadouts are something to experiment with. I haven't yet encountered ships defending a settlement, but I've not done much in this area just yet so can't say much more.

Planetary exploration: Driving the SRV is FUN, IMO. It's a bit more awkward than ship controls, or maybe I just need to get more used to it. Finding minerals gets tedious quickly, but if you're an explorer, it's a way to maintain your ship without returning to civilized space. Finding goodies is pretty rewarding - if you're into that sort of thing. On my first excursion, I found a restricted area with several tonnes of gold guarded by a few sentry bots. That was an unexpected reward that got me interested in exploring the surface a bit more. I went on to find a crashed nav beacon and scanning it got me a data package I could sell. I haven't found a barnacle yet, but then I've not gone looking - I understand buggies are the way to get close and personal with those things. If you like exploring, tooling around in an SRV offers a similar experience, but different enough to be interesting.

There's a new version of the Cobra (maybe a Viper also?) that you can only buy with Horizons. The Cobra MkIV has an extra hardpoint but is slower and more sluggish than the MkIII. I tried it out as a starter mining ship and it was decent enough for that, but it just didn't interest me enough. If you're a collector and want to have a nice fleet of all available makes and models, there is that.

To me, it's been worth it. The way it was released was awkward and weird. Horizons is basically all of ED, plus the stuff above, and that made me feel a bit robbed for having just bought ED separately.I hear tell they're changing the packaging of it so Horisons won't be a game onto itself but rather will the a proper DLC addon, which makes more sense to me. I think it was Obsidian Ant's YouTube feed that I got this from so have a look for yourself.

There's supposed to be a few more updates to Horizons over the coming year -

"Engineers" allowing you to make customized weapons and outfitting for your ship that will allow more tailoring of loadouts, and will completely complicate the build advice on coriolis, to be sure;

"Passengers" which will let you ferry passengers as a new mission type (they will ask you to divert to new stops, for fun and profit);
creating your own avatar, so if you need a face inside that helmet, I guess this is the feature to give you that;

Personas for mission givers, so they'll have faces and possibly bios, and will allegedly grow to like or dislike you and offer variety of missions based on their personal disposition, not just your standing with a faction.

multi-player ship crews so you can man battle stations with your friends, and some other stuff.

I haven't heard if this will be DLC or just free updates, but it sounded like free new features - so if any of that appeals to you, or not, make appropriate purchasing decisions accordingly.


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