Elite: Game talk

01 Apr 2016, 9:09am
Jose C. SilvaLet me just say it takes skills to park like that!

"Could I have a Whopper with cheese, large fries and a vanilla shake please".
01 Apr 2016, 10:11am
You guys really be sorry if CMDR Julia Wolfe or CMDR Nip Nip get word of this. Was nice knowing you, that's all I say
01 Apr 2016, 4:19pm
Aaron W MitchellEven with 1% of Cmdrs being female, I still find this...

I got stuck in the prongs of the mailslot cage once, in a Python. Was coming in perpendicular to the axis and misjudged my turn. Flight Assist was on and trying to compensate for the rotation of the station and I didn't think to turn it off. It took me WAY too long to extricate myself. I wish I had gotten a picture.
01 Apr 2016, 5:19pm
Aaron W MitchellI would just like to state that I was Impressed myself when I saw the conda
And would like to remind any Ladies out there... I didn't start this

"I didn't put you on this list... You put you on this list! LET IT BEGIN!"
01 Apr 2016, 6:48pm
HI WHERE I CAN FIND : PAINITE ? pls respnd fast ( en français si possible ! ^^ )
01 Apr 2016, 7:05pm
HI ALL CMDR where i can find : PAINITE ?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Apr 2016, 1:29pm
01 Apr 2016, 7:12pm
You have to mine it. It can't be bought. Your best bet is mining in a pristine metallic ring.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Apr 2016, 1:29pm
01 Apr 2016, 7:14pm
Mining from metallic rings, pristine are the best and normally metallic will be inner ring of a planet when present. Either preferably fire off prospector drone and check or quick blast of mining laser and look at chunk composition. If you see Painite then you really want to be putting a prospector into asteroid to increase the amount extractable.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Apr 2016, 1:29pm
01 Apr 2016, 7:17pm
02 Apr 2016, 5:46am
Cpt-krigzHI ALL CMDR where i can find : PAINITE ?

1. Get a large-ish ship (python will do, 'conda or T9 even better)
2. Eqip with largest Refinery module possible, Advanced Disco Scanner, Surface Detail Scanner, Prospector Limpets
3. Search for ringed objects outside the "Human Bubble", drop into the rings, use limpets on large ring-rocks

You'll find some Painite before long.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Apr 2016, 1:29pm
02 Apr 2016, 8:40am
thanks all !

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Apr 2016, 1:29pm
02 Apr 2016, 5:44pm
Ok. I have a question but may not be able to ask it correctly. Here's what happened....

We were out helping a newbie to ED and to our little wing of miscreants  and initiating him to the joys of bounty hunting in a RES to get him some quick cash and on the way to getting out of the Sidewinder.  With Vulture and Federal Assault ship as his wingmates, we figured we could keep him safe.  Things were going along swimmingly until we took on a Flight of 3...   Cobra Mk III,  Viper Mk IV and a larger ship. Asp Explorer  if I recall correctly..maybe a Python  In any case, we attacked the Viper, our little chick  got his hits in and we destroyed it.  Then we started working over the ASP/Python, he got his hits in, and although I had been watching his six throughout, I broke off so we could both hammer the larger ship before it could attack him.  All of a sudden, he was taking hits from the Cobra.  I was on it fast and blasted it so it broke off the attack our friend, and we quickly destroyed it. His Sidewinder  had only lost shields and hull was still 89%.  We told him to boost and FrameShift back to the station but he was dead in the water and on Life Support countdown!!!

His Powerplant seemed to take a hit and was reading 0%. He rebooted the systems and from what he could see and what WE could see skipping through his modules, everything was healthy including the Powerplant at 95% but he could not thrust or Frame Shift "INSUFFICIENT POWER" messages.  His power output was good. Reading 100% Output,  75% used.  We had him try re-activating FSD and Thrusters, but he said that rather than the INACTIVE/ACTIVE toggle, they all said INSUFFICIENT POWER and were RED.  We messed around but only had 9 minutes until his Life Support timed out and he lost all the bounties we had gained.

Anyone know what happened???  Seems his Canopy was cracked, hence Life Support, and maybe the Powerplant took a hit, but the system diagnostics were reading fine.

Many times I have been chasing Pirates who FSD'd out with a hull at only a few percent (and I daresay, I have escaped in this manner myself a time or two!!!).

I felt very bad for not protecting him better. Honestly I had totally forgotten about the 3rd ship in the Pirate Wing. The other wingmate said he remembered the 3rd ship but figured it would come after US as we where the ones pounding his buddy.

What could have happened?? Magic BB?  Too late I thought maybe he could have SAVED AND EXITED TO MAIN MENU and come back repaired, but maybe that exploit has been fixed. Since he is new to the game, I can't swear that he did everything we asked him to about re-activating modules, but they all looked healthy from an external scan.

Last edit: 02 Apr 2016, 5:49pm
02 Apr 2016, 11:22pm
ED_RecluseOk. I have a question but may not be able to ask it correctly. Here's what happened....

We were out helping a newbie to ED and to our little wing of miscreants  and initiating him to the joys of bounty hunting in a RES to get him some quick cash and on the way to getting out of the Sidewinder.  With Vulture and Federal Assault ship as his wingmates, we figured we could keep him safe.  Things were going along swimmingly until we took on a Flight of 3...   Cobra Mk III,  Viper Mk IV and a larger ship. Asp Explorer  if I recall correctly..maybe a Python  In any case, we attacked the Viper, our little chick  got his hits in and we destroyed it.  Then we started working over the ASP/Python, he got his hits in, and although I had been watching his six throughout, I broke off so we could both hammer the larger ship before it could attack him.  All of a sudden, he was taking hits from the Cobra.  I was on it fast and blasted it so it broke off the attack our friend, and we quickly destroyed it. His Sidewinder  had only lost shields and hull was still 89%.  We told him to boost and FrameShift back to the station but he was dead in the water and on Life Support countdown!!!

His Powerplant seemed to take a hit and was reading 0%. He rebooted the systems and from what he could see and what WE could see skipping through his modules, everything was healthy including the Powerplant at 95% but he could not thrust or Frame Shift "INSUFFICIENT POWER" messages.  His power output was good. Reading 100% Output,  75% used.  We had him try re-activating FSD and Thrusters, but he said that rather than the INACTIVE/ACTIVE toggle, they all said INSUFFICIENT POWER and were RED.  We messed around but only had 9 minutes until his Life Support timed out and he lost all the bounties we had gained.

Anyone know what happened???  Seems his Canopy was cracked, hence Life Support, and maybe the Powerplant took a hit, but the system diagnostics were reading fine.

Many times I have been chasing Pirates who FSD'd out with a hull at only a few percent (and I daresay, I have escaped in this manner myself a time or two!!!).

I felt very bad for not protecting him better. Honestly I had totally forgotten about the 3rd ship in the Pirate Wing. The other wingmate said he remembered the 3rd ship but figured it would come after US as we where the ones pounding his buddy.

What could have happened?? Magic BB?  Too late I thought maybe he could have SAVED AND EXITED TO MAIN MENU and come back repaired, but maybe that exploit has been fixed. Since he is new to the game, I can't swear that he did everything we asked him to about re-activating modules, but they all looked healthy from an external scan.

I took one of those 'magic' hits from a Cobra or Viper last week against my python...still scratching my head trying to figure it out. Have not lost a ship in more than 5 months and certainly not my python. It was very odd.
03 Apr 2016, 12:33am
Cpt-krigzi hall im on eranin and i search for : URANIUM ! where i can buy it near of my position ?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Apr 2016, 1:30pm
03 Apr 2016, 5:07am
Cpt-krigzi hall im on eranin and i search for : URANIUM ! where i can buy it near of my position ?

Go to website: www.eddb.io

Click on commodities, and you can input where you are & what you're looking for.

It will give you a list of systems and stations that have it, and display how far away it is, prices, stock, and how old the info is.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Apr 2016, 1:30pm

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