HIP 14211
Elite: Game talk
21 May 2021, 12:35am
EpisparhMeanwhile Thargoids are approaching the bubble
HIP 14211
As expected in the rerun of 'we had a good story once, lets do it again.' Direction from California via HIP 14211 should make anyone affiliated to Achenar a little worried.
All is as it should be and CMDRs are requested to follow the obvious 'bug hunt, kill' and ignore the subtler, human moves beneath.
21 May 2021, 3:31am
21 May 2021, 3:39am
21 May 2021, 3:46am
Isaiah EvansonIt's the boot time if you turn the module off and back on. Useful if you're running.a power hungry build.
Ah!! Gotcha.
21 May 2021, 5:27am
I visited multiple stations in order to find a Type-10 to buy, I followed Inara latest records for that, but on every station I went (5) it says the vendor is not selling that ship.
Is there something wrong with the database after odyssey, or am I doing it wrong?
21 May 2021, 6:15am
Light-HawkThanatos au GrimmusKazumaGShepSo they increased the weekly upkeep of the FCs
Wow, you aren't kidding. Just saw a poster on FDev forum that said his weekly FC upkeep costs went from about 24M/week to about 44M/week!
This sucks. I'm still trying to save up to get one in the first place. I mean even at 50mil/week, that's not that hard. Couple runs at Robigo. But that still sucks.
I love this game but I play it to destress and relax. It needs to not become a second job.
Not quite. They simply didn't deduct the maintenance costs at the start of the cycle like they were supposed to and the costs for last week were rolled up into this week. They fixed that in patch 1 and charged everyone for last cycle's costs.
21 May 2021, 6:16am
Kenji_088Steve BrentHello,
I visited multiple stations in order to find a Type-10 to buy, I followed Inara latest records for that, but on every station I went (5) it says the vendor is not selling that ship.
Is there something wrong with the database after odyssey, or am I doing it wrong?
Thats weird.
What system are you in rn?
Ill check too.
I am here right now:
Last edit: 21 May 2021, 6:25am
21 May 2021, 6:26am
Steve BrentHello,
I visited multiple stations in order to find a Type-10 to buy, I followed Inara latest records for that, but on every station I went (5) it says the vendor is not selling that ship.
Is there something wrong with the database after odyssey, or am I doing it wrong?
Nothing wrong with Inara. Just because of the mess caused by frontier no recent updates and probably the old information is no longer relevant.
21 May 2021, 6:30am
EpisparhSteve BrentHello,
I visited multiple stations in order to find a Type-10 to buy, I followed Inara latest records for that, but on every station I went (5) it says the vendor is not selling that ship.
Is there something wrong with the database after odyssey, or am I doing it wrong?
Nothing wrong with Inara. Just because of the mess caused by frontier no recent updates and probably the old information is no longer relevant.
Kenji_088Steve BrentKenji_088
Thats weird.
What system are you in rn?
Ill check too.
I am here right now:
I dont have odyssey. So i dont know how accurate me helping you would be.
Also, do you have enough funds to buy it?
Ok, thanks.
21 May 2021, 9:58am
a known issue?
brigther one is horrizon. is this normal? why oddyssey is darker? also texts are thinner barely readable. and where is my suit?
21 May 2021, 10:18am
Venom Skywalker[img=1263x502]https://scontent.fsaw3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/188257877_10159282164801142_8881985861923636423_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=b9115d&_nc_ohc=I4enaoa1aZIAX-fyAY8&_nc_ht=scontent.fsaw3-1.fna&oh=da9b5b35e8270353bc8115ab4bc0acb3&oe=60CE34A3[/img]
a known issue?
brigther one is horrizon. is this normal? why oddyssey is darker? also texts are thinner barely readable. and where is my suit?
Yeah, i have the same issue and I hate it. I hope they will fix it ASAP
21 May 2021, 10:29am
Go, report and up vote if you do not like the blind simulator.
21 May 2021, 11:41am
More missions avaible in many different stations that we can't effectively control/reach. Plus: we still don't know which kind of missions can spawn in these new bases and how much can impact over a system influence.
A lot of doubts and question marks. Actually any squadron based on consol can be undermined easier. To me this seems pretty unfair.
Ah, so the missions availability, I see. Thanks for the clarification.
Another Example: untill yesterday i controlled a system without any black market. After Odissey update are spawned different settlments with black market. Now: How do you suppose i can control this damn brand new black market if i can't fisically reach/control the base?
How do you propose you WOULD control the black market if you COULD reach the base?
Last edit: 21 May 2021, 12:24pm
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