Elite: Game talk

02 Jun 2021, 1:05am
Yeah, it's utterly borked. I personally witnessed a faction win a War 4-0, LOSE influence and get robbed of the system asset they were supposed to get (the losing faction kept it & gained influence).
02 Jun 2021, 1:44pm
Ищу русских на платформе Ps4
02 Jun 2021, 2:26pm
any xbox players looking for a solid and new squad to join dm me on here and ill fill you in need a few recruits for my platform side of the sqwad
02 Jun 2021, 5:52pm
JennerationWhat have they done to this game. I didn't even buy Odyssey and its still ruining my experience.

First of all, is it just me or did we loose squadron chat this evening. The tabbed squadron chat link has actually disappeared!!!

Also just jumped my carrier, except got no countdown info or any of the usual build up and sound effects. It did not take my ship into the hull but when I manually entered the hanger with 2 mins to go, I finally saw the progress bar info and heard some sound effects. It completed its jump ok.

Then I tried to make another jump. Same as before, no sound effects, nothing to indicate a jump happening other than the countdown on the carrier management screen. No securing ship messages and it didnt take me into the hanger. This time when I manually entered the hanger, no progress bar appeared. Time came and went (had to keep checking the carrier management screen. No jump??? Went back to surface. Still in previous system. Definitely not jumped. Cockpit display and Nav panel still showing previous system info.

Went to the carrier management screen. It was in cooldown and saying I was at the destination. Checked Galaxy map, said I was at new destination, Went back to the main cockpit, still showing previous destination??? Returned to surface to see I definitely had not jumped anywhere, the same star at the same distance was right in front of me! Checked Galaxy map. Said I was at my destination.

I'll play

Eventually gave up and logged out to menu and back in again. Now showing I was at the destination with all the nav panels and cockpit info updated!!! So the game completely missed the whole jump sequence. Thats screwed up big time.

This week I have had numerous kick outs, frame rate drops, glitches, messaging problems, Instancing failures, carrier jumps completely crashing everyone in a wing out of the game entirely, the transfer button on the carrier greying out requiring me to log back in and have to re wing and re-share missions repeatedly. The list of problems goes on and on and I DID NOT EVEN BUY ODDESEY! Are you listening FD? I didn't buy it because I fully expected it to be the mess it reportedly is at this stage. But even I did not think it would ruin the base game as well.

Perhaps the most worrying problem for Frontier is that since Odyssey came out, at least half the player base has disappeared from my squadron initially to play it. Sound like a good thing for FD sales right. Wrong!, most appear to have now abandoned the game altogether as they are not showing up in Odyssey or Horizons. There is hardly anyone left at the moment to wing up with in Horizons and after tonight experience I am having a break too.

The problems with Odyssey are not as bad as the you tube clips, reviews and commentaries suggest, they are in fact considerably worse.

GTA Online, Fallout 76, Cyberpunk, Elite Dangerous. Not good company to be in FD.
02 Jun 2021, 8:36pm
Hero Ferrari unlocked

Did ~2 low conflict zones (3days ago)
~4 medium
+20 hard

today I finished 8 low in a row and she unlocked
02 Jun 2021, 8:44pm
Anat ShaniHero Ferrari unlocked

Did ~2 low conflict zones (3days ago)
~4 medium
+20 hard

today I finished 8 low in a row and she unlocked

Yeah, it counts only low. Had exactly the same problem to the greater extend until I found this information on the forum. It is rather poorly tested implementation.
02 Jun 2021, 9:01pm
Anat ShaniHero Ferrari unlocked

Did ~2 low conflict zones (3days ago)
~4 medium
+20 hard

today I finished 8 low in a row and she unlocked

Yeah, it counts only low. Had exactly the same problem to the greater extend until I found this information on the forum. It is rather poorly tested implementation.

that's so insane

I was bored to death for those 3 hrs of my life
02 Jun 2021, 10:53pm
02 Jun 2021, 11:03pm
Ah, LHS 417 9 E A is no more.
That means no more selenium for me in Odyssey.

I've read some interesting stuff on here, but how are folk coping? I think I've done my time with Odyssey for the moment. 14 tickets raised with support, 2 ships lost forever and that bloody catastrophe that is outfitting. I did think the graphics would carry me through and I'd always log into Odyssey even if I was ship based but I just can't do it. The target holo not aligning, the inability to plot route to bookmarks, the fact it has a 'Ship Stats 1 of 4' icon on the screen but won't let you see page 2, 3 or 4, the fact you can't equip modules from your storage - these are school boy coding issues that I don't think anyone should have to put up with.
I still stand by fDev, as I'm sure we all do. I gave a positive review on Steam and I definitely think the potential of the game is high when they add some non-shooty content - but Christ on a double dildo, there's a lot of work to do to get it there.

*Besides, I haven't managed to successfully complete a foot mission yet. Keep getting into fights and dying, even on threat level 0 missions.
02 Jun 2021, 11:15pm
I've been playing in Horizons, & watching how-to videos & SciFi movies/series, just to pass the time.

I'm waiting & hoping they'll get things smoothed out, the sooner, the better & meanwhile, finding something other than EDO to play.

<rolls up a big fat OnionHead doobie, lights it up & takes a long drag & passes it over>
02 Jun 2021, 11:18pm
Playing Horizons content via Odyssey launcher. Back to my usual CZ fun. New visuals for ship combat are fine, and they won't make my PC explode and my head go dizzy because of cr*ppy performance.
02 Jun 2021, 11:43pm
And patch #2 incoming tomorrow - release notes -> outfitting -> fixed -> ????
02 Jun 2021, 11:50pm
Synthya WylderPfffttt... Engineers!

Meme never gets old.
03 Jun 2021, 12:04am
Maybe if they ever bothered to actually PLAY their own game, they would see the ridiculousness of many aspects of the game... what a novel idea. I do think most things have improved over the years but it took years to get that way. I still don't understand why they felt the need to pretty much undo everything related to Horizons. One step forward, 5 steps back I guess...
03 Jun 2021, 1:49am
The only real question is, "Do you like exploring blackholes?"

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