Elite: Game talk
06 Jun 2021, 8:09pm
Kenji_088SakashiroJust survived a gank in Deciat.
Makes you a faaaaaar better pilot then me then.
Nah, the ship makes all the difference. Erratic pilot behavior actually helps.
06 Jun 2021, 8:44pm
SakashiroKenji_088SakashiroJust survived a gank in Deciat.
Makes you a faaaaaar better pilot then me then.
Nah, the ship makes all the difference. Erratic pilot behavior actually helps.
If a player is interdicting you, is it even possible to evade the interdiction? Last time a player tried to interdict me, I managed to keep my ship glued to the escape vector near perfectly but the red meter still filled up near instantly. It happened fast enough that the whole "try to escape mechanic" for interdictions might as well be removed as it was completely pointless. I have never had any trouble evading NPC interdictions but if it's a player, based on that last attempt, it looks like they programmed it to literally not be possible to escape.
Last edit: 06 Jun 2021, 8:52pm
06 Jun 2021, 8:58pm
Makes you a faaaaaar better pilot then me then.
Nah, the ship makes all the difference. Erratic pilot behavior actually helps.
If a player is interdicting you, is it even possible to evade the interdiction? Last time a player tried to interdict me, I managed to keep my ship glued to the escape vector near perfectly but the red meter still filled up near instantly. It happened fast enough that the whole "try to escape mechanic" for interdictions might as well be removed as it was completely pointless.
The interdiction mechanic in PVP favours the attacker. The person interdicting would have to be terribad at it to fail. It's so lopsided Pros will mock failing to bait you into resisting the interdiction, increasing the odds the interdiction will succeed and trap you with the long FSD CD. The universal guidance when PVP interdicted and you want to get away is to submit, turn towards the attacker, boost by them, pips to shields and engines, and high wake out while performing evasives.
06 Jun 2021, 9:55pm
BurstarThe interdiction mechanic in PVP favours the attacker. The person interdicting would have to be terribad at it to fail. It's so lopsided Pros will mock failing to bait you into resisting the interdiction, increasing the odds the interdiction will succeed and trap you with the long FSD CD. The universal guidance when PVP interdicted and you want to get away is to submit, turn towards the attacker, boost by them, pips to shields and engines, and high wake out while performing evasives.
Yeah, that's what I have heard. Anymore this is what I go for.
06 Jun 2021, 9:58pm
Light-HawkI wish I had recorded those last interdiction attempts. Kept my ship on the escape vector actually perfectly the whole time. The escape vector didn't even move all over the place like it does with NPCs and made it really easy to be lined up on it. Like I didn't think they'd ever be that easy to stay lined up on. It moved but not by much. Still zero chance of evasion.
Yup, the minigame is rigged against you. If the attacker is as good as you at keeping the reticle on target, you'll lose. And keep in mind, gankers do that all the time, so they have a lot of experience.
As Burstar said, submitting and high-waking is your best chance to get away. It's easier if your ship is fast and has reasonable shields.
06 Jun 2021, 10:21pm
Kenji_088Well, there goes my latest 98Mj shielding Krait 2 build then... XD
That's not a shield. That's just the polished wax on the hull.
06 Jun 2021, 10:23pm
06 Jun 2021, 10:29pm
Light-HawkSpeed eh? So 932m/s viper mk 3? Got it. Can't shoot what you can't get in range of!!!!
Your speed difference with FDL is ~400m/s AKA you have 15 sec to make 6km gap. How many hits from railgun your cardboard viper can take?
06 Jun 2021, 10:59pm
06 Jun 2021, 11:00pm
EpisparhLight-HawkSpeed eh? So 932m/s viper mk 3? Got it. Can't shoot what you can't get in range of!!!!
Your speed difference with FDL is ~400m/s AKA you have 15 sec to make 6km gap. How many hits from railgun your cardboard viper can take?
Assuming the pilot of the FDL can plant effective shots on a comparatively small target moving rapidly away from them at a high rate of speed.
Some probably could. But the average joe is gonna have a hard time.
07 Jun 2021, 12:10am
Isaiah EvansonEpisparhLight-HawkSpeed eh? So 932m/s viper mk 3? Got it. Can't shoot what you can't get in range of!!!!
Your speed difference with FDL is ~400m/s AKA you have 15 sec to make 6km gap. How many hits from railgun your cardboard viper can take?
Assuming the pilot of the FDL can plant effective shots on a comparatively small target moving rapidly away from them at a high rate of speed.
Some probably could. But the average joe is gonna have a hard time.
Yes, because it is definitely an Average Joe that put railguns on an FDL and started interdicting Vipers...
You also have bigger problems. In your paper Viper you've got 2t of fuel and a jump range of about 7.5ly. SC might very likely be your only escape option and that means its a war of attrition to get to a safe port.
07 Jun 2021, 12:15am
It's the ones running gimballed multis you need to watch out for.
07 Jun 2021, 12:32am
Are there plug-ins or mods or quality-of-life changes I should set up to give the best play experience?
Also, I'm interested in speed-running to 1 billion credits. Is there like some trading outfit I should join to learn how to make the most money on tritium or LTD's or what's the most efficient way to grind from zero to hero these days?
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