Elite: Game talk

16 Feb 2016, 3:12am
Just curious: bounty hunters, what's your typical payout per trip to your BH location? What's your highest single payout from one BH trip?

Wondering because i had my highest single payout today, 11M in one trip. Surprised to see it bumped me from top 40% in the CG to top 5% immediately, i figured it would take a lot more. I'll typically pull in about half that per trip
16 Feb 2016, 4:16am
SurrenderJust curious: bounty hunters, what's your typical payout per trip to your BH location? What's your highest single payout from one BH trip?

Wondering because i had my highest single payout today, 11M in one trip. Surprised to see it bumped me from top 40% in the CG to top 5% immediately, i figured it would take a lot more. I'll typically pull in about half that per trip

Depending on the ship-spawn variables, bounty hunting trips can be hellaciously profitable, especially if you're flying around in a ship not dependent on ammo. I usually call it a day after hitting five mil or so, because I don't want to get tired/stupid and do something that causes me to lose all my bounties. It's happened.
17 Feb 2016, 9:54am
Jack DekerdtAnyone using HTC's VR successfully? Has Frontier moved/moving to that officially (I thought I read that anyway). I am familiar with Occulus and its driver stagnation. I'm interested in the HTC VR. Thanks

I haven't tried the HTC VR setup but I have tried another.
When I have the battery levels left from a day at work I use my iPhone with KinoVR (server is free and app is £7) with a Google cardboard knock off from Amazon (dead comfy, fully adjustable and £28). Whilst the field of view is only 60° it is pretty good viewing and I have only a few milliseconds lag between my desktop and the phone while using 5GHz over 2.4GHz.
I am hoping to pick up some 25mm diameter 45mm focal length 100° FOV lens soon to give me the same FOV as an Oculus DK2. Obviously it is not a Rift by any real stretch given the resolution and tiny amount of lag but for less than a tenth of the price it doesn't matter. Gives you a real sense of what VR could be with more support and standardisation.
17 Feb 2016, 10:27am
SurrenderJust curious: bounty hunters, what's your typical payout per trip to your BH location? What's your highest single payout from one BH trip?

Wondering because i had my highest single payout today, 11M in one trip. Surprised to see it bumped me from top 40% in the CG to top 5% immediately, i figured it would take a lot more. I'll typically pull in about half that per trip

About 8-10 mil, then it's time to reload chaff and SCB / HS
18 Feb 2016, 9:18am
Hi all pretty close to getting my Anaconda now want about 340 million in assets before buying and equipping, Cant seem to get a straight answer on the official forums so will ask here. I am planning a all turret load out initially of pulse and cannons. Just really confused as how to get the best from them. I f i have multiple red targets say in a res zone, beacon etc will it only fire at them if I select them?
18 Feb 2016, 9:31am
Set turrets to target only and they will only fire at Target and will fire constantly with one pull of the trigger. Be very careful with turrets. They are a good way to become wanted if you allow a clean vessle between you and your target. I would defiantly not use turreted cannons as the will miss 90% of their shots. Turreted multicannons are better. Also with full turrets and the hardpoint location, consider turning broadside on you enemy in combat to make sure all but one med is constantly firing.
18 Feb 2016, 9:39am
Thanks I was thinking that with the cannons due to the slow ROF compared to the MC. Will swap them out for sure. Thanks
18 Feb 2016, 9:55am
HumpsterHi all pretty close to getting my Anaconda now want about 340 million in assets before buying and equipping, Cant seem to get a straight answer on the official forums so will ask here. I am planning a all turret load out initially of pulse and cannons. Just really confused as how to get the best from them. I f i have multiple red targets say in a res zone, beacon etc will it only fire at them if I select them?

DifcanSet turrets to target only and they will only fire at Target and will fire constantly with one pull of the trigger. Be very careful with turrets. They are a good way to become wanted if you allow a clean vessle between you and your target. I would defiantly not use turreted cannons as the will miss 90% of their shots. Turreted multicannons are better. Also with full turrets and the hardpoint location, consider turning broadside on you enemy in combat to make sure all but one med is constantly firing.

advanced 'trick' ... set up 3 fire groups .

G1) ALL weapons , primary lasers , secondary projectiles ( MC's)
G2) just the lasers
G3) just the projectile weapons

as you change group to 2nd the projectiles will stop fireing (untill you fire them again)
as you change group to 3rd the lasers will stop fireing (untill you fire them again)

SO ... a quick cycle through (tripple click) will stop everything and hsnd fire control back to you !!
useful for heat/power management and not pointless lasering when they are 2.5 km away
19 Feb 2016, 6:14pm
Anyone know a good Charity system for the Empire, the few systems I have been using now only give me independent missions (Tamar, Xi Wangar, Waangamici, Liabeze).  Any help would be great,  I just want to get Baron rank so I can get a clipper ><.

I feel kinda bad asking as its a little bit like an exploit but I really want a Clipper and a Python. I have a decent trade route but its taken ages and the grindy and repetitiveness of do the same thing over and over this driving me nuts >< .

I play on an Xbox one.

Last edit: 19 Feb 2016, 8:38pm
19 Feb 2016, 7:05pm
Is anyone else unable to buy the Cobra Mk IV? I have Horizons, I can buy a Viper Mk IV and the other Horizon ships but can not for the life of me seem to be able to find the Cobra. I have tried several places that Inara says that system sells it. Any ideas guys? Thanks.
19 Feb 2016, 7:58pm
Greschalt [BFA]Is anyone else unable to buy the Cobra Mk IV? I have Horizons, I can buy a Viper Mk IV and the other Horizon ships but can not for the life of me seem to be able to find the Cobra. I have tried several places that Inara says that system sells it. Any ideas guys? Thanks.

https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=212037  Cobra mk 4 locations thread

Quote Originally Posted by Mephane  View Post
While we are at it, what does this change mean for this? Afaik, you get access by purchasing the base game and Horizons (as opposed to only Horizons right now), but all future purchases will be base game + Horizons DLC. So they get (the ability to purchase) the Cobra MK IV, too? I hope so, at least. But then what about people who bought only Horizons for effectively the same price as the new base game + DLC would cost together?

Unfortunately, as mentioned above. Only players who own Elite Dangerous and Horizons before the change goes live tomorrow will be able to access the Cobra Mk IV. It's not possible to keep the current offer with the changes mentioned above and because we have stated that it is limited we feel obligated to remove the item. However, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of it being considered and reintroduced further in the future.
Zac Antonaci   04/02/2016, 6:57 PM
Head of Community Management

Hope this helps....
19 Feb 2016, 8:20pm
Yeah that helped thanks a bunch... Ah well. Guess I'm not too disappointed though it's not a very useful ship
19 Feb 2016, 10:24pm
HunterdayAnyone know a good Charity system for the Empire, the few systems I have been using now only give me independent missions (Tamar, Xi Wangar, Waangamici, Liabeze).  Any help would be great,  I just want to get Baron rank so I can get a clipper ><.

I feel kinda bad asking as its a little bit like an exploit but I really want a Clipper and a Python. I have a decent trade route but its taken ages and the grindy and repetitiveness of do the same thing over and over this driving me nuts >< .

I play on an Xbox one.


  • head out to Cubeo - Weaver Vision
  • look at the bulletin board for donation missions and only take those you can turn in immediately (If you have to abandon a mission, it will drop rep a little bit)
  • do the Open > Private > Solo dance, i.e. go back to main menu and select the next play mode
  • if 2-3 full dancing circles still give the same missions and no new donation missions pop up, then return to the desktop and restart either in 64bit normal or 64bit horizon client
  • repeat the cycle again and again and again 

Send my kind regards to the blue-haired space barbie and her followers if you head out there!
19 Feb 2016, 10:34pm
HunterdayAnyone know a good Charity system for the Empire, the few systems I have been using now only give me independent missions (Tamar, Xi Wangar, Waangamici, Liabeze).  Any help would be great,  I just want to get Baron rank so I can get a clipper ><.

I feel kinda bad asking as its a little bit like an exploit but I really want a Clipper and a Python. I have a decent trade route but its taken ages and the grindy and repetitiveness of do the same thing over and over this driving me nuts >< .

I play on an Xbox one.


  • head out to Cubeo - Weaver Vision
  • look at the bulletin board for donation missions and only take those you can turn in immediately (If you have to abandon a mission, it will drop rep a little bit)
  • do the Open > Private > Solo dance, i.e. go back to main menu and select the next play mode
  • if 2-3 full dancing circles still give the same missions and no new donation missions pop up, then return to the desktop and restart either in 64bit normal or 64bit horizon client
  • repeat the cycle again and again and again 

Send my kind regards to the blue-haired space barbie and her followers if you head out there! [img=21x21]http://i.imgur.com/fQuWiRz.png[/img]

be prepaired to spend 20 mil

BTW FD changed that quite a while back
too many missclicks forcing everyone to have to abandon missions by the boat load , or something like that
19 Feb 2016, 11:29pm
Quick question regarding inara's 'credit' section in my Commander profile - how does it work? Do/Can I transfer my in-game funds to this credit section? If not, which I think is the case, how do I get funds? I 'bought a Vulture' on here, and don't wanna get in to trouble because I was just trying to say that I own one In game and now igloos like I've spent cash I DONT HAVE! Please help Commanders

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