Elite: Game talk

31 Jul 2021, 4:08am
Darth Bozi
So where do you stop for the night? in open space in a system or on a planet?

I usually stop on planet surface but there is nothing wrong if you stop in open space.
31 Jul 2021, 4:41am
Alex Hoffmann
LaRone79Was Stimmt nicht mit den Leuten die immer und immer wieder im selben System in gruppe warten um dich weg zu ballern? Unbegreiflich

welches system ? ps: ist mir als neuling auch mal passiert als ich ein ingeneur aufsuchte.. die lauerten richtig die penner, beim landeanflug -jetzt kann ich drüber lachen

genau das ist es.. immer beim Selben Ingeneur. das zweite mal schon.. immer beim landeanflug dann beim versuch wieder zu starten... Aber gut zu wissen das ich nicht der einzige bin dem es passiert. bin nicht so der PvP typ.. aber wenns nicht anders geht muss ich gucken wie ich welche waffen am besten einbaue

Warum Waffen? Gehst in PG oder Solo, machst deine Upgrades und nacher wieder ins Open. Oder meinst du das irgendwelche schwanzlosen Verlierer dir vorschreiben wie du das Spiel spielen sollst? Geh deinen eigenen Weg, mach es so das DU Spaß hast und ignoriere die Vollpfosten. Das einzige was die wollen ist deine Aufmerksamkeit und sie nähren sich davon. Ich lasse solche Amöben gerne am langen Arm verhungern.
31 Jul 2021, 7:52am
Darth BoziI haven't done any Neutron Star jumps yet, maybe something I should try, but I am a bit more reluctant to do that outside the bubble, in theory you could end up somewhere where there is no escape (too far for a regular jump and no neutron star in sight) - did anyone had that happen to them?

So where do you stop for the night? in open space in a system or on a planet?


Neutron boosting does have its risks. If you are in the jet cone and drop to normal space for any reason you're in trouble. It's very difficult to successfully jump to SC or hyperspace when your ship is rocking uncontrollably as it does in this situation. Because of this it is strongly advised you avoid White Dwarves like the plague because their exclusion zone is so large it makes this unpleasant scenario very likely.
As for the possibility of jumping to a system you can't get out of. Yes, this is a danger. One that nobody can save you from (query: ED:O could you multicrew onto a rescuer's ship, be flown to a station, and transfer your trapped ship to safety? FFT). It's only a concern if you're travelling near the perimeter of the galaxy or across the voids between galactic arms. That's why I use the Galaxy Plotter instead of the Neutron Plotter as it plots a safe course that checks if there is a next jump available. Make sure you always have the materials needed for FSD boosting to help with this.

So long as you keep these things in mind: Pay attention to where you are in the galaxy, don't fly into star exclusion zones, ensure you have critical mats, FSD health above 78%, and don't bork your keybinds. NB is safe. I've never lost a ship doing it.

Generally, I almost always park in a station when available. While in the Black I always park in space. Landing on a planet takes extra time (when I'm done for they evening, I'm DONE for the evening), and leaving a planet at the start of your next play session feels like wasted time then (yes, I'm aware the time is spent either way).
31 Jul 2021, 8:20am
Darth BoziI haven't done any Neutron Star jumps yet, maybe something I should try, but I am a bit more reluctant to do that outside the bubble, in theory you could end up somewhere where there is no escape (too far for a regular jump and no neutron star in sight) - did anyone had that happen to them?

This can happen in regions where star density is low, but between the Bubble and Colonia it's unlikely. However, there's a simple method to double check: In the galaxy map, always choose a scoopable star (OBAFGKM) as your destination and first try plotting a route to it with the cone jump option disabled. If the plotting fails, the star might be out of reach for normal jumps, and using neutron stars to get there might get you trapped. If the plotting succeeds, the route is viable in both directions, so you can enable cone jumps and plot again.
31 Jul 2021, 8:25am
So not too long ago I decided to just go out and grab myself a Krait Mk II and kit her out for my line of work. It’s been a few days and I’m enjoying her. She’s much more fun to fly than my Viva Las Vegas, maybe even my Bad Moon Rising (don’t worry about the BMR’s loadout being unknown; it’s been a while since I’ve taken her out for a sortie). She’s big. She’s loud. She makes pirates/terrorists/lawbreakers scared. But I know she can be better.

This is my Krait’s current setup. I’m looking to grind a touch so I can grab me a Guardian Power Plant…but that would more than likely be overkill at this point. And yes, I’m aware that the engineering I’ve got on my multi-cannons ain’t the best nor is it in any way optimized—I’m flying solo as a PvE bounty hunter/courier and have no need/desire/want to engage in PvP, so any builds geared towards that will not be considered, nor will suggestions of “fly a [ship-designed-for-PvP] instead.”

Any ideas on what I should be focusing on (Guardian tech or engineering)? Keep in mind my purse strings are a little tight right now (currently in the ballpark of ~171 million) but I’m on track to recoup my losses quickly…as soon as the mission boards decide to update with pirate hunting missions and the High Rez sites I lurk about actually spawn pirates worth shooting at.
31 Jul 2021, 8:30am
What are the skulls next to system names on commodity list?
31 Jul 2021, 8:59am
BurstarWhile in the Black I always park in space. Landing on a planet takes extra time (when I'm done for they evening, I'm DONE for the evening), and leaving a planet at the start of your next play session feels like wasted time then (yes, I'm aware the time is spent either way).

In my early days I would not only land but also power down my ship (except life support), just for the immersion. But nowadays I don't bother. Besides, logging out is safe literally everywhere, even inside burning stations.
31 Jul 2021, 9:02am
Ryan Murdoc
Alex Hoffmann

welches system ? ps: ist mir als neuling auch mal passiert als ich ein ingeneur aufsuchte.. die lauerten richtig die penner, beim landeanflug -jetzt kann ich drüber lachen

genau das ist es.. immer beim Selben Ingeneur. das zweite mal schon.. immer beim landeanflug dann beim versuch wieder zu starten... Aber gut zu wissen das ich nicht der einzige bin dem es passiert. bin nicht so der PvP typ.. aber wenns nicht anders geht muss ich gucken wie ich welche waffen am besten einbaue

Warum Waffen? Gehst in PG oder Solo, machst deine Upgrades und nacher wieder ins Open. Oder meinst du das irgendwelche schwanzlosen Verlierer dir vorschreiben wie du das Spiel spielen sollst? Geh deinen eigenen Weg, mach es so das DU Spaß hast und ignoriere die Vollpfosten. Das einzige was die wollen ist deine Aufmerksamkeit und sie nähren sich davon. Ich lasse solche Amöben gerne am langen Arm verhungern.

Hab ich auch so gemacht, ab in Solo Modus und Deine Angelegenheiten beim Ingenieure erledigen. Danach kann mann wieder in den offenen Modus wechseln. Ist wohl die beste Methode, wurde mir damals von einem anderem Spieler auch so empholen, sonst ärgert man sich mit dem Pack nur rum, zumal die besser ausgerüstet sind am Anfang. Hab als Neuling nach meinem ´Erstabschuss´ gleich ein anderes Schiff genommen bin zurück geflogen und hab dann den Idition mit Lasern / Raketen angegriffen, bringt aber nichts wenn deine Waffen zu schwach sind und seine Schilde zu stark. Dann lieber nochmal wieder kommen wenn die Zeit reif ist.. wenn man vergleichbar aufgerüstet hat.. wenn man dann noch lust auf Rache hat..

Last edit: 31 Jul 2021, 9:19am
31 Jul 2021, 10:34am
MAVERICKbirdyAny ideas on what I should be focusing on (Guardian tech or engineering)? Keep in mind my purse strings are a little tight right now (currently in the ballpark of ~171 million)

Congrats on your Krait Mk II, it's a really fun ship

Engineering's more of a time sink than a credit sink, with the exception of a couple of the unlock requirements for the engineers where you have to give them expensive stuff. A lot depends on how many raw materials you already have, how willing you are to spend time farming them if needed, and how much time you're prepared to spend unlocking the engineers.

You should definitely unlock Felicity Farseer or Elvira Martuuk to get your FSD engineered (Increased Range + Mass Manager), and they can both do low-level engineering of your thrusters too. I'd probably go for Felicity as she can do G3 thrusters - go for Dirty, with the Drag Drives experimental effect if you have the mats.

I'd also say it's worth unlocking the Dweller for some engineering on your lasers and Power Distributor. Beyond that, it's entirely up to you how far down the rabbit hole you want to go!
31 Jul 2021, 11:50am
I'd engineer the FSD first, then unlock the Guardian FSD booster. Engineering requires a lot of traveling back and forth, so you'll want to extend your jump range first.
31 Jul 2021, 11:55am
FSD engineering is not so importantas you can get 5A fsd grade 5 with double engineering.

Hance, guardian FSD booster is logical choice if you are after jump range. With it and double engineered FSD you can get decent jump ranges.

Example Phantom only with guardian FSD booster and double engineered FSD.

EDIT: Sakashiro is yet to be seen building a proper exploration ship AKA a ship that have at least 5A FSD

Last edit: 31 Jul 2021, 12:01pm
31 Jul 2021, 12:10pm
BurstarWhile in the Black I always park in space. Landing on a planet takes extra time (when I'm done for they evening, I'm DONE for the evening), and leaving a planet at the start of your next play session feels like wasted time then (yes, I'm aware the time is spent either way).

In my early days I would not only land but also power down my ship (except life support), just for the immersion. But nowadays I don't bother. Besides, logging out is safe literally everywhere, even inside burning stations.

In my early days you couldn't even land on planets so I suppose that's why that level of immersion never appealed to me. By the time you could land on planets the habit of just logging out wherever was already set.
31 Jul 2021, 12:35pm
EpisparhSakashiro is yet to be seen building a proper exploration ship AKA a ship that have at least 5A FSD

Pffft, Sakashiro bought her first Asp Explorer two days into the game, before pre-engineered modules were a thing. So get off my lawn.
31 Jul 2021, 12:41pm
Bought ship != properly build ship
31 Jul 2021, 1:28pm
EpisparhBought ship != properly build ship

When I had a properly built Exploraconda with some 70+ Ly range, you were nitpicking about its D-rated shields. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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