Elite: Game talk

31 Jul 2021, 1:43pm
ship, that can complete the given task == properly built ship
31 Jul 2021, 2:54pm
does anyone know if all the thargoid and guardian sites are in the same places as in horizons
31 Jul 2021, 3:42pm
Basseldoes anyone know if all the thargoid and guardian sites are in the same places as in horizons

yup they haven't been moved and they where introduced with horizons before odyssey existed.
31 Jul 2021, 3:47pm
Alex HoffmannHab ich auch so gemacht, ab in Solo Modus und Deine Angelegenheiten beim Ingenieure erledigen. Danach kann mann wieder in den offenen Modus wechseln. Ist wohl die beste Methode, wurde mir damals von einem anderem Spieler auch so empholen, sonst ärgert man sich mit dem Pack nur rum, zumal die besser ausgerüstet sind am Anfang. Hab als Neuling nach meinem ´Erstabschuss´ gleich ein anderes Schiff genommen bin zurück geflogen und hab dann den Idition mit Lasern / Raketen angegriffen, bringt aber nichts wenn deine Waffen zu schwach sind und seine Schilde zu stark. Dann lieber nochmal wieder kommen wenn die Zeit reif ist.. wenn man vergleichbar aufgerüstet hat.. wenn man dann noch lust auf Rache hat..

31 Jul 2021, 4:01pm
MAVERICKbirdySo not too long ago I decided to just go out and grab myself a Krait Mk II and kit her out for my line of work. It’s been a few days and I’m enjoying her. She’s much more fun to fly than my Viva Las Vegas, maybe even my Bad Moon Rising (don’t worry about the BMR’s loadout being unknown; it’s been a while since I’ve taken her out for a sortie). She’s big. She’s loud. She makes pirates/terrorists/lawbreakers scared. But I know she can be better.

This is my Krait’s current setup. I’m looking to grind a touch so I can grab me a Guardian Power Plant…but that would more than likely be overkill at this point. And yes, I’m aware that the engineering I’ve got on my multi-cannons ain’t the best nor is it in any way optimized—I’m flying solo as a PvE bounty hunter/courier and have no need/desire/want to engage in PvP, so any builds geared towards that will not be considered, nor will suggestions of “fly a [ship-designed-for-PvP] instead.”

Any ideas on what I should be focusing on (Guardian tech or engineering)? Keep in mind my purse strings are a little tight right now (currently in the ballpark of ~171 million) but I’m on track to recoup my losses quickly…as soon as the mission boards decide to update with pirate hunting missions and the High Rez sites I lurk about actually spawn pirates worth shooting at.

I would not put Guardian Power Plant into combat ship. Normal A-rated is much much better and does not overheat so much as GPP. Looking at your build you have to engineer everything in your Krait (maybe except fuel tank) as well as remove some unnecessary modules.

And definitely go after Episparh's advice and buy FSD 5A V1 at human tech broker - no need to engineer it further, just add Mass Manager to it.
31 Jul 2021, 4:16pm
KMK2 has been my fighter choice for quite some time now. Took a long freaking time to engineer up and I still had just a small bit to go. Unless I'm getting handled by 4+ elite ships in a high CZ (Although that's why you carry a fighter for defense to get that heat off you) then MK2 can solo it easily.

31 Jul 2021, 5:00pm
for the exploration ship convo i have an anaconda with jump range of 76ly. however my max speed is 197 annd i cant boost..
31 Jul 2021, 5:07pm
Hey, anyone know what the newest two symbols around the radar in the upper left hand corner of your on foot HUD mean? I have tried to trigger them and have gotten nothing so far.
31 Jul 2021, 8:03pm
Thanks @Episparh, @Burstar, @Sakashiro, that's very useful information, perhaps I just need to get a Cobra and practice in the bubble a bit.
I am fully on the same page with @Sakashiro on immersion, that's ideally how this game should be played.

And I do need a diversion after spending 3 weeks grinding Empire rank in Naginn, don't think I want to see another "smuggle in the data so we can manipulate our enemies" kind of thing for a while.

My FSD drives are all engineered for distance to level 5 and I added deep charge, though I read some of you prefer mass manager. What is "double engineered"?
31 Jul 2021, 8:24pm
Darth Bozi
My FSD drives are all engineered for distance to level 5 and I added deep charge, though I read some of you prefer mass manager. What is "double engineered"?

Deep charge give slightly better jump range than mass manager on FSD smaller than size 4 but it comes on the cost of higher power draw and 10% more fuel consumption. For FSDs size 5 and up mass manager gives better jump range.

5A FSD can be bought with materials from human tech brokers it have 2 grade 5 engineering upgrades increased range and fast boot which gives better jump range than standard 5A FSD with just increased range. This comes on the cost of increased thermal load and lowered integrity.
31 Jul 2021, 8:41pm
I've got a Phantom engineered for exploration. It's got a 66 LY jump, highly maneuverable, max speed of 332 w/ a boost to 465, dual 5A auto-maintenance repair units, planetary vehicle, and repair limpets for hull.

If anyone wants the schematic let me know.
31 Jul 2021, 9:00pm
I've got a Courier that went to Beagle Point to fight pirates. Max speed 626, boost to 850. It's now on the way back to the Bubble. Unfortunately it has only one seat, so I can't show you how it feels to fly it.

Schematics are top secret.
31 Jul 2021, 9:04pm

31 Jul 2021, 9:13pm
SakashiroI've got a Courier that went to Beagle Point to fight pirates. Max speed 626, boost to 850. It's now on the way back to the Bubble. Unfortunately it has only one seat, so I can't show you how it feels to fly it.

Schematics are top secret.

I was legit shocked you found a pirate all the way out at Beagle Point.
31 Jul 2021, 11:00pm
Zack CountlerHey, anyone know what the newest two symbols around the radar in the upper left hand corner of your on foot HUD mean? I have tried to trigger them and have gotten nothing so far.

I think the first one indicates if you are in a restricted area (trespassing) or maybe only indicates that you have been spotted trespassing, and the other I'm not so sure but I imagine it is something similar when you get spotted with weapons drawn.

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