Elite: Game talk

16 Aug 2021, 8:23pm
Zentzlb With the railguns, power still isn't an issue. Life support and the FSD are disabled

Those both qualify as non-essential modules.
16 Aug 2021, 8:59pm
Two megaships in LTT 198 - next CG will be mining.
16 Aug 2021, 9:37pm
Zentzlb With the railguns, power still isn't an issue. Life support and the FSD are disabled

Those both qualify as non-essential modules.

Except your 'unessential module' weighs 20 tonnes.

Look, here's what I would do. It gets you 5 more m/s. Note it allowed me to drop the fuel tank a tier as it really is non-essential at this point because 8t gets you the jump in, the jump out and a whole hour of un-naggy voice+timer playtime! If you really want a 16t tank it only costs 1m/s.

Frankly I don't care what you do. I understand completely what you're doing and why you think it's a good idea. That's my point. To just judge you and come across as a smarmy a-hole instead of starting an actually interesting discussion of why things are being done that people can learn from. Just to show you how it feels and it's clear I've made my point. So, if you'd like to critique or ask questions of why or how feel free to do so. Just remember, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
16 Aug 2021, 9:43pm
Today's interdiction menu: a FDL, a Vulture, a Cutter, and one NPC as a side dish.

Dangerous.com was there as well but didn't take the bait.
17 Aug 2021, 4:10am
LaRone79Und schon wieder stimmt der Markt nicht :-( trotz ich Odyssey aus gemacht habe. Suche dringend Modulterminals

wieviele brauchst du davon ? hab noch 26 im lager..
17 Aug 2021, 5:23am
Zentzlb You are making fun of me for not fully engineering my life support? At least it is a combat capable build unlike the other ones, and yeah you can use anything for PVE because it is so easy.

No, I'm making fun of you because your attitude begs for it, and because you love putting your foot in your mouth. If you can 'fight in anything because PVE is so easy' then wtf does it matter what his ship is specced for? Nah, you thought you could pipe up and mock other's decisions because you read that a Chieftain is a Hull tank somewhere instead of just asking "I'm curious as to why you chose to spec it Shield Tank when you know a Chieftain would make a better Hull tank?". If you had just asked that I would have happily said "that's a good point Zentzib, I'm glad you brought it up" and then explained:

Hulltanking is ill advised for PVE, and also the person that made the request is a relative beginner, so I went shield tanking because it is cheaper to engineer, more intuitive for novices and scales well when you don't have lots of resources.

And ftr the issue with the A grade Life Support isn't so much that the engineering is incomplete as it is A grade to begin with. Even considering that when learning AX combat the Chieftains canopy literally pops pretty much every fight until you get the hang of it I STILL wouldn't use A grade LS to learn AX combat. If you're that concerned with running out of air in a system you obviously have a friendly carrier/station in (otherwise you might want a fuel scoop) in the event of a breech you would be better off considering a C grade if the 7.5 minutes of a D grade isn't enough or you can't afford the resupply mats. The power you'd save would go a long way to prevent your power issues to begin with. Also, if jumping is of no concern for this build the 5A FSD could be replaced with something much smaller for more speed and power gains.

Speaking of power issues, you also might want to consider changing your LW A grade sensors to Long Range D grade sensors. The power savings might be worth it. Food for thought, hope I helped!

See, that isn't very difficult now is it?

Now then (clears throat):

WTF is it with these arrogant children? Stop telling people what to do and converse politely like a normal person!

whats all this juicy ED drama ?? ... ohhh i gotta read from the beginning ..
17 Aug 2021, 5:44am
Alex Hoffmann
LaRone79Und schon wieder stimmt der Markt nicht :-( trotz ich Odyssey aus gemacht habe. Suche dringend Modulterminals

wieviele brauchst du davon ? hab noch 26 im lager..

Guten Morgen. Brauche 25 für den Ingeneur.

Finde es aber trotzdem irgend wie schade das die liste hier nicht so stimmt :-/

P.S. Bin auf der X-Box
17 Aug 2021, 6:41am
ja auch guten morgen dacht ich mir schon. komm zu meinem carrier, der steht gerade im system Flesk (carrier aurora)
wenn du angekommen bist gib bescheid, ich stell die ware dann in den warenmarkt ein und du kannst die dann kaufen.
wenn ich die zu früh freigebe sind die vielleicht schon weg wenn du da bist. bin jedenfalls noch eine weile online..
17 Aug 2021, 6:54am
Alex Hoffmannja auch guten morgen dacht ich mir schon. komm zu meinem carrier, der steht gerade im system Flesk (carrier aurora)
wenn du angekommen bist gib bescheid, ich stell die ware dann in den warenmarkt ein und du kannst die dann kaufen.
wenn ich die zu früh freigebe sind die vielleicht schon weg wenn du da bist. bin jedenfalls noch eine weile online..

Das ist super lieb von dir.
Bin nur im moment auf der Arbeit. Könnte es erst in ca 3 oder 4 stunden schaffen. :-/
17 Aug 2021, 6:56am
kein problem, ich muss erst nachmittags zur arbeit..
meld dich nachher einfach nochmal, werd um 12-13 uhr online sein
17 Aug 2021, 8:23am
SakashiroSince most gankers seem to realize the futility of interdicting a Courier, I feel that I need to become more proactive in my approach. So in order to take my ganker trolling career to the next level, I'm considering this ultra fast Courier build for hit & run jobs. Your thoughts?

can i join you in my stupid viper with the union jack as a ship paint that can exceed speeds of 800m/s
17 Aug 2021, 8:25am
it took a hot minute for elite dangerous to open after click play on the launcher
17 Aug 2021, 10:41am
Alex Hoffmannkein problem, ich muss erst nachmittags zur arbeit..
meld dich nachher einfach nochmal, werd um 12-13 uhr online sein

Ich grüße dich. Komme gerade schlecht an meine X-Box ran. ab wann bist du denn ca wieder da?
17 Aug 2021, 10:44am
I need some expert advice regarding my shield setup. Currently I have thermal resistant bi-weave + 4 resistance augmented boosters:

I could make this more balanced by changing one booster to kinetic resistant:

Or I could do what I did on my first Courier: reinforced bi-weave + 3 thermal resistant boosters + 1 resistance augmented booster. Higher raw shield strength but lower resistance and slower recharge:

Which one would you choose?

Dirnivircan i join you in my stupid viper with the union jack as a ship paint that can exceed speeds of 800m/s

Any time!

Imagine a whole squadron of unarmed high speed trolls harassing gankers.
17 Aug 2021, 10:46am
Alex Hoffmannkein problem, ich muss erst nachmittags zur arbeit..
meld dich nachher einfach nochmal, werd um 12-13 uhr online sein

Ich grüße dich. Komme gerade schlecht an meine X-Box ran. ab wann bist du denn ca wieder da?

recht spät.. so gegen 24 uhr..

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