Elite: Game talk

14 Oct 2021, 12:16am
Really one of the better ships in the game IMO. The utility is top notch, storage the best for medium class, decent hardpoint placement, and it just looks like something I believe someone would design (if the F-117 can fly so can the Python). If only it was a little faster and nimble.

I have a 1 ship-per-role policy and I always end up falling back to the Python for a new role until I find something else in the roster that can fit the bill. The Python does everything except race (Normal or Hyperspace)
14 Oct 2021, 12:23am
SakashiroJust finished engineering my Python, yay!

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Very nice! Now for your next challenge! A Mamba as an exploration vessel with a jump range of 50 LY!
14 Oct 2021, 6:26am
SakashiroJust finished engineering my Python, yay!

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I still have hopes that you will enter the right track. The python is huge milestone on that road

If you only see the benefits of specialized build over multi-role builds
14 Oct 2021, 8:08am
Two or three weeks ago I temporarily outfitted my T-9 for laser mining. But then I realized that I would never have the patience to fill up its huge cargo hold in a single mining session. Another problem was its poor jump range (adding travel time on top of mining time) and poor self-defense capabilities. Everyone knows how to fool the lonely NPC pirate at the beginning of a mining session, but if you log off inside the ring to continue mining later, another pirate will appear, and then your cargo hold won't be empty any more. The Python solves all these problems in a single build. It travels faster, can fight those lonely NPC pirates if necessary, and its cargo hold size is just perfect. The T-9 will remain useful as a large payload hauler, especially when I have a carrier to store commodities.

It's funny that Epi keeps mocking my multi-role builds now, because when I had specialized builds for exploration (e.g. a super-lightweight Anaconda with minimum class 3 shields to protect the hull from rough terrain), he mocked those, too.
14 Oct 2021, 8:23am
14 Oct 2021, 9:41am
SakashiroJust finished engineering my Python, yay!

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great ship
14 Oct 2021, 9:59am
It's funny that Epi keeps mocking my multi-role builds now, because when I had specialized builds for exploration (e.g. a super-lightweight Anaconda with minimum class 3 shields to protect the hull from rough terrain), he mocked those, too.

No specialized build is excluded from the rule that you need good shield, hull, speed and frequent boost. Sacrificing 5% jump range for those is always a good idea regardless of the specialization. This is probably the reason I've made the comment.

BTW, once you buy FC you better remove the guns and fit the miner as a multi type mining platform. Something similar to my Dwarf/Kobold (Dwarf is currently missing one of its collector controllers on the size 5 slot)
14 Oct 2021, 11:13am
Yup, the carrier will definitely change the way I build ships.
14 Oct 2021, 11:36am
To restock your mining tools and limpets on your fleet carrier, you need to have the armory module installed, right?
14 Oct 2021, 12:04pm
SakashiroTo restock your mining tools and limpets on your fleet carrier, you need to have the armory module installed, right?

Yes, if you had to use the FC only for you refuel, repair and armory(restock) is enough
14 Oct 2021, 12:15pm
SakashiroJust finished engineering my Python, yay!

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Ship ID: SA-06P "Shirohebi" (albino snake)


Jump range (unladen): 41 Ly
Speed (unladen): 380 m/s
Boost (unladen): 495 m/s
Raw shield strength: 2,024 MJ
Cargo capacity: 128 t
Roles: laser mining, hauling, surface prospecting, combat (PvE)

Pythons FTW. Such a versatile ship and as much as larger ships can do certain things more efficiently they don't handle as well, and I always appreciate the freedom to dock at outposts. Mine is a mere 22 Ly jump range with a normal top speed of 360 and a boost of 470, but that's because she's kitted out for CZ combat so needs to take punishment.
14 Oct 2021, 12:18pm
Amata LireinSeems like the NMLA is trying/has tried to kill some Duvals again...

Dyson City / Paresa System

Just what that place needed. Well that should put to rest those allegations that Hadrian Duval had anything to do with the NMLA. Rescue mission CG ahoy!
14 Oct 2021, 12:20pm
I guess I have to sell a few of my unused ships.
14 Oct 2021, 12:32pm
Amata LireinSeems like the NMLA is trying/has tried to kill some Duvals again...

Dyson City / Paresa System

ALD is already dead it seems anyway... Where is she nowadays anyway? 6 Feet Under on Achenar?
14 Oct 2021, 12:40pm
SakashiroI guess I have to sell a few of my unused ships.

Don't! I can give you a loan with a fair interest. Just sign a paper with your eternal soul as a warrant!

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