Elite: Game talk

22 Oct 2021, 11:51pm
Light-HawkI felt this comment...... The feeling is mutual. Considering I own 4 carriers, this discount would have saved me a lot. Also I agree that the Cutter is a very good mining ship. It's my personal favorite for mining.

I heard some people sold their carriers last week and purchased them back at the discounted price.
23 Oct 2021, 12:44am
Light-HawkI felt this comment...... The feeling is mutual. Considering I own 4 carriers, this discount would have saved me a lot. Also I agree that the Cutter is a very good mining ship. It's my personal favorite for mining.

I heard some people sold their carriers last week and purchased them back at the discounted price.

I thought I had heard that the time frame to decom a carrier and buy one back would have taken too long to still get the discounted price. Oh well.
23 Oct 2021, 1:53am
Hugues De PayensHow far should I be able to go in my Fleet Carrier before having to stop and find more Tritium? I thought I'd go MUCH further than the seven to ten jumps with the carrier that I'm getting now. I spend a lot of time mining these days it seems.

You might find this useful for planning trips to see how much fuel you'll need.

Edit: the fuel consumption for a max 500 LY jump is between 77 and 132 tonnes depending on your current used weight.

I did use spansh, the columns for Restock and Restock Amount are all blank. The column for icy ring, however, does show there are icy ring planets which is VERY handy. At least I don't have to searching for a place to find Tritium.

I'm just bummed I'll have to restock seven times to get back to the bubble. That's a hell of a lot of mining by myself.

23 Oct 2021, 3:26am
I wonder if there's a technical reason for FDev to make traveling with a carrier so expensive. I like the option of mining for fuel, but why does it have to be such a grind?
23 Oct 2021, 3:40am
SakashiroI wonder if there's a technical reason for FDev to make traveling with a carrier so expensive. I like the option of mining for fuel, but why does it have to be such a grind?

I'm wondering if that's a function left over from when the carriers were originally intended to be an asset that required a squadron to maintain.
23 Oct 2021, 4:19am
Light-HawkI felt this comment...... The feeling is mutual. Considering I own 4 carriers, this discount would have saved me a lot. Also I agree that the Cutter is a very good mining ship. It's my personal favorite for mining.

I heard some people sold their carriers last week and purchased them back at the discounted price.

I thought I had heard that the time frame to decom a carrier and buy one back would have taken too long to still get the discounted price. Oh well.

I sold mine right after the CG was over. Bought a new one back a week later. Made about 1.3 billion. This was one of those things you had to decide early if you were going to do it. Took all but twenty minutes to move all my assets back on the new Fleet Carrier.

Last edit: 24 Oct 2021, 2:58pm
23 Oct 2021, 5:09am
BigC208I sold mine right after the CG was over. Bought a new one back a week later. Made about 1.3 billion. This was one of those things you had to decide early if you were going to do. Took all but twenty minutes to move all my assets back on the new Fleet Carrier.

That makes sense. Oh well. The extra 1.3 billion for each carrier would have been nice but I'll survive.
23 Oct 2021, 5:59am
Hugues De Payens
Hugues De PayensHow far should I be able to go in my Fleet Carrier before having to stop and find more Tritium? I thought I'd go MUCH further than the seven to ten jumps with the carrier that I'm getting now. I spend a lot of time mining these days it seems.

You might find this useful for planning trips to see how much fuel you'll need.

Edit: the fuel consumption for a max 500 LY jump is between 77 and 132 tonnes depending on your current used weight.

I did use spansh, the columns for Restock and Restock Amount are all blank. The column for icy ring, however, does show there are icy ring planets which is VERY handy. At least I don't have to searching for a place to find Tritium.

I'm just bummed I'll have to restock seven times to get back to the bubble. That's a hell of a lot of mining by myself.


Maybe this can help you? I assume everybody already study that topics, but... Justin Case
23 Oct 2021, 6:08am

I sold mine right after the CG was over. Bought a new one back a week later. Made about 1.3 billion. This was one of those things you had to decide early if you were going to do. Took all but twenty minutes to move all my assets back on the new Fleet Carrier.

You got me there; I´m a little regretful, that I didn´t have the idea.
But just to ease my mind; what would have happend with the arx, that I´ve spend on FC cosmetics?
Are they given back in case I decomm it?
23 Oct 2021, 6:17am
Sir-DukeYou got me there; I´m a little regretful, that I didn´t have the idea.
But just to ease my mind; what would have happend with the arx, that I´ve spend on FC cosmetics?
Are they given back in case I decomm it?

I'd imagine nothing would happen. If you buy another FC you'd still have access to the already purchased cosmetics.
23 Oct 2021, 6:19am

I sold mine right after the CG was over. Bought a new one back a week later. Made about 1.3 billion. This was one of those things you had to decide early if you were going to do. Took all but twenty minutes to move all my assets back on the new Fleet Carrier.

You got me there; I´m a little regretful, that I didn´t have the idea.
But just to ease my mind; what would have happend with the arx, that I´ve spend on FC cosmetics?
Are they given back in case I decomm it?

If it's anything like normal ships, you don't get a refund, but they'll still be there if you get a new ship of that type.

I can't imagine that it would be any different for an FC.
23 Oct 2021, 6:44am
I can't imagine that it would be any different for an FC.

Then I really missed an opportunity...
23 Oct 2021, 10:01am
i wish there was a discount when i got mine
a good mining ship i think is the Cutter

I felt this comment...... The feeling is mutual. Considering I own 4 carriers, this discount would have saved me a lot. Also I agree that the Cutter is a very good mining ship. It's my personal favorite for mining.

same here, Cutter mining choice number 1
23 Oct 2021, 10:15am
SakashiroI wonder if there's a technical reason for FDev to make traveling with a carrier so expensive. I like the option of mining for fuel, but why does it have to be such a grind?

As with all that Frontier do - grind == gameplay. With that being said, I do not think that the fuel requirements are so high. For example UNX Conqueror as it is requires 12.8k tons tritium to reach Beagle Point. That is roughly 1.2bil CR for fuel to cover the longest distance from Sol with a FC.

Needless to say this is a pointless activity, IMO.

And for the last time - LEAVE TRITIUM MINING AS LAST RESORT! You can always plan your need and buy it prior your departure.
23 Oct 2021, 10:50am
I think to have seen stations with large pads and non-homeopathic amounts not long ago. Currently, with everyone owning a carrier, myself included, it's resorting to the Python's ~290 tons or buying from another FC.

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