Elite: Game talk

26 Oct 2021, 2:29am
Rav3nkinSo, if its not to repair each other then what is it for? I'm not trying to be "that guy", I really want to know your logic. Kurakil's comment is about where I stand on this as well.

Jet cone boosting damages the frame shift drive, so if you want to use the neutron highway on a regular basis, you need an AFMU to occasionally repair the accumulated damage and prevent malfunctions. Stacking AFMUs increases the total number of FSD repairs you can do before you have to either return to a station, synthesize repair ammo from raw materials, or stop using the neutron highway. They basically serve as ammo storage. AFMUs are weightless and do not reduce jump range, so it makes perfect sense to put an AFMU into each slot that isn't used by anything else. With those four AFMUs the DBX has a total repair capacity of 10,100, i.e. more than a class 7 AFMU. Once they are all depleted, you synthesize ammo only for the largest one, so that you get the most mileage out of your materials.

You don't need multiple AFMUs to repair each other, because even in the unlikely event that your single AFMU is destroyed, rebooting the ship will restore just enough module integrity to make it operational again.

Ok. I know all of this, so you must intend to be out of touch for quite a while if you feel you need that many AFMU repairs. Good luck to you then. Maybe I'll see you out in the void.
26 Oct 2021, 3:36am
Rav3nkinOk. I know all of this, so you must intend to be out of touch for quite a while if you feel you need that many AFMU repairs.

It's not about whether I need them. It's about whether I need something else instead. Leaving slots empty makes no sense. So let's look at other modules to put there:

Cargo racks: weightless when empty, but useless on a build whose sole purpose is to jump as far as possible and collect exploration data.

Fuel tanks: weightless when empty, but inconvenient because the galaxy map always uses the unladen mass (no cargo, maximum fuel) to plot routes. But as I said earlier, I will store fuel tanks on my carrier, so I can swap them in if the need arises. I'll also store a lightweight plasma slug PA or railgun as a means to jettison fuel, as Epi suggested.

Repair limpets: not weightless, and not necessary. I've flown to Beagle Point and back without damaging my hull. I've landed shieldless Anacondas on high gravity worlds without damaging my hull. I don't fly into planets or stars.

Vehicle hangar: not weightless. That's why I wondered whether a small mining laser would suffice to collect materials for FSD injections. It wouldn't. However, I have other ships with SRVs on my carrier, so I can use those to stock up materials and keep the DBX lightweight. If I was traveling without the carrier, I would definitely drop one of the class 2 AFMUs in favor of a hangar. But for what I'm planning to do this time, it won't be needed.
26 Oct 2021, 6:11am
Sakashiro Leaving slots empty makes no sense.

Filling slots with something you will never need makes just as much sense as empty. All it will do is raise your rebuy cost, which will likely be a non-factor as well. In other words, it doesn't really matter so there is no reason to overcomplicate things.
26 Oct 2021, 6:57am
Sakashiro Leaving slots empty makes no sense.

Filling slots with something you will never need makes just as much sense as empty. All it will do is raise your rebuy cost, which will likely be a non-factor as well. In other words, it doesn't really matter so there is no reason to overcomplicate things.

^ This ^

At a certain point it's just another Saka looking for attention build. I play along so long as actual best practices are published along with it.

The reality is if you're out in the Black with a fleet carrier you don't even need a hardcore exploration vessel. Heck, here's an idea: Finally have a use for that PVP T9 and use IT to explore! Why the F not? Think of all the 'fun' you could have doing something nobody has done before! And just think of all 'debate' it would cause all in your name!
26 Oct 2021, 7:23am
I didn't expect AFMUs on an exploration build to be controversial, tbh.
26 Oct 2021, 7:49am
SakashiroRepair limpets: not weightless, and not necessary. I've flown to Beagle Point and back without damaging my hull. I've landed shieldless Anacondas on high gravity worlds without damaging my hull. I don't fly into planets or stars.

???? famous last words! ????

SakashiroVehicle hangar: not weightless. That's why I wondered whether a small mining laser would suffice to collect materials for FSD injections. It wouldn't. However, I have other ships with SRVs on my carrier, so I can use those to stock up materials and keep the DBX lightweight. If I was traveling without the carrier, I would definitely drop one of the class 2 AFMUs in favor of a hangar. But for what I'm planning to do this time, it won't be needed.

Nice to hear you are specialising your ships. A ship just for SRVs and another that only carries AFMUs. Have you thought about a 3rd that has all your fuel scoops and refuel limpets so you can do away with scoop on your DBX and have space for a 5th AFMU.
26 Oct 2021, 8:08am
I'd love to double my scoop rate with two fuel scoops, but FDev won't let me.
26 Oct 2021, 8:14am
SakashiroI'd love to double my scoop rate with two fuel scoops, but FDev won't let me.

This is why I love having the largest possible fuel scoop on my Jumpaconda. Takes just a couple seconds to refuel after an 80 LY jump.
26 Oct 2021, 8:23am
Quillmonkey Nice to hear you are specialising your ships. A ship just for SRVs and another that only carries AFMUs. Have you thought about a 3rd that has all your fuel scoops and refuel limpets so you can do away with scoop on your DBX and have space for a 5th AFMU.

5 AFMU's? No, THAT would be crazy
I'm just waiting for her to come up with a reason to make an "Oops all Limpet Controllers" build.
26 Oct 2021, 8:36am
SakashiroI didn't expect AFMUs on an exploration build to be controversial, tbh.

If it is on the internet, it is controversial.
26 Oct 2021, 9:04am
SakashiroI didn't expect AFMUs on an exploration build to be controversial, tbh.

If it is on the internet, it is controversial.

Yeah, everyone gets emotional about the important things in life - AFMUs and Limpets
26 Oct 2021, 9:38am
Hull repair limpets are useful in Odyssey because ship recall will drop your ship from the sky instead of landing it.
26 Oct 2021, 11:53am
SakashiroI'd love to double my scoop rate with two fuel scoops, but FDev won't let me.

Oh, the joy of size 8 fuel scoop

Flying Chronus to Colonia was such joy!
26 Oct 2021, 11:58am
i am getting 8A prismatic for my cutter on Thursday when the powerplay turns over and my merits become ranks.

i am a 6A or D fuel scoop in my cutter so i basically have to stop every now and then to refuel whilst bashing heat sinks.
26 Oct 2021, 12:00pm
Dirniviri am getting 8A prismatic for my cutter on Thursday when the powerplay turns over and my merits become ranks.

Be sure to buy few of each size unless you plan to serve the ue haired bimbo for eternity.

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