Elite: Game talk

11 Oct 2021, 2:42pm
ZEN Industries
ZEN Industries

Elite is a space trading video game.

Too bad trading is hardly the best way to make credits (with the exception to the Booze Cruise each month).

Yeah, maybe you are probably right. Maybe not...


Did you tried...
Trade planner

Might give that tool a shot later on. I have used their fleet carrier plotter, which was extremely helpful for getting to Rackham's Peak. That said, I miss when tritium was stupidly profitable. Used to make about 35mill per haul in my Type 9. Otherwise with massacre mission stacking, if you do it with a group you can make a billion or so in a few hours.
11 Oct 2021, 3:20pm
SakashiroI'm currently engineering a Python as an allrounder for mining, hauling, and PvE combat. And I think it'll be the last time I engineer a ship in ED. I'm so fed up with that material collection gameplay loop. Every time I engineer a ship, I find myself relogging to farm the same high grade emission source multiple times. It sucks and feels like cheating, but the alternative is weeks of even more mind-numbing grind.

The amount of mind-numbing grind that ED puts ahead of every enjoyable activity is insane. This becomes all the more obvious if you compare it to No Man's Sky. In NMS you also need materials to construct things, but those materials are literally everywhere, and if you really can't be bothered to pick them up yourself, you can also buy them from vendors. In ED, you can't buy materials, so even after you accumulated billions of credits, the grind is still the same. In NMS there's no 15 minutes wait for a single HGE to spawn, then another 10 minutes of supercruise because it spawned 190,000 Ls away. NMS respects your time and fills it with entertainment. To enjoy ED, you'd better be autistic. It's amazing that FDev managed to make the suit and handgun engineering grind even worse.

I wish mat grinding was like No Man's Sky. At the very least, I wish Frontier designed it where we all hunted down for mats just one time and then payed credits for that upgrade from that time forward (like with Guardian tech).
11 Oct 2021, 3:22pm
-Knight-Alright, I have a question.

All too frequently, I find myself plotting a course for another system only to be forced to target something else in the same system in order to go to supercruise (gotta love obscured targets). Then I have to go back into the Galaxy Map to re-plot my course. The same thing applies if I target a planet in order to map it but I plotted a course for another system.

Is there any way at all for me to get my plotted course to another system back without having to re-do it it in the Galaxy Map and without logging off and logging back into the game?

CMDR Knight

Once you've entered your destination on the Galaxy map it stays locked. Plot a destination in the same system to avoid obscured target, then glance at your Nav panel on your left and scroll down to the bottom. Your locked-in destination should still be there, highlighted with a 'route' symbol.

Xbox player.

I'll try that, thank you! ^_^
11 Oct 2021, 3:25pm
Wait. HGE's still work? Last time I tried that trick, it didn't spawn for me.
11 Oct 2021, 3:40pm
-Knight-Alright, I have a question.

All too frequently, I find myself plotting a course for another system only to be forced to target something else in the same system in order to go to supercruise (gotta love obscured targets). Then I have to go back into the Galaxy Map to re-plot my course. The same thing applies if I target a planet in order to map it but I plotted a course for another system.

Is there any way at all for me to get my plotted course to another system back without having to re-do it it in the Galaxy Map and without logging off and logging back into the game?

CMDR Knight

Once you've entered your destination on the Galaxy map it stays locked. Plot a destination in the same system to avoid obscured target, then glance at your Nav panel on your left and scroll down to the bottom. Your locked-in destination should still be there, highlighted with a 'route' symbol.

Xbox player.

Alternatively, you could bind supercruise to something (I go with Y+Dpad_up), and go to supercruise without losing your destination.
11 Oct 2021, 3:40pm
-Knight-Alright, I have a question.

All too frequently, I find myself plotting a course for another system only to be forced to target something else in the same system in order to go to supercruise (gotta love obscured targets). Then I have to go back into the Galaxy Map to re-plot my course. The same thing applies if I target a planet in order to map it but I plotted a course for another system.

Is there any way at all for me to get my plotted course to another system back without having to re-do it it in the Galaxy Map and without logging off and logging back into the game?

CMDR Knight

Once you've entered your destination on the Galaxy map it stays locked. Plot a destination in the same system to avoid obscured target, then glance at your Nav panel on your left and scroll down to the bottom. Your locked-in destination should still be there, highlighted with a 'route' symbol.

Xbox player.

On PC, you can also tap up twice from the top, which takes you to the bottom of the list... Your next waypoint will be there, UNLESS your next destination is less than 20ly away. Then you have to hunt through the list for the still-marked destination.
11 Oct 2021, 3:50pm
EpisparhMost effective way for raw materials is visiting crystalline shards in Horizons.

Today I needed some high grade raw materials to trade down. The station with the material trader orbited a planet with "depleted reserves". Lazy me landed there anyway and in a relatively short time found several metallic meteorites with goodies like these:

Depleted reserves, my arse.
11 Oct 2021, 4:57pm
SakashiroI'm currently engineering a Python as an allrounder for mining, hauling, and PvE combat. And I think it'll be the last time I engineer a ship in ED. I'm so fed up with that material collection gameplay loop. Every time I engineer a ship, I find myself relogging to farm the same high grade emission source multiple times. It sucks and feels like cheating, but the alternative is weeks of even more mind-numbing grind.

The amount of mind-numbing grind that ED puts ahead of every enjoyable activity is insane. This becomes all the more obvious if you compare it to No Man's Sky. In NMS you also need materials to construct things, but those materials are literally everywhere, and if you really can't be bothered to pick them up yourself, you can also buy them from vendors. In ED, you can't buy materials, so even after you accumulated billions of credits, the grind is still the same. In NMS there's no 15 minutes wait for a single HGE to spawn, then another 10 minutes of supercruise because it spawned 190,000 Ls away. NMS respects your time and fills it with entertainment. To enjoy ED, you'd better be autistic. It's amazing that FDev managed to make the suit and handgun engineering grind even worse.

This. Literally the only reason why I never bothered to do PVP ship and why I stick to PG and Solo. They tell you "go make a ship that can do well in PVP", but it requires Engineers. And the Engineers require materials that require even more grind and a lot of luck. Both are pain(ite) in the ASSP for a guy who basically sits at home entire day due to unemployment (...thanks, coronavirus) and I can only imagine how painful it is to people who are working full-time jobs AND have family obligations.

To be honest, how material collection works bothers me by a lot, because in majority of cases we are speaking about the barren worlds on which resources should be everywhere given they were often bombarded with all sorts of space junk, not to mention their composition, especially around the surface-most regions. Our Moon is basically a material and fuel vault according to NASA. We just don't have a reasonable technology yet.
11 Oct 2021, 5:33pm
-Knight-Alright, I have a question.

All too frequently, I find myself plotting a course for another system only to be forced to target something else in the same system in order to go to supercruise (gotta love obscured targets). Then I have to go back into the Galaxy Map to re-plot my course. The same thing applies if I target a planet in order to map it but I plotted a course for another system.

Is there any way at all for me to get my plotted course to another system back without having to re-do it it in the Galaxy Map and without logging off and logging back into the game?

CMDR Knight

Once you've entered your destination on the Galaxy map it stays locked. Plot a destination in the same system to avoid obscured target, then glance at your Nav panel on your left and scroll down to the bottom. Your locked-in destination should still be there, highlighted with a 'route' symbol.

Xbox player.

Alternatively, you could bind supercruise to something (I go with Y+Dpad_up), and go to supercruise without losing your destination.

This ^

Also, see if you can map "target next system in route", if you have free keybind slots.
11 Oct 2021, 5:56pm
Looks like fleet carriers will be on 30% discount next week. Perfect time for me to get one.
11 Oct 2021, 7:13pm
SakashiroLooks like fleet carriers will be on 30% discount next week. Perfect time for me to get one.

Wish I could decom mine and then buy it back to get back that difference.
11 Oct 2021, 8:07pm
About material grind (for ships)
I will tell you secret.

You can gather materials from:
nearly 70 abandoned settlements
dozens crashed ships
scanning ships
destroying ships
missions, which represent majority of activities in game (I'm serious, you even don't know, how common are simple missions with rewards like 5x G5 material, which can be traded down)
material traders
They only real problem can be in raw materials, so only mining, or driving around planets.

So each time, when I see "gRiNd tErRiBlE, I have to relog for endless hours in hge each time when I want to upgrade something" I can say only 1 thing- your choice, your pain. We can gather everything by normal gameplay. If someone want to farm everything like bot by relogs- ok, your choice, your pain. I prefer having fun, and treat materials as natural consequence of my missions, next kills, or ships, which I scan before attack them (fun fact- after single combat CG I was nearly full all important, g1-g4 materials).

Of course, excluding guardian epsilon data, and some G5 materials. But I don't feel, that I lost something by ignoring some level of upgrades, or not completing current. Who need ONE additional m/s on boost? Or next 184 shield, if your 5k is more than enough for everything, what isn't other player? I made enough builds on coriolis- I don't see single point in participating in this stupid rat's race to "full G5 on all modules". Pointless outside pvp. Absulutely.

Does it require time? Yes. But When I see amount of possibilities, I think, that elite never was game for people, which want insta gratification/are bored by game after 20 hours. To be honest I prefer taking few missions, earn conductors, and trade it, than sit as duck in single HGE for hours.

To people, which want to just buy materials for credits- years after years, earning credits is such absurdly easy, that better just remove ALL materials, and upgrade ships by money, than using meaningless money for buying materials, which will be used to upgrade. 1 station less

Last edit: 11 Oct 2021, 8:24pm
11 Oct 2021, 8:24pm
HeilriderAbout material grind (for ships)
I will tell you secret.

You can gather materials from:
nearly 70 abandoned settlements
dozens crashed ships
scanning ships
destroying ships
missions, which represent majority of activities in game.
material traders
They only real problem can be in raw materials, so only mining, or driving around planets.

So each time, when I see "gRiNd tErRiBlE, I have to relog for endless hours in hge each time when I want to upgrade something" I can sa onl 1 thing- your choice, your pain. We can gather everything by normal gameplay. If someone want to farm everything like bot by relogs- ok, your choice, your pain. I prefer having fun, and treat materials as natural consequence of my missions, next kills, or ships, which I scan before attack them (fun fact- after single combat CG I was nearly full all important, g1-g4 materials).
Excluding guardian epsilon data, and some G5 materials

As someone who likes to complain about the engineering grind, I'll admit that most of this post is rather accurate. My only real complaint on the whole thing is how unbalanced engineering is in regards to PvP. If you get into ED and your biggest ambition is to get heavily involved in PvP, you have no choice but to spend an unnecessarily inordinate amount of time grinding and engineering before you can bother looking at PvP. Fully engineered Sidewinders can roast any of the big 3 ships unengineered. So welcome to ED, you can do whatever you like except for PvP, you won't be able to engage in PvP for at least your first 100 to 200 hours if you grind for it. While I have put in the work for engineering, this sole factor of ED has turned away way too many people who have real lives to balance who love the flight/combat mechanics of ED but simply can't devote the time necessary to unlock the ability to engage in any meaningful PvP. That's my only complaint to it all.
11 Oct 2021, 8:31pm
Oh, I absolutely agree about broken balance in pvp.
But I will say more- this isn't problem only in pvp.
Engineered ships are too powerfull. With certain level of upgrades (even not full G5) you are immortal, you can clear alone high CZs, "defeat" capital ship, tank whole spec ops wing (they are engineered, and you can still tank them, it onl show, they they aren't heavilly engineered), or destroy target of "wing" assasination.

So yes, if someone play in elite mainl for pvp, he has 3 ways:
-cqc (I tried it few times, and I think, that slf fights are quite funny
-grind, grind, grind, because he want only pvp, so none of other activities will be funny
-search some tournaments, maybe this kind of events for non-engineered ships exist? Who know.
11 Oct 2021, 8:38pm
HeilriderOh, I absolutely agree about broken balance in pvp.
But I will say more- this isn't problem only in pvp.
Engineered ships are too powerfull. With certain level of upgrades (even not full G5) you are immortal, you can clear alone high CZs, "defeat" capital ship, tank whole spec ops wing (they are engineered, and you can still tank them, it onl show, they they aren't heavilly engineered), or destroy target of "wing" assasination.

Oh I completely agree with this. I have fully engineered a Corvette and Cutter for combat. The Vette for endurance PvE runs out in Haz Res sites, and the Cutter for short engagements against powerful enemies. My Vette lasts longer in a Haz Res than I'd ever want to stay sitting for. My Cutter can solo tank high level CZ's without ever needing to pop a shield cell bank, doesn't matter if it's capital ships or spec ops wings. I can basically solo low level CZ's in my Cutter without even deploying hardpoints. Just ram everything.

Even more to the point, you can engineer a Type 10 with all turreted weapons, go to a low rez site, and literally walk away and go to sleep for the night, and just wake up the next day to turn in the bounties (or missions if you stacked them).

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