Elite: Game talk

09 Oct 2021, 5:31pm
Mr Sloppy
Since there are no facilities at the Mega ships where do we pick up our rewards?

You will probably be told in the galnet article, maybe, I guess.
I really have no idea, which is a common reason for not answering.

Storage is universal. Keep checking storage from any outfitting yard and once it's available it will appear there.
09 Oct 2021, 7:13pm
07, Cmdrs,

Any idea on how to collect last week pair of seeker missile launcher from the CG?

I got the money (I was in the top 50%) but cannot work out on how to get those two modules, no storage seems available onboard the Indomitable.

I am on PlayStation.

Thanks good weekend to all.
09 Oct 2021, 7:15pm

Any idea on how to collect last week pair of seeker missile launcher from the CG?

I got the money (I was in the top 50%) but cannot work out on how to get those two modules, no storage seems available onboard the Indomitable.

I am on PlayStation.

Thanks good weekend to all.

Have u tried Hutton orbital
09 Oct 2021, 7:30pm
Remember to pick up your free Anaconda as well!
09 Oct 2021, 8:17pm

Any idea on how to collect last week pair of seeker missile launcher from the CG?

I got the money (I was in the top 50%) but cannot work out on how to get those two modules, no storage seems available onboard the Indomitable.

I am on PlayStation.

Thanks good weekend to all.

They're not available yet. They're not technically late just yet because "by the 9th" apparently means "no later than the end of the 9th", but at this point it looks like they'll be late.

Unless you're still hanging around the Indomitable, I'd guess transferring them to your local shipyard via the outfitting service will be the easiest way to collect them.
09 Oct 2021, 8:27pm
Wait. The Indomitable won't move, right? Because I'm on it and can't actually log on all weekend to move.

Oh god, if I return and I'm across the galaxy or something. oh lawd
09 Oct 2021, 8:35pm
Isabella LevineWait. The Indomitable won't move, right? Because I'm on it and can't actually log on all weekend to move.

Oh god, if I return and I'm across the galaxy or something. oh lawd
Yeah, it will move to the permit-locked Raxxla territory.

But, yeah, on a serious note: you'll be 'undocked' and log on into a ship that's just floating in space where that megaship was.
09 Oct 2021, 9:11pm
Co'hen MacBain

Any idea on how to collect last week pair of seeker missile launcher from the CG?

I got the money (I was in the top 50%) but cannot work out on how to get those two modules, no storage seems available onboard the Indomitable.

I am on PlayStation.

Thanks good weekend to all.

They're not available yet. They're not technically late just yet because "by the 9th" apparently means "no later than the end of the 9th", but at this point it looks like they'll be late.

Unless you're still hanging around the Indomitable, I'd guess transferring them to your local shipyard via the outfitting service will be the easiest way to collect them.

Thank you.

Fly safe. I am glad it’s not a bug ????
09 Oct 2021, 9:16pm
Meowers Yeah, it will move to the permit-locked Raxxla territory.

But, yeah, on a serious note: you'll be 'undocked' and log on into a ship that's just floating in space where that megaship was.

Once you find Raxxla you can never leave.
09 Oct 2021, 9:17pm
SakashiroRemember to pick up your free Anaconda as well!

I am on PlayStation but I am no noob!

Nice try baby.
09 Oct 2021, 9:18pm
09 Oct 2021, 9:25pm

Anata wa mirikitekidesu

09 Oct 2021, 9:47pm
Yooo I need elite dangerous friends I stoped playing for a wile and now all my friends that did play don’t play much any more I need homies guys/girls gay straight idgaf I need people to play with I’m kinda experienced if any one want some one funny to play with I’m your man I don’t need any one jumping in here talking about look at this lonely guy yes yes I’m lonely I flying through space lonely as fuck help a brother out… LOCO ltg my gamer tag add me and we will link that’s a lower case L people allways think it’s an I
09 Oct 2021, 10:27pm
LOCO ltg I don’t need any one jumping in here talking about look at this lonely guy yes yes I’m lonely I flying through space lonely as fuck

Sadly the game has gotten a lot more lonely since Odyssey dropped and the way FDev responded to the community. I still hope the future of Elite gets better but I feel like all it is, is wishful thinking.
09 Oct 2021, 10:43pm


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