Elite: Game talk

14 Oct 2021, 6:43pm
BC_maxplays22good evening,

i have a question regarding mining equipment.

what could you reccomend for a beginner and what are the best in use with an anconda?

thx for the help

Quick and easy setup would just be mining lasers and a refinery for regular laser mining. I personally wouldn't use an Anaconda for core mining just due to size and lack of maneuverability.

Coriolis Build (Very bare-bones) : https://s.orbis.zone/gr3s
14 Oct 2021, 7:44pm
BC_maxplays22good evening,

i have a question regarding mining equipment.

what could you reccomend for a beginner and what are the best in use with an anconda?

thx for the help

Well to start off with you will want at least a mining laser and a ship with decent cargo space, at the minimum an Adder or possibly a Hauler if your budget is really limited (although this is academic if you can already afford a Conda), although the single hardpoint on the latter limits you to only doing one type of mining per trip, and you need at least a Class 2 hardpoint for the Seismic Charge Launcher which allows you to get at the cores. If you can splurge a little more then a Cobra is more versatile still and carries much more cargo.

If money is no issue then as Scott Quin says, I wouldn't use a Conda for core mining (at least not without collector limpets) because it's not very manoeuvrable, I use a specially kitted Python for mining which has the advantage of being able to call at outposts so you can really sell your findings to the highest bidder.

Last edit: 14 Oct 2021, 8:37pm
14 Oct 2021, 8:01pm
I would use a anaconda and i still use it! for me its a perfect mining ship couse right fitted you got 192 t of cargo space (perfect size for a mining session) and all needed equipment.. you can check out my mining conda..
14 Oct 2021, 8:23pm
Alex HoffmannI would use a anaconda and i still use it! for me its a perfect mining ship couse right fitted you got 192 t of cargo space (perfect size for a mining session) and all needed equipment.. you can check out my mining conda..

Why bother with anaconda then? Python is 192t and have it in faster and better handling package.

14 Oct 2021, 8:28pm
Alex HoffmannI would use a anaconda and i still use it! for me its a perfect mining ship couse right fitted you got 192 t of cargo space (perfect size for a mining session) and all needed equipment.. you can check out my mining conda..

Why bother with anaconda then? Python is 192t and have it in faster and better handling package.

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14 Oct 2021, 8:56pm
14 Oct 2021, 9:23pm
14 Oct 2021, 9:35pm
Just seen on the Frontier forums there is no CGs this week, so I take it that includes Dyson City? Been waiting all day assuming it would be a CG, might as well get stuck in if not.
14 Oct 2021, 10:07pm
Personally I use an Imperial Cutter for mining. Can be outfitted with everything you could want for mining, it's maneuverability is better than the Anaconda's so it doesn't feel quite as sluggish, and IMO it has been one of the most relaxing ships to mine in. That said I haven't been doing much mining (or playing at all for that matter) since Odyssey dropped.
14 Oct 2021, 10:24pm

Why bother with anaconda then? Python is 192t and have it in faster and better handling package.

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Hmm... How many collector limpets do you use at a time?
Please don´t say "all"
14 Oct 2021, 10:51pm

Why bother with anaconda then? Python is 192t and have it in faster and better handling package.

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Hmm... How many collector limpets do you use at a time?
Please don´t say "all"

i believe the class 3 collector limpet controller has 2 active limpets at a time class 5 has 3
14 Oct 2021, 11:14pm
Jaime WardI have, but I'm also a realist, and six years of prior experience tells me not to expect much.

UmbrellaCorp6 years of being miserable? What the hell are you still doing here? Move on already, nobody wants to join you and your pity party. Jesus, I'm depressed from just talking to you.

Having low expectations does not equate to misery, so just chill. Also, some of us don't give one flying Faulcon-DeLacy about the story elements as they have negligible impact on the game itself, and we shake our heads every time we read a post trying to dissect them. So please stow your hardpoints and jettison your toxic waste.
14 Oct 2021, 11:24pm
Hi. Someone online?
14 Oct 2021, 11:27pm
Ernest-shackletonHi. Someone online?

that guy is
14 Oct 2021, 11:28pm
LOVE flying mhy Krait Mk II.

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