Elite: Game talk

13 Oct 2021, 6:55am
MeowersBattle Hauler with Turreted Pulse Laser?

Say hello to the battle Courier with pulse laser turrets.

13 Oct 2021, 11:19am
MeowersBattle Hauler with Turreted Pulse Laser?

Say hello to the battle Courier with pulse laser turrets.

Ha Ha! Not sure I’d class courier as a hauler. Cargo by a thousand trips, maybe?
13 Oct 2021, 1:39pm
Todays news: Scavenger clan, part 3. I remember part 1 back in July when they showed up. Part 2 was when they left, same deal - you can find them in a 500 LY range. So what does that mean? Here's a stat that you may find interesting. The bubble is roughly 150 LY across. There are 80,000 systems in that area. Which means that FDev has asked the players twice now to go find this megaship in 1 of roughly 275,000 systems. Searching a new system every 10 minutes for 24 hours a day will let you search that area in 5.23 years. Better start a pot of coffee.
13 Oct 2021, 1:48pm
QuillmonkeyHa Ha! Not sure I’d class courier as a hauler. Cargo by a thousand trips, maybe?

In terms of cargo space, any ship qualifies as a hauler when compared to the Hauler.
13 Oct 2021, 2:25pm
UmbrellaCorpThe bubble is roughly 150 LY across. There are 80,000 systems in that area. Which means that FDev has asked the players twice now to go find this megaship in 1 of roughly 275,000 systems. Searching a new system every 10 minutes for 24 hours a day will let you search that area in 5.23 years. Better start a pot of coffee.

yes, but what if more than one person searches?
13 Oct 2021, 2:37pm
UmbrellaCorpTodays news: Scavenger clan, part 3. I remember part 1 back in July when they showed up. Part 2 was when they left, same deal - you can find them in a 500 LY range. So what does that mean? Here's a stat that you may find interesting. The bubble is roughly 150 LY across. There are 80,000 systems in that area. Which means that FDev has asked the players twice now to go find this megaship in 1 of roughly 275,000 systems. Searching a new system every 10 minutes for 24 hours a day will let you search that area in 5.23 years. Better start a pot of coffee.

The human bubble is roughly 250-275ly in size (at parts it stretches to around 300ly, others it shrinks to around 200ly, if you look at the Powerplay map, it will kinda of show you this), in a 275ly radius around Sol, there are almost 133,000 systems.

The search area for the Dredger currently consists of "only" 92,600 known systems (using EDSM data). This number is partly due to the centre of the search area being lower down in the galactic plane (if it was higher up by about 200ly, then there should be more systems in the search area), and because it partly intersects with Col 70, which is of course all locked off (Eastern part of the search area).

Don't get me wrong, it's still a big task, and i kind feel this latest Galnet might a stick to poke people to find it, but hey, who knows.

If anyone is interested in helping in searching for it, come over to the Canonn discord, i have 4 spreadsheets covering the search area pinned in the science channel.

Last edit: 13 Oct 2021, 2:53pm
13 Oct 2021, 3:21pm
I won't waste time trying to find a needle in an extremely large haystack. But hey, it'll give players something to do.
13 Oct 2021, 3:28pm
-Knight-I won't waste time trying to find a needle in an extremely large haystack. But hey, it'll give players something to do.

Eh, you know how this goes: It'll take CANONN 48h max to find that ship
13 Oct 2021, 3:47pm
Amata Lirein
-Knight-I won't waste time trying to find a needle in an extremely large haystack. But hey, it'll give players something to do.

Eh, you know how this goes: It'll take CANONN 48h max to find that ship

The search has been ongoing since July. Its still on, I know because I've checked a relatively small number of the potential systems as part of the search.
This new article hasn't provided any new clues, so unless something changes it might be some months yet.
The current number of systems to check on Cannons list is just under 89k.
13 Oct 2021, 4:01pm
SakashiroIn terms of cargo space, any ship qualifies as a hauler when compared to the Hauler.

The Hauler is not just a ship. It's a lifestyle!

(if not a diagnosis)
13 Oct 2021, 4:31pm
Amata Lirein
-Knight-I won't waste time trying to find a needle in an extremely large haystack. But hey, it'll give players something to do.

Eh, you know how this goes: It'll take CANONN 48h max to find that ship

The search has been ongoing since July. Its still on, I know because I've checked a relatively small number of the potential systems as part of the search.
This new article hasn't provided any new clues, so unless something changes it might be some months yet.
The current number of systems to check on Cannons list is just under 89k.

oh, you know. a measly, tiny, insignificant 89,000 systems to individually check
13 Oct 2021, 4:33pm
MeowersBattle Hauler with Turreted Pulse Laser?

Say hello to the battle Courier with pulse laser turrets.

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That is chicken courier Once you hit it it runs!
13 Oct 2021, 7:02pm
heh, those Pulse lasers sound like 'buk buk buk buk buk'
13 Oct 2021, 7:29pm
MeowersThe Hauler is not just a ship. It's a lifestyle!

(if not a diagnosis)

More than anything it's a misnomer. The Explorer would be more accurate, because that's where it actually shines.
14 Oct 2021, 12:03am
Just finished engineering my Python, yay!

Ship ID: SA-06P "Shirohebi" (albino snake)

Jump range (unladen): 41 Ly
Speed (unladen): 380 m/s
Boost (unladen): 495 m/s
Raw shield strength: 2,024 MJ
Cargo capacity: 128 t
Roles: laser mining, hauling, surface prospecting, combat (PvE)

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