Elite: Game talk

14 Oct 2021, 12:51pm
SakashiroI guess I have to sell a few of my unused ships.

If you'd done the CG you'd be able to afford an FC now. 3.5bill or so I believe.
I find selling ships really hard to do, even if I don't use them any more.
14 Oct 2021, 1:06pm
As I said , I can give loans up to 5bil for CMDRs on my friend list For conditions scroll above
14 Oct 2021, 1:35pm
Conspiracy radio: Can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.

Don't be too surprised when that dredger storyline runs back into Salvation. They were the ones who told Salvation where the hesperus was, then they left the area because they found 'something more interesting'. At the time I felt that 'something more interesting' must have been a gift from Salvation. Who, by the way, doesn't have a proper nemesis yet (Thargoids will always be the players problem - FDev CEO).
Ladies and Gentlemen I'm here to tell you that war is coming between the Hudsons/Duvals and Salvation. I see a path for Salvation to become the leader of the Alliance through acts of war. Revealing Salvation as the AI construct leader at this point would mean the introduction of another nemesis and I'm not getting the Klaxx vibe at all. Klaxx is thargoid lore - a 2nd, stronger group of goids that allegedly will chase the 1st group to and then through the bubble. The discovery of the Klaxx goid clan as well as their future plans laid the foundation for the megaship missions (i.e., Heperus) - they were searching for an escape route from the bubble in case it gets overran by goids and has to be evacuated.
As these storyline threads continue to merge, I will continue to broadcast my pirate radio signal to let all independent pilots know that the truth is out there. Can't stop the signal, Mal.
14 Oct 2021, 1:42pm
UmbrellaCorpConspiracy radio: Can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.

Don't be too surprised when that dredger storyline runs back into Salvation. They were the ones who told Salvation where the hesperus was, then they left the area because they found 'something more interesting'. At the time I felt that 'something more interesting' must have been a gift from Salvation. Who, by the way, doesn't have a proper nemesis yet (Thargoids will always be the players problem - FDev CEO).
Ladies and Gentlemen I'm here to tell you that war is coming between the Hudsons/Duvals and Salvation. I see a path for Salvation to become the leader of the Alliance through acts of war. Revealing Salvation as the AI construct leader at this point would mean the introduction of another nemesis and I'm not getting the Klaxx vibe at all. Klaxx is thargoid lore - a 2nd, stronger group of goids that allegedly will chase the 1st group to and then through the bubble. The discovery of the Klaxx goid clan as well as their future plans laid the foundation for the megaship missions (i.e., Heperus) - they were searching for an escape route from the bubble in case it gets overran by goids and has to be evacuated.
As these storyline threads continue to merge, I will continue to broadcast my pirate radio signal to let all independent pilots know that the truth is out there. Can't stop the signal, Mal.

Not to rain on your parade, but the absolutely glacial pace of the storyline and the sheer lack of meaningful revelations advancing the narrative suggests to me that by the time any of these threads merge, the game will have been completely abandoned.
14 Oct 2021, 2:07pm
Jaime Ward
UmbrellaCorpConspiracy radio: Can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.

Don't be too surprised when that dredger storyline runs back into Salvation. They were the ones who told Salvation where the hesperus was, then they left the area because they found 'something more interesting'. At the time I felt that 'something more interesting' must have been a gift from Salvation. Who, by the way, doesn't have a proper nemesis yet (Thargoids will always be the players problem - FDev CEO).
Ladies and Gentlemen I'm here to tell you that war is coming between the Hudsons/Duvals and Salvation. I see a path for Salvation to become the leader of the Alliance through acts of war. Revealing Salvation as the AI construct leader at this point would mean the introduction of another nemesis and I'm not getting the Klaxx vibe at all. Klaxx is thargoid lore - a 2nd, stronger group of goids that allegedly will chase the 1st group to and then through the bubble. The discovery of the Klaxx goid clan as well as their future plans laid the foundation for the megaship missions (i.e., Heperus) - they were searching for an escape route from the bubble in case it gets overran by goids and has to be evacuated.
As these storyline threads continue to merge, I will continue to broadcast my pirate radio signal to let all independent pilots know that the truth is out there. Can't stop the signal, Mal.

Not to rain on your parade, but the absolutely glacial pace of the storyline and the sheer lack of meaningful revelations advancing the narrative suggests to me that by the time any of these threads merge, the game will have been completely abandoned.

Sounds like you're not enjoying life by playing ED. I would consul to find a different activity that brings you happiness.
14 Oct 2021, 2:27pm
Amata LireinSeems like the NMLA is trying/has tried to kill some Duvals again...

Dyson City / Paresa System

I haven't played ever since the NMLA refugees got a home, what else has happened since then?
14 Oct 2021, 2:49pm
Jaime Ward
UmbrellaCorpConspiracy radio: Can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.

Don't be too surprised when that dredger storyline runs back into Salvation. They were the ones who told Salvation where the hesperus was, then they left the area because they found 'something more interesting'. At the time I felt that 'something more interesting' must have been a gift from Salvation. Who, by the way, doesn't have a proper nemesis yet (Thargoids will always be the players problem - FDev CEO).
Ladies and Gentlemen I'm here to tell you that war is coming between the Hudsons/Duvals and Salvation. I see a path for Salvation to become the leader of the Alliance through acts of war. Revealing Salvation as the AI construct leader at this point would mean the introduction of another nemesis and I'm not getting the Klaxx vibe at all. Klaxx is thargoid lore - a 2nd, stronger group of goids that allegedly will chase the 1st group to and then through the bubble. The discovery of the Klaxx goid clan as well as their future plans laid the foundation for the megaship missions (i.e., Heperus) - they were searching for an escape route from the bubble in case it gets overran by goids and has to be evacuated.
As these storyline threads continue to merge, I will continue to broadcast my pirate radio signal to let all independent pilots know that the truth is out there. Can't stop the signal, Mal.

Not to rain on your parade, but the absolutely glacial pace of the storyline and the sheer lack of meaningful revelations advancing the narrative suggests to me that by the time any of these threads merge, the game will have been completely abandoned.

Sounds like you're not enjoying life by playing ED. I would consul to find a different activity that brings you happiness.

I have, but I'm also a realist, and six years of prior experience tells me not to expect much.
14 Oct 2021, 3:21pm
14 Oct 2021, 3:22pm
I have, but I'm also a realist, and six years of prior experience tells me not to expect much.[/quote]

6 years of being miserable? What the hell are you still doing here? Move on already, nobody wants to join you and your pity party. Jesus, I'm depressed from just talking to you.
14 Oct 2021, 3:27pm
Six years of playing the game, enjoying it, and then watching Frontier squander the momentum of Premonition and the Thargoids, kill Galnet, and waste two and a half years trying to implement fleet carriers.

Things started off well but have gone downhill ever since. I'm just referring to the running track record.

As to why I'm still here? Well, I'm hoping this train wreck gets salvaged, but so far I'm not seeing a lot of cause for hope.
14 Oct 2021, 3:37pm
The Dredger has been found, in system:

Oochost PC-C c29-0

It was apparently re-discovered by Cmdr Anoobviaa. o7
14 Oct 2021, 4:21pm
Well, that didn't take long.
14 Oct 2021, 4:38pm
SakashiroWell, that didn't take long.

Nope, not long at all.

The original search area was around 93,000 systems, today's Galnet and message from Ring Mine reduced that down to around 1,600 (based on radius), and then down to just 350 based on direction.

Then again, I would have honestly been surprised if it hadn't been found today, based on the hint FDev gave us.
14 Oct 2021, 5:14pm
I snatched the last 200M reward. Still 20M for going out there though, in case you need the cash.
14 Oct 2021, 6:26pm
good evening,

i have a question regarding mining equipment.

what could you reccomend for a beginner and what are the best in use with an anconda?

thx for the help

Last edit: 14 Oct 2021, 6:33pm

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