Elite: Game talk

09 Oct 2021, 10:44pm
We, the independent ones, have won a victory over the Federation, but who knows how it will take revenge on us for this. The Federation, as a superpower, cannot afford such a defeat ...
09 Oct 2021, 10:45pm
Chatheo BaselureWe, the independent ones, have won a victory over the Federation, but who knows how it will take revenge on us for this. The Federation, as a superpower, cannot afford such a defeat ...
Then we'll kick their arses once more.
09 Oct 2021, 10:53pm


Your name fooled me, still all the same, fancy a sake after work? ????
09 Oct 2021, 10:55pm
QuillmonkeyCan anyone tell me what the ‘role’ of a fleet carrier does?

What 'activities' icons will other people see on the nav panel.

Yes, you are right. But question remains:
To what end?
What impact can it have on other people if there is no difference in the activity settings?
I still don’t see the point of setting it, or others seeing it, if it changes nothing.

I think I remember seeing something about this being another thing FDev started but did not finish. It was going to make some functional difference but in the end they did not do it and instead it's just a label for other CMDRs to see 'what you're in to'. Maybe 'later' they'll get back round to it... ?
10 Oct 2021, 12:43am
Sir-DukeCan someone tell the Colonia Trades to act a bit slower?
Geeez, this time, it´s not a competition!
And these guys are rushing the tiers faster, then I can fill up my cargo bay!

Colonia CG have smaller requirement than the bubble CG, there not rushing it, they just have less job to do (and surely less materials available for them)
10 Oct 2021, 11:40am
The weapons from our last CG still aren´t there, are they?
10 Oct 2021, 2:39pm
hey every i need some help getting my ship back i had an anaconda fullly upgraded with a few things still needed i sripped it down for travel got to a port and the game gliched and i crashed in the port and i didnt have enough money to buy it back any help would be really great thanks

ps im on xb
10 Oct 2021, 3:27pm
Still a big game I think people will come back and play both hopefully but for now I’m looking to play with people who still play on this if your on x box add me
10 Oct 2021, 3:29pm
Shad0whey every i need some help getting my ship back i had an anaconda fullly upgraded with a few things still needed i sripped it down for travel got to a port and the game gliched and i crashed in the port and i didnt have enough money to buy it back any help would be really great thanks

ps im on xb

Rule Number 1 of ED: NEVER fly without rebuy.
Rule Number 2 of ED: Never EVER fly without rebuy.
Rule Number 3 of ED: Did I mention you never fly without rebuy?
10 Oct 2021, 3:32pm
A sincere thank you to everyone that commented on the seeker missile situation.
It was very confusing
10 Oct 2021, 3:41pm
Shad0whey every i need some help getting my ship back i had an anaconda fullly upgraded with a few things still needed i sripped it down for travel got to a port and the game gliched and i crashed in the port and i didnt have enough money to buy it back any help would be really great thanks

ps im on xb

Rule Number 1 of ED: NEVER fly without rebuy.
Rule Number 2 of ED: Never EVER fly without rebuy.
Rule Number 3 of ED: Did I mention you never fly without rebuy?

i know i was so caught up in what i was doing that it didnt cross my mind i was doing a 5 hour sesh then went to the shops came back and just forgot
10 Oct 2021, 3:45pm
Shad0wi know i was so caught up in what i was doing that it didnt cross my mind i was doing a 5 hour sesh then went to the shops came back and just forgot

On the bright side, you mentioned you stripped it down for travel so hopefully you didn't lose to many important modules. But yeah, your options are to submit a ticket to FDev or grind to buy another Anaconda. Fortunately grinding credits is rather easy these days.
10 Oct 2021, 3:57pm
Shad0wi know i was so caught up in what i was doing that it didnt cross my mind i was doing a 5 hour sesh then went to the shops came back and just forgot

On the bright side, you mentioned you stripped it down for travel so hopefully you didn't lose to many important modules. But yeah, your options are to submit a ticket to FDev or grind to buy another Anaconda. Fortunately grinding credits is rather easy these days.

yeah i keeped 7c bi weve thruster and muilt cannons that have been engineered eveything else i had i just sold then as i dont need most of it atm with the new ship i brought current credits at 7.5M just hoping theres someone whos willing to help me grind
10 Oct 2021, 4:09pm
Shad0wyeah i keeped 7c bi weve thruster and muilt cannons that have been engineered eveything else i had i just sold then as i dont need most of it atm with the new ship i brought current credits at 7.5M just hoping theres someone whos willing to help me grind

And this is more of why I wish cross-platform play was a thing in ED.
10 Oct 2021, 4:11pm
Shad0wyeah i keeped 7c bi weve thruster and muilt cannons that have been engineered eveything else i had i just sold then as i dont need most of it atm with the new ship i brought current credits at 7.5M just hoping theres someone whos willing to help me grind

And this is more of why I wish cross-platform play was a thing in ED.

yeah sucks they havnt done that

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