Elite: Game talk

04 Oct 2021, 11:26pm
To me, after reading the Codex entries...

The Federation = The United States in Space. Flawed. They aren't the bad guys but they aren't saints either.

The Empire = Rome in Space.

The Alliance = Independent people who don't identify themselves with any single philosophy and prefer charting their own path.

At least, that's what I got out of it.
04 Oct 2021, 11:33pm
-Knight-To me, after reading the Codex entries...

The Federation = The United States in Space. Flawed. They aren't the bad guys but they aren't saints either.

The Empire = Rome in Space.

The Alliance = Independent people who don't identify themselves with any single philosophy and prefer charting their own path.

At least, that's what I got out of it.

I interpreted like this:

Fed's are United states in space. ( Same potential and base values, same flaws we have now.)
The Alliance is the EU in space,
The Empire I think they were going for China then chickened out and made an Asian based Rome instead.
05 Oct 2021, 1:15am
-Knight-To me, after reading the Codex entries...

The Federation = The United States in Space. Flawed. They aren't the bad guys but they aren't saints either.

The Empire = Rome in Space.

The Alliance = Independent people who don't identify themselves with any single philosophy and prefer charting their own path.

At least, that's what I got out of it.

I interpreted like this:

Fed's are United states in space. ( Same potential and base values, same flaws we have now.)
The Alliance is the EU in space,
The Empire I think they were going for China then chickened out and made an Asian based Rome instead.

I (at least personally) see the Empire as politically like the Roman Empire but with some of the quirks (and a few cultural traits) of the British Empire - this is what I think the "quirky accent" that is mentioned in the in-game description of Achenar alludes to.

Last edit: 06 Oct 2021, 2:12am
05 Oct 2021, 4:06am
Seth Bradwell
-Knight-To me, after reading the Codex entries...

The Federation = The United States in Space. Flawed. They aren't the bad guys but they aren't saints either.

The Empire = Rome in Space.

The Alliance = Independent people who don't identify themselves with any single philosophy and prefer charting their own path.

At least, that's what I got out of it.

I interpreted like this:

Fed's are United states in space. ( Same potential and base values, same flaws we have now.)
The Alliance is the EU in space,
The Empire I think they were going for China then chickened out and made an Asian based Rome instead.

I (at least personally) see the Empire as politically like the Roman Empire but some of the quirks (and a few cultural traits) of the British Empire - this is what I think the "quirky accent" that is mentioned in the in-game description of Achenar alludes to.

I get a very strong British Raj feeling from the Empire. The use of slavery was very common in South Asia through the mid 19th century, and the East India Company (in game source of Onion Head) was specifically carved out from the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 that marked the end of British Imperial slavery. I do see Roman Empire overtones in there too, but relatively minor in comparison to the British Raj elements.
05 Oct 2021, 7:12am
RealzonderWill I be able to visit the system HIP 58832, if there are so many FLEET CARRIERS there? I don’t want to fly 4500 lights to see later that there is no room in the system for another carrier. Is it possible to somehow remotely check if there is a place in the system?

Public Holiday is on now in Rackham’s Peak. Profit of 120,000/t on wine. Carrier gaps will appear as CMDRs empty their 20,000t cargo bays.
05 Oct 2021, 8:40am
RealzonderWill I be able to visit the system HIP 58832, if there are so many FLEET CARRIERS there? I don’t want to fly 4500 lights to see later that there is no room in the system for another carrier. Is it possible to somehow remotely check if there is a place in the system?

Public Holiday is on now in Rackham’s Peak. Profit of 120,000/t on wine. Carrier gaps will appear as CMDRs empty their 20,000t cargo bays.

For this event, I'd recommend trying to get in touch with the Pilots Trade Network (PTN) squadron. They have that system on lockdown at this point. Each month they have players organizing getting players, carriers, and wine up there. They have players monitoring the activity of carriers, running traffic flow so that carriers can be emptied and rotated in and out with other carriers to keep the flow going, etc. It's honestly really cool.
05 Oct 2021, 11:18am
RealzonderWill I be able to visit the system HIP 58832, if there are so many FLEET CARRIERS there? I don’t want to fly 4500 lights to see later that there is no room in the system for another carrier. Is it possible to somehow remotely check if there is a place in the system?

Public Holiday is on now in Rackham’s Peak. Profit of 120,000/t on wine. Carrier gaps will appear as CMDRs empty their 20,000t cargo bays.

How is the profit 120k/t when the listed price is 33k/t?
Edit: Even Liquor is only selling for 50k ish /t
05 Oct 2021, 11:34am
RealzonderWill I be able to visit the system HIP 58832, if there are so many FLEET CARRIERS there? I don’t want to fly 4500 lights to see later that there is no room in the system for another carrier. Is it possible to somehow remotely check if there is a place in the system?

Public Holiday is on now in Rackham’s Peak. Profit of 120,000/t on wine. Carrier gaps will appear as CMDRs empty their 20,000t cargo bays.

How is the profit 120k/t when the listed price is 33k/t?
Edit: Even Liquor is only selling for 50k ish /t

Yep, that is true but friends on discord are claiming huge markup. Far more than is listed.
2 days ago they cleared 3.2 billion for 15k liquor.
Not there myself so can only pass on the info.
05 Oct 2021, 11:38am
BurstarHow is the profit 120k/t when the listed price is 33k/t?
Edit: Even Liquor is only selling for 50k ish /t

I think it is over by now for this month but usually during the first week of the month (not always but usually), Rackham's Peak changes to a state of "Public Holiday." To my knowledge, this is unique to this place only. When Rackham's Peak enters ''Public Holiday" the demand for drinks is through the roof. Wine becomes the most profitable commodity and players are able to sell it for a profit of about 120k/t. It is very easy to make billions of credits during this time. The catch is that it only lasts for 48 hours, the station is an outpost model with only 1 medium landing pad, and if you use supercruise assist to auto drop into where the station is, you come out about 30km from the station and pirates try to take you out. Manually dropping gets you 20km from the station. If you pay attention and don't slow down, you can normally make it even in an unshielded cargo python. Also of note, HIP 58832 is only accessible via a fleet carrier. Most of the systems you have to jump to in order to get to that system are 400+ LY's apart. If you are in the bubble and you commit to a non stop journey to HIP 58832, it takes about 6 hours one way of just constantly jumping your carrier. If you want to catch a ride the next time, I'd recommend getting in touch with the Pilots Trade Network (PTN) Squadron. Those players have it down to nearly a science by now.
05 Oct 2021, 12:36pm
BurstarHow is the profit 120k/t when the listed price is 33k/t?
Edit: Even Liquor is only selling for 50k ish /t

I think it is over by now for this month .

Yeah, looks like. Public Holiday is in a state of recovery.
Still, this is good to know. I might actually do this next month to get Trade Elite V and check the site seeing off my bucket list.
05 Oct 2021, 1:29pm
BurstarHow is the profit 120k/t when the listed price is 33k/t?
Edit: Even Liquor is only selling for 50k ish /t

I think it is over by now for this month .

Yeah, looks like. Public Holiday is in a state of recovery.
Still, this is good to know. I might actually do this next month to get Trade Elite V and check the site seeing off my bucket list.

The station itself is interesting to look at. While it only has the outpost model station to land at, it has other facilities near it that are unique to see. Also the view of the whole galaxy from HIP 58832 is really something to see.
05 Oct 2021, 10:58pm
-Knight-To me, after reading the Codex entries...

The Federation = The United States in Space. Flawed. They aren't the bad guys but they aren't saints either.

The Empire = Rome in Space.

The Alliance = Independent people who don't identify themselves with any single philosophy and prefer charting their own path.

At least, that's what I got out of it.

Nah, it's more like:

FEDERATION = A mix of modern USA and Nazi German with a smattering of the Middle East. As a citizen you are either the exploiter, or the exploited. Very much a 1984 feel, more surveillance than the modern UK, more censorship than modern China, more institutionalised bigotry than modern Russia and more propagandised eduacation than the modern USA. ALmost everything is illegal. The accumulation of physical asset wealth is the main social drive, little emphesis is placed on personal or social responsibility, being defered to the state, outside of criminality, in which case it begins at the lowest tiers. Slavery is real, just not in words nor on paper. Political and business sector corruption is rife, however, social corruption is on the whole small. There are many prisons. However, theyre the only powers with their own universal healthcare and wellfare system.

EMPIRE = A mix of Imperial Britain, Imperial Rome and Medieval Europe with a smattering of of the Middle East. Not much is illegal, social status, personal honour and personal accomplishments are the main social drives. Maintaining decorum and the appearance of honour and social responsibility is of utmost importance to an imperial citizen and leads to a high degree of social self policing. So long as certain standards are adhered to, tithes are paid, and the general imperial ethos is followed, its pretty much self rule (along the heirarchy). Forced slavery is illegal. Legal slavery exists, in the form of voluntary indentured servitude, as a means for the indebted and disgraced to pay off debts and/or recover their social status and honour. Few prisons exist. Corrupt officials can hide the social corruption beneath them easily, however, corruption in any area is rare. The onus of personal and social responsibility is upon the individual, the individuals patron, and the regional official.

ALLIANCE = A mix of modern day European Union and a number of S.American states and Asian states. A melting pot of powerbases, mostly economical, industrial or commercial based, with little else binding them but a unanimous desire to provide a united front to check federal and imperial expansion and maintain independance from them. Often stifled by their own internal divisions, disperate individualisms and strong business drive. Corruption in all areas is relatively large, between the Alliance as a whole. Policing and law and order is maintained mainly by local corporations.
06 Oct 2021, 8:06am
Thanks for the info Light-Hawk. Really useful.
06 Oct 2021, 9:03am
does anyone experience game crash in odyssey when accessing star or system map this does not happen ever on horizons... what is going on, please help. i am using pc version with steam.

3.00 gigahertz Intel Core i7-9700
512 kilobyte primary memory cache
2048 kilobyte secondary memory cache
12288 kilobyte tertiary memory cache
64-bit ready
Multi-core (8 total)

49064 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory

Slot 'ChannelA-DIMM1' has 8192 MB
Slot 'ChannelA-DIMM2' has 16384 MB
Slot 'ChannelB-DIMM1' has 8192 MB
Slot 'ChannelB-DIMM2' has 16384 MB

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 [Display adapter]

Bus Clock: 100 megahertz
06 Oct 2021, 9:43am
MadBeachUSAdoes anyone experience game crash in odyssey when accessing star or system map this does not happen ever on horizons... what is going on, please help. i am using pc version with steam.

3.00 gigahertz Intel Core i7-9700


Bus Clock: 100 megahertz

Does happen every now and then. Restart the game does the trick for me most of the times.

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