Elite: Game talk

06 Oct 2021, 4:12pm
MadBeachUSAdoes anyone experience game crash in odyssey when accessing star or system map this does not happen ever on horizons... what is going on, please help. i am using pc version with steam.

Yes, nothing bad with your setup. This is what happens when a company releases a spaghetti coded proof of concept as a final product.
06 Oct 2021, 9:48pm
It seems a long time since GC was finished with Tier 5/5. I think FDevs have found the right point to awaken activity )))
07 Oct 2021, 12:16am
SnapStrIt seems a long time since GC was finished with Tier 5/5. I think FDevs have found the right point to awaken activity )))

When and how do we get the missile racks? Last I checked the Indomitable didn't have outfitting or storage? And yes I did finish above the 75%.
07 Oct 2021, 12:59am
SnapStrIt seems a long time since GC was finished with Tier 5/5. I think FDevs have found the right point to awaken activity )))

When and how do we get the missile racks? Last I checked the Indomitable didn't have outfitting or storage? And yes I did finish above the 75%.

There will be a GALNET article once the rewards are available.
07 Oct 2021, 4:07am
Loop of shame? I prefer calling it "Taking the scenic route" ^_^
07 Oct 2021, 5:41am
-Knight-Loop of shame? I prefer calling it "Taking the scenic route" ^_^

This is also called anti-Interdiction maneuver.
07 Oct 2021, 11:56am
And now we know why that CG reward module is an exclusive reward as Hudson and his Fednecks not only got their asses kicked but also lost the Freedom's Foundation in the process after Grom and the EG Union captured it

Are we losing entire ships again, Hudson?

INV Law Of Achenar, a Farragut that got liberated by the Empire.
07 Oct 2021, 1:20pm
New CG is funny. For 4 days of driving you get a few bucks if you trade your ass off for 3 days. I'm guessing this will be the lowest participation rate for a CG all year. I'm also wondering how those stations make the journey easier. If you don't fill up on tritium for your FC in the bubble you'll just have to make more stops at these new stations which will actually increase the time it takes to make the journey. If you don't have a FC anything you buy you'll pay through the nose to transport anywhere. Hey I'm the first person to tell you that my brain is mush. But there's a mushier brain making these cgs lol.

Last edit: 07 Oct 2021, 1:26pm
07 Oct 2021, 1:47pm
It could prove to be the first step in expanding in a line through the galaxy though! I'd imagine Megaships placed through the route would eventually need/want expansion around themselves as times go on to continue supporting. Perhaps they'll develop into outposts? Then settled worlds? Then who knows!
07 Oct 2021, 2:28pm
Thallia ThornIt could prove to be the first step in expanding in a line through the galaxy though! I'd imagine Megaships placed through the route would eventually need/want expansion around themselves as times go on to continue supporting. Perhaps they'll develop into outposts? Then settled worlds? Then who knows!

There are existing stations on the way called deep space outposts. They are roughly at 2-3k ly on the entire route to Colonia.

07 Oct 2021, 3:08pm
-Knight-Loop of shame? I prefer calling it "Taking the scenic route" ^_^

This is also called anti-Interdiction maneuver.

Unfortunately, it doesn't always work.
07 Oct 2021, 4:18pm
Community goals questions:
How do we find out who won this week's community goals? Is there a site we can go to to get these statistics?
How do we collect our rewards if there is no facility at the megaship?
07 Oct 2021, 5:44pm
Amata LireinAnd now we know why that CG reward module is an exclusive reward as Hudson and his Fednecks not only got their asses kicked but also lost the Freedom's Foundation in the process after Grom and the EG Union captured it

Are we losing entire ships again, Hudson?

INV Law Of Achenar, a Farragut that got liberated by the Empire.

Empire's first actual battle cruiser among all those tourist ships? About damn time!
07 Oct 2021, 5:47pm
Discounts for FCs upcoming. Good thing I don't have one yet, because I couldn't be bothered. Perhaps time for trying when they are for sale.

UmbrellaCorpNew CG is funny. For 4 days of driving you get a few bucks if you trade your ass off for 3 days.

There are two CGs. You can also stay in the bubble and haul for 7 days.
07 Oct 2021, 8:33pm
WaylongwayDiscounts for FCs upcoming. Good thing I don't have one yet, because I couldn't be bothered. Perhaps time for trying when they are for sale.

UmbrellaCorpNew CG is funny. For 4 days of driving you get a few bucks if you trade your ass off for 3 days.

There are two CGs. You can also stay in the bubble and haul for 7 days.

So-so. Transported more than 700 tons of cargo, a profit of 2 million credits. I think I'll pass.

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