Elite: Game talk

11 Oct 2021, 1:29am
Isabella Levine
KluugYou dying so much is more indicative of not understanding the game than anything to do with FDev. Seems you do not understand what ED is about, and trying to play the game in a way that you shouldn't or like other games that are easier. The point of ED is building over time. Apparently you are engaging in things you are not ready or equipped to engage in. I have been playing for a couple of years now, and I think I have died 6 times (?) in total and I always play in "Open". I have died once since Odyssey was released. That's because I do not engage in gameplay where I cannot be competitive. It's just common sense. Sounds to me you are biting off more than you can chew, and blaming others for your poor choices in stuffing your face to the point where you choke.

There are sooo many things you can do in ED that do not involve any risk whatsoever. But apparently you want to play a POV "shootem up" or space combat game where like so many other lame games, you have infinite respawns with no consequence when you die, can get major in-game resources from completing "levels" in a preset story, and you can respawn at will without losing any. Unfortunately, if that's what you are looking for, you are playing the wrong game. Get with program. I have a full time job, but in ED I have billions in assets, all the ships I want with engineering, have Elite status, and rarely die. Now I'm working to be competitive on foot. If it takes me another year due to my RL schedule, so be it. That's the game.

ED is not about instant gratification. It's about gradual achievement based on smart choices; using in-game time wisely to make those achievements.


In my first 3300 hours of gameplay, I died 19 times.
Since the Odyssey release I have died an additional 44 times, including 4 times today...

Does anyone else feel like this new engineer sitch is more like a job than a game? Its not fun. Even more tedious than ship engineering. The upgrades arent so bad but the fact that we cant trade for like 80% of the mod mat (data mostly) is extremely frustrating. I already have a full time job FDEV, where I get PAID for my time. I pay you to help me escape reality not to give me another JOB, and one I dont even get paid for....

I'm about this close <---> to walking away from this dumpster fire for good....


Out of all of this. I will say that the only time I die when playing in Open is by gankers. Everything else is because I decided to do something silly. Like fly really fast in a canyon or try to dodge mountain in the last second.

I've died seven times in total, and most of those times by means of running into Thargoids dropping me out of Hyperspace. The rest, save one, was gankers. The last was wandering into a conflict zone that was much, much stiffer than I expected it to be. I suck at combat.
11 Oct 2021, 3:10am
Kluug ED is not about instant gratification. It's about gradual achievement based on smart choices; using in-game time wisely to make those achievements.

Well, to be fair the grind in Oddity makes most other MMORPG's pale in comparison. The Inara tools are very helpful to keep things organized but the numbers it spits out are ridiculous.

Like, for 1 of each suit fully upgraded and modded from level 3 to 5 (assuming you found pre-upgraded items from vendors) we're talking 140+ Mfg. Instructions. Forget schematics even. That is a LOT of missions/impact site RNG/etc... But, then again I too have no idea what I'm doing here... But it at the very least 'appears' daunting so I can sympathize with his frustration. Add to that the bugs and poor performance and I too am starting to ask 'why'?

It is only a massive grind if you use an amazing online tool like Inara to help ease the insanity. It is complete masochism if you do it without using any 3rd party help. The only "efficient" way to do it is to figure out everything you want ahead of time and where you are able to find it, then get as much as you can of each material at each destination. If you are lucky, you like the modifications you chose. If not, you get to try all over again. I don't know about anyone else but I still cannot find more than a small handful of good videos online comparing the different modifications on different weapons/suits. If you just "play the game" and get things as you find them, you will never be able to upgrade anything in a remotely reasonable time span. Remember, ED measures things in terms of months of "gameplay", not hours or days.
11 Oct 2021, 4:46am
thanks guys for the advice and feedback i talked to the FDevs and they gave me my ship back
11 Oct 2021, 4:51am
I'm currently engineering a Python as an allrounder for mining, hauling, and PvE combat. And I think it'll be the last time I engineer a ship in ED. I'm so fed up with that material collection gameplay loop. Every time I engineer a ship, I find myself relogging to farm the same high grade emission source multiple times. It sucks and feels like cheating, but the alternative is weeks of even more mind-numbing grind.

The amount of mind-numbing grind that ED puts ahead of every enjoyable activity is insane. This becomes all the more obvious if you compare it to No Man's Sky. In NMS you also need materials to construct things, but those materials are literally everywhere, and if you really can't be bothered to pick them up yourself, you can also buy them from vendors. In ED, you can't buy materials, so even after you accumulated billions of credits, the grind is still the same. In NMS there's no 15 minutes wait for a single HGE to spawn, then another 10 minutes of supercruise because it spawned 190,000 Ls away. NMS respects your time and fills it with entertainment. To enjoy ED, you'd better be autistic. It's amazing that FDev managed to make the suit and handgun engineering grind even worse.
11 Oct 2021, 5:03am
SakashiroI'm currently engineering a Python as an allrounder for mining, hauling, and PvE combat. And I think it'll be the last time I engineer a ship in ED. I'm so fed up with that material collection gameplay loop. Every time I engineer a ship, I find myself relogging to farm the same high grade emission source multiple times. It sucks and feels like cheating, but the alternative is weeks of even more mind-numbing grind.

The amount of mind-numbing grind that ED puts ahead of every enjoyable activity is insane. This becomes all the more obvious if you compare it to No Man's Sky. In NMS you also need materials to construct things, but those materials are literally everywhere, and if you really can't be bothered to pick them up yourself, you can also buy them from vendors. In ED, you can't buy materials, so even after you accumulated billions of credits, the grind is still the same. In NMS there's no 15 minutes wait for a single HGE to spawn, then another 10 minutes of supercruise because it spawned 190,000 Ls away. NMS respects your time and fills it with entertainment. To enjoy ED, you'd better be autistic. It's amazing that FDev managed to make the suit and handgun engineering grind even worse.

go to dev's hope thats a good place to farm manufactured material theres a crashed anaconda site aswel for raw
11 Oct 2021, 5:22am
Shad0wgo to dev's hope thats a good place to farm manufactured material theres a crashed anaconda site aswel for raw

That's what I did before, but relogging on HGEs is faster, especially when using limpets to pick up the materials. For the raw materials I've learned to decode scanner signals, so I can go straight for metallic meteorites. It's still boring though, compared to NMS.
11 Oct 2021, 5:25am
Dav's hope is for newbies. Most effective way is HGE.
11 Oct 2021, 5:29am
Shad0wgo to dev's hope thats a good place to farm manufactured material theres a crashed anaconda site aswel for raw

That's what I did before, but relogging on HGEs is faster, especially when using limpets to pick up the materials. For the raw materials I've learned to decode scanner signals, so I can go straight for metallic meteorites. It's still boring though, compared to NMS.

fair enough im still fairly new to ED been playing for 12 months and still learning new things
11 Oct 2021, 8:09am
anyone know a good place to get raw material thats near arth..
11 Oct 2021, 9:18am
-Knight-Alright, I have a question.

All too frequently, I find myself plotting a course for another system only to be forced to target something else in the same system in order to go to supercruise (gotta love obscured targets). Then I have to go back into the Galaxy Map to re-plot my course. The same thing applies if I target a planet in order to map it but I plotted a course for another system.

Is there any way at all for me to get my plotted course to another system back without having to re-do it it in the Galaxy Map and without logging off and logging back into the game?

CMDR Knight

Once you've entered your destination on the Galaxy map it stays locked. Plot a destination in the same system to avoid obscured target, then glance at your Nav panel on your left and scroll down to the bottom. Your locked-in destination should still be there, highlighted with a 'route' symbol.

Xbox player.
11 Oct 2021, 12:06pm
Shad0wanyone know a good place to get raw material thats near arth..

What is arth? Most effective way for raw materials is visiting crystalline shards in Horizons.
11 Oct 2021, 2:18pm
ZEN Industries

Elite is a space trading video game.

Too bad trading is hardly the best way to make credits (with the exception to the Booze Cruise each month).
11 Oct 2021, 2:26pm
ZEN Industries

Elite is a space trading video game.

Too bad trading is hardly the best way to make credits (with the exception to the Booze Cruise each month).

Yeah, maybe you are probably right. Maybe not...

This is 7 min 34 sec loop flight trading with T-9 landing on planetary settlement and back to CG station in Alcor and there is way profitable routes just doing this one for CG (I need that 30% discount for Fleet Carrier)

Did you tried...
Trade planner

Last edit: 11 Oct 2021, 2:36pm
11 Oct 2021, 2:33pm
SakashiroThe amount of mind-numbing grind that ED puts ahead of every enjoyable activity is insane. This becomes all the more obvious if you compare it to No Man's Sky. In NMS you also need materials to construct things, but those materials are literally everywhere, and if you really can't be bothered to pick them up yourself, you can also buy them from vendors. In ED, you can't buy materials, so even after you accumulated billions of credits, the grind is still the same. In NMS there's no 15 minutes wait for a single HGE to spawn, then another 10 minutes of supercruise because it spawned 190,000 Ls away. NMS respects your time and fills it with entertainment. To enjoy ED, you'd better be autistic. It's amazing that FDev managed to make the suit and handgun engineering grind even worse.

ED's grind changes it from a game to being a job all of its own. Other games respect that you have a real life to deal with. I made a tremendous amount of progress in ED but that was thanks to being sent home for the quarantine. Otherwise the progress I have made would have probably taken years. I'm kind of glad that I got it out so much faster because after putting years into the game to be where I am now, I'd have been a lot more disappointed with how little is actually brought to the table in terms of "end game" content. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Elite. I just wish they would let us do more with the vast galaxy they gave us.
11 Oct 2021, 2:36pm
Shad0wfair enough im still fairly new to ED been playing for 12 months and still learning new things

If you are struggling or want any tips on how to get materials and such faster, check out Hawkes Gaming on YouTube. He hasn't been making a lot of videos lately for ED anymore but his engineering material guides are still accurate to my knowledge. He's also got a discord with a lot of ED players in it.

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