Elite: Game talk

15 Oct 2021, 3:12pm
SakashiroShow more >>

Now I need to figure out what to do with it.

What did you name it?
15 Oct 2021, 3:13pm
DuskthornHey folks

Any suggestion for a fun PVE Combat Clipper-build? Started tinkering with a 4x frag setup, but indecisive regarding the weapon engineering.

Due to wide hardpoint placement, you'll get shortchanged a bit on the damage the a closer grouping of frags with fixed mounts would give you. Since they're very short range, they're easy to hit with fixed when centered. If using the clipper, you'll need gimballed on those to center the pellets at close range.
For engineering, I'm going to assume that you want fastest time to kill. In that case, go with double shot and screening on all 4. That is the combination that will allow you to dump maximum damage in the shortest amount of time. Oversized is stronger per pellet, which can save ammo. But dumping more pellets in a shorter amount of time gives more overall damage. And frags aren't a conservative weapon like lasers, so you gotta live with the costs to get the best results.
15 Oct 2021, 3:14pm
SakashiroNow I need to figure out what to do with it.

Sail out to meet the sunrise
15 Oct 2021, 3:23pm
SakashiroNow I need to figure out what to do with it.

Best use of a FC in my opinion is to reach the unreachable. How about a trip to Cygni X-3 or some other fringe stellar body?
15 Oct 2021, 3:31pm
SakashiroNow I need to figure out what to do with it.

Spam change your crew until you get a member you like
15 Oct 2021, 3:44pm
SakashiroShow more >>

Now I need to figure out what to do with it.

BUY ARX! That thing looks like it is owned by a cheap CMDR .... Oh , wait, it is Sakashiro's!
15 Oct 2021, 3:45pm
MyrwylBest use of a FC in my opinion is to reach the unreachable. How about a trip to Cygni X-3 or some other fringe stellar body?

Exploration is on my to-do list, but first I need to make some money with it. I could barely afford the hull.

EpisparhBUY ARX! That thing looks like it is owned by a cheap CMDR .... Oh , wait, it is Sakashiro's!

I'm not cheap, I'm broke.
15 Oct 2021, 3:49pm
I'm not cheap, I'm broke.

You still have your eternal soul
15 Oct 2021, 7:19pm
DuskthornHey folks

Any suggestion for a fun PVE Combat Clipper-build? Started tinkering with a 4x frag setup, but indecisive regarding the weapon engineering.

Due to wide hardpoint placement, you'll get shortchanged a bit on the damage the a closer grouping of frags with fixed mounts would give you. Since they're very short range, they're easy to hit with fixed when centered. If using the clipper, you'll need gimballed on those to center the pellets at close range.
For engineering, I'm going to assume that you want fastest time to kill. In that case, go with double shot and screening on all 4. That is the combination that will allow you to dump maximum damage in the shortest amount of time. Oversized is stronger per pellet, which can save ammo. But dumping more pellets in a shorter amount of time gives more overall damage. And frags aren't a conservative weapon like lasers, so you gotta live with the costs to get the best results.

Thanks for your input! I will put in a few grades of double shot and test it out
15 Oct 2021, 7:24pm
Is there any advantage to selling commodities to a damaged station compared with selling them to the evacuation ship?

Last edit: 15 Oct 2021, 7:33pm
15 Oct 2021, 7:27pm
DuskthornHey folks

Any suggestion for a fun PVE Combat Clipper-build? Started tinkering with a 4x frag setup, but indecisive regarding the weapon engineering.

Use gimbled - and split the damage equally to thermal/kinetic. For the shield use bi-weave.

Strictly for PvE I would go with medium pulse lasers and large frags/MCs. Frags have great damage output but run out of ammo fast. Thrust me, I love playing my pacifier vulture but the amount of ammo synthesis is killing the fun out of it.

Thanks for the input! I've got some lasers and MCs in storage which I've used on my Krait and Python, so I might just end up putting the old stuff in. And put some frags in the Vulture... =)
15 Oct 2021, 7:44pm
Sakashiro I'm not cheap, I'm broke.
"Don't leave a Carrier without f*cking reserve funds" is none less brutal truth than "Don't fly without a f*cking rebuy".
15 Oct 2021, 8:05pm
Thanks for the input! I've got some lasers and MCs in storage which I've used on my Krait and Python, so I might just end up putting the old stuff in. And put some frags in the Vulture... =)

On vulture you can use fixed frags - vaporizing elite anaconda or federal corvete with that small bully is hell of a fun!
15 Oct 2021, 8:28pm
MyrwylBest use of a FC in my opinion is to reach the unreachable. How about a trip to Cygni X-3 or some other fringe stellar body?

Exploration is on my to-do list, but first I need to make some money with it. I could barely afford the hull.

EpisparhBUY ARX! That thing looks like it is owned by a cheap CMDR .... Oh , wait, it is Sakashiro's!

I'm not cheap, I'm broke.

I'd hold off on that regardless. $40 for Oddity is enough money for FDev in the near future imo until they get their act together anyways. The whole point to that CG was to get people into FC's so they'd spend Arx on them. Are you going to let them manipulate you like that?
15 Oct 2021, 8:33pm
Damn, Burstar exposed me as sikret frontier agent

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