Elite: Game talk

07 Oct 2021, 9:07pm
Sounds like the economy collapsed on the market for those items already. Ouch, but expectedly so.
07 Oct 2021, 10:53pm
Can anyone tell me what the ‘role’ of a fleet carrier does?
I’ve had mine set on Exploration and lately changed it to mining. Can’t see it made any difference to my outfitting stock, module configs etc. Doesn’t even seem to have any cosmetic change.
Tried googling and watching youtube but everyone skirts over what these selections do.
07 Oct 2021, 11:02pm
QuillmonkeyCan anyone tell me what the ‘role’ of a fleet carrier does?
I’ve had mine set on Exploration and lately changed it to mining. Can’t see it made any difference to my outfitting stock, module configs etc. Doesn’t even seem to have any cosmetic change.
Tried googling and watching youtube but everyone skirts over what these selections do.
What 'activities' icons will other people see on the nav panel.
08 Oct 2021, 12:58am
QuillmonkeyCan anyone tell me what the ‘role’ of a fleet carrier does?

What 'activities' icons will other people see on the nav panel.

Yes, you are right. But question remains:
To what end?
What impact can it have on other people if there is no difference in the activity settings?
I still don’t see the point of setting it, or others seeing it, if it changes nothing.
08 Oct 2021, 7:25am
QuillmonkeyCan anyone tell me what the ‘role’ of a fleet carrier does?

What 'activities' icons will other people see on the nav panel.

Yes, you are right. But question remains:
To what end?
What impact can it have on other people if there is no difference in the activity settings?
I still don’t see the point of setting it, or others seeing it, if it changes nothing.

Well, the Arx store will blow your mind then...
08 Oct 2021, 8:29am
SnapStrSo-so. Transported more than 700 tons of cargo, a profit of 2 million credits. I think I'll pass.

I just sold 650-ish Thermal Cooling Units for a profit of over 17.5 million. It's not as good as some previous trade CGs for sure, but it's not *that* bad!
08 Oct 2021, 9:03am
Co'hen MacBain
SnapStrSo-so. Transported more than 700 tons of cargo, a profit of 2 million credits. I think I'll pass.

I just sold 650-ish Thermal Cooling Units for a profit of over 17.5 million. It's not as good as some previous trade CGs for sure, but it's not *that* bad!

Such profit, even more, I have from the usual trade routes. And since I do not have FC, I do not see the point of participating in this CG, except profit, and it is small.

Last edit: 08 Oct 2021, 9:14am
08 Oct 2021, 10:32am

Well, the Arx store will blow your mind then...

Ha, yes. But at least if you buy a new paint job there is something to show for it.
It would perhaps be a sensible idea to tie ship and outfitting bundles to the activity that you set? Or is that too logical for fDev coding?
08 Oct 2021, 10:42am
Trying to get camera shots outside of the suit, but I can't seem to get external views when I'm out for a stroll. The usual LCtrl/LAlt/Space doesn't work; I just jump up.

Any ideas?
08 Oct 2021, 10:55am
ChallengeTrying to get camera shots outside of the suit, but I can't seem to get external views when I'm out for a stroll. The usual LCtrl/LAlt/Space doesn't work; I just jump up.

Any ideas?

There is a separate key binding for camera on foot. Go and set/check it.
08 Oct 2021, 11:08am
Amata Lirein
SnapStrIt seems a long time since GC was finished with Tier 5/5. I think FDevs have found the right point to awaken activity )))

When and how do we get the missile racks? Last I checked the Indomitable didn't have outfitting or storage? And yes I did finish above the 75%.

There will be a GALNET article once the rewards are available.

Anyone seen this yet or know how to get racks? Isn't today when they're supposed to be available?
08 Oct 2021, 12:38pm
ChallengeTrying to get camera shots outside of the suit, but I can't seem to get external views when I'm out for a stroll. The usual LCtrl/LAlt/Space doesn't work; I just jump up.

Any ideas?

There is a separate key binding for camera on foot. Go and set/check it.

Thanks. I had looked for it everywhere except where it was.
09 Oct 2021, 2:39pm
Amata Lirein

When and how do we get the missile racks? Last I checked the Indomitable didn't have outfitting or storage? And yes I did finish above the 75%.

There will be a GALNET article once the rewards are available.

Anyone seen this yet or know how to get racks? Isn't today when they're supposed to be available?

Well I appreciate someone answering this person's question. It's a shame it had to be asked twice.
I am truly astounded at the underwhelming response my question received but I appreciate eventually getting some information.
Since there are no facilities at the Mega ships where do we pick up our rewards?
09 Oct 2021, 3:11pm
Since there are no facilities at the Mega ships where do we pick up our rewards?

You will probably be told in the galnet article, maybe, I guess.
I really have no idea, which is a common reason for not answering.
09 Oct 2021, 3:34pm
Can someone tell the Colonia Trades to act a bit slower?
Geeez, this time, it´s not a competition!
And these guys are rushing the tiers faster, then I can fill up my cargo bay!

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