Elite: Game talk

18 Oct 2021, 2:23pm
BurstarI wouldn't use grade A collectors for mining. All the added weight and range gives you is downtime when they decide to go chasing after something very far away, which is itself just more opportunity for them to bang into things. Grade D is lighter and more than enough for what you need when mining.

A-grade collectors last two minutes longer.

With how cheap limpets are-and the fact that if you're efficient enough, you'll need to dump them to make space- it's better to roll with C-grade collectors, a nice middle ground between D and A.
18 Oct 2021, 2:44pm
I wish there was an auto-dump feature for limpets.

Efficiency largely depends on the commodity type. I found myself dumping limpets in platinum hotspots, but in a LTD hotspot I recently ran out of them. And then the 20% lifetime extension may come in handy.

The weight difference can be minimized by engineering. Both limpet controllers on my Python are lightweight.
18 Oct 2021, 3:12pm
Hello, where can you farm federation rank now?
18 Oct 2021, 3:54pm
Now that I have the means for long-term commodity storage, historical market data is becoming more interesting. Is there a database of such data?
18 Oct 2021, 4:09pm
Lol, Frontier in their prime. 30% discount on FC cosmetics. Buy ARX!

18 Oct 2021, 4:31pm
EpisparhLol, Frontier in their prime. 30% discount on FC cosmetics. Buy ARX!

I'd love to replace that robot voice on my carrier, but I'm a little short on ARX, and I'm not going to spend real money on it. Not after the EDO disaster anyway.
18 Oct 2021, 4:31pm
IGargamelHello, where can you farm federation rank now?

Try this

Last edit: 18 Oct 2021, 4:37pm
18 Oct 2021, 5:56pm
SakashiroI wish there was an auto-dump feature for limpets.

Efficiency largely depends on the commodity type. I found myself dumping limpets in platinum hotspots, but in a LTD hotspot I recently ran out of them. And then the 20% lifetime extension may come in handy.

The weight difference can be minimized by engineering. Both limpet controllers on my Python are lightweight.

in a pinch you can synthesize some if you keep the raw materials handy. ditto for the mining missiles and seismic charges.
18 Oct 2021, 6:11pm
EpisparhLol, Frontier in their prime. 30% discount on FC cosmetics. Buy ARX!
<< Show less

I called it like a week ago

FDev is nothing but predictable
18 Oct 2021, 6:59pm
BurstarI wouldn't use grade A collectors for mining. All the added weight and range gives you is downtime when they decide to go chasing after something very far away, which is itself just more opportunity for them to bang in to things. Grade D are lighter and more than enough for what you need when mining.

A-grade collectors last two minutes longer.

Basically, it doesn't matter how long they last when mining. All that matters is do they last long enough to pick up 1 or more refined ore/limpet on average by the time they expire. They do. Therefore, D rated are the lightest, and cheapest in both installation cost and power demand. What's more, their short range is actually a plus for mining when you really get going with it.

2 minutes of more duration essentially equates to something like starting off with a hold 50% full of limpets instead of 70%.
18 Oct 2021, 7:04pm
Out of all the ship voices, I prefer Verity for fighters and Celeste for almost everything else.

Last edit: 18 Oct 2021, 7:23pm
18 Oct 2021, 7:09pm
Guess I missed the FC discount??
18 Oct 2021, 7:34pm
RazoredgGuess I missed the FC discount??

No, but it's not available everywhere. You have to buy your FC at Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system to get the discount (assuming you're in the bubble).

Check the Community Goals section under the Galaxy tab on this very site for more details
18 Oct 2021, 8:19pm
I wish I could get GLaDOS as a FC voice.
18 Oct 2021, 9:05pm
Burstar I wouldn't use grade A collectors for mining. All the added weight and range gives you is downtime when they decide to go chasing after something very far away, which is itself just more opportunity for them to bang in to things. Grade D are lighter and more than enough for what you need when mining.

There is no downtime with limpets. If they go chasing something far away, something's gone wrong. They should be no further than 50m from my ship at all times. Ship nose should be rubbing against the rock. Plus weight is not an issue if you're flying one of the bigs. So all in all, the extra 2 mins makes a lot of difference. maybe an extra couple of rocks worth, so long as I close the cargo bay and boost to the next one.

When laser mining Refinery size is meaningless except for that extra cargo space. You have everything except platinum on ignore anyhow.

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