Elite: Game talk

24 Oct 2021, 7:46pm
Any suggestions on deep-space Exploration builds for the Asp Explorer and Anaconda? Python would have been nice, but I'm not seeing the sort of jump range I have with the Asp.
24 Oct 2021, 8:33pm
Natsumi-ChanAny suggestions on deep-space Exploration builds for the Asp Explorer and Anaconda? Python would have been nice, but I'm not seeing the sort of jump range I have with the Asp.

Are you looking for long jumps or jump range? Are you wanting to explore in style or slimline the experience to essentials only?

The conda will be best if you just want a large jump capacity. Even with all the luxuries of deep space travel, you’ll be getting 70+LY. However, the range is just over 3 jumps and refilling can get hot. Plus, it is the least fun to fly out of the ships you’ve selected.
You’ll get same jump distance in a DBX but twice the range, if you want to consider a small ship. It gets a bit cramped tho.
Asp and - consider - Krait Phantom, will get 60-70LY if you compromise on internals. All three of these ships can be engineered well for heat and are great to fly.

Ultimately, tho. Almost every ship can be built to make a decent explorer and you should probably go for whichever you enjoy flying the most.
24 Oct 2021, 8:38pm
24 Oct 2021, 8:45pm
SakashiroI'm just about to build this DBX.

24 Oct 2021, 8:47pm
4 AFMUs?... What?...
24 Oct 2021, 9:01pm
Natsumi-ChanAny suggestions on deep-space Exploration builds for the Asp Explorer and Anaconda? Python would have been nice, but I'm not seeing the sort of jump range I have with the Asp.

Krait Phantom is lightweight Python clone which have similar jump range to AspX but far more optional internals with better sizes. It uses same FSD as AspX so you can put on it the double engineered FSD. Ultimately if you do not mind the sluggish handling of the Anaconda this should be your ship of choice for deep space exploration.

P.S. Adding my Phantom and Anaconda as reference. But I favor shields , speed and short boost intervals more than max jump range. If I had to modify Valiant for deep space exploration I would put a 3A AFMU on the place of one of the cargo racks and would change the collector limpet controller with repair limpet controller. Ah yes, I would stay away from jet cones with those ships if I didn't had experience. Dropping in normal space withing the jetcone will be certain death with those ships thanks to my careless power optimization
24 Oct 2021, 9:02pm
Meowers4 AFMUs?... What?...

Saka being Saka. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
24 Oct 2021, 9:20pm
Meowers4 AFMUs?... What?...

Saka being Saka. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I can't believe I have to explain the benefits of multiple AFMUs.

Hint: It's not because they can repair each other.
24 Oct 2021, 9:47pm
Sakashiro I can't believe I have to explain the benefits of multiple AFMUs.

Hint: It's not because they can repair each other.

I've never outfitted more than two at a time and I don't think I've ever had to use one. To me it is just an "Oh F*** I just dropped out of hyperspace into/through a star!" emergency band-aid.
24 Oct 2021, 9:55pm
Meowers4 AFMUs?... What?...

Saka being Saka. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I can't believe I have to explain the benefits of multiple AFMUs.

Hint: It's not because they can repair each other.

So, if its not to repair each other then what is it for? I'm not trying to be "that guy", I really want to know your logic. Kurakil's comment is about where I stand on this as well.
24 Oct 2021, 10:04pm
SakashiroI'm just about to build this DBX.

Found the DBS shakes quite a bit full scooping, which I wasn’t so keen on. Wondering where are you going to put your SRV? The ASP engineered was a favourite of the medium ship for exploring… until I did some engineering on a Krait Phantom which is reasonably speedy and I am sure it could be made to go a little faster.
24 Oct 2021, 10:10pm
Maybe the idea is multiple AMFUs can repair the ship quicker? I personally am not in that huge a rush when exploring, and AMFUs can be recharged through synthesis as well. For the record, here's my explorer DBX, seems like a bog standard explorer loadout for that ship, and I am certain that a similar loadout will work for the Asp as well.
24 Oct 2021, 10:25pm
I’m guessing there are 2 reasons, tho neither are persuasive enough to make me test them out.
1) that AFMUs can be run in parallel to make repairs quicker.
2) that since AFMUs don’t weigh anything it is better to fill empty internals with these so that if your ship takes damage it is divided between a greater number of modules, thus less damage to each. However the only internal damage I take exploring is to FSD over time. The rest is likely hull damage or PP which you can’t repair anyhow.
24 Oct 2021, 10:39pm
Rav3nkinSo, if its not to repair each other then what is it for? I'm not trying to be "that guy", I really want to know your logic. Kurakil's comment is about where I stand on this as well.

Jet cone boosting damages the frame shift drive, so if you want to use the neutron highway on a regular basis, you need an AFMU to occasionally repair the accumulated damage and prevent malfunctions. Stacking AFMUs increases the total number of FSD repairs you can do before you have to either return to a station, synthesize repair ammo from raw materials, or stop using the neutron highway. They basically serve as ammo storage. AFMUs are weightless and do not reduce jump range, so it makes perfect sense to put an AFMU into each slot that isn't used by anything else. With those four AFMUs the DBX has a total repair capacity of 10,100, i.e. more than a class 7 AFMU. Once they are all depleted, you synthesize ammo only for the largest one, so that you get the most mileage out of your materials.

You don't need multiple AFMUs to repair each other, because even in the unlikely event that your single AFMU is destroyed, rebooting the ship will restore just enough module integrity to make it operational again.
24 Oct 2021, 11:22pm
Will you be exploring without your carrier?
On trips to Colonia or Sag A etc I only ever used AFMUs twice, maybe three times per trip (approx 60 neutrons). Now I have an FC I’ve stopped equipping them entirely. I’m no more than 10 jumps from home even in the black.
I suppose if you need to get somewhere fast (faster than 1500LY per hour) you might choose to leave your carrier behind and neutron jump it but I’d still only carry 1 AFMU it has all the repair you need.

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