Elite: Game talk

15 Oct 2021, 8:41pm
Okay, this is going to sound incredibly stupid, given that I've been playing ED for more years than I'd like to think about...

How does one extract resources from planets? Or am I NOT missing something here?
15 Oct 2021, 8:44pm
Natsumi-ChanOkay, this is going to sound incredibly stupid, given that I've been playing ED for more years than I'd like to think about...

How does one extract resources from planets? Or am I NOT missing something here?

Do you mean as in mining, or as in Engineering materials? There are plenty of guides to get you started with mining, here's one to start with: https://www.edtutorials.com/category/mining/
If it's Engineering materials you just go around in your SRV until you come across a rock, shoot at it then scoop up what comes out of it. There is a radar on the HUD that will help you find things.
15 Oct 2021, 9:05pm
Shout out to Project Chaos for the invite to join them in the Thargoid hunt in Asterope. It was wild fun. If you haven't done it already, it's worth going to the Guardian sites to unlock the anti-Thargoid weapons and FSD booster. That was an extremely fun event, thanks for the invite! Congratulations to everyone who did their part...
15 Oct 2021, 9:46pm
EpisparhDamn, Burstar exposed me as sikret frontier agent

Uh huh. play it smooth. I'll be watching
15 Oct 2021, 10:17pm
Natsumi-ChanOkay, this is going to sound incredibly stupid, given that I've been playing ED for more years than I'd like to think about...

How does one extract resources from planets? Or am I NOT missing something here?

In addition to what Seth said, you might also slap a Planetary Surface Scanner on your ship. Scan a planet to 100% and then look at your Nav Panel to see if you spot any Geological sites. If so, land near one of them and take out your SRV. Congrats, there is your planetary mining. Have fun.
16 Oct 2021, 12:39am
I just joined the site. I'm on a long journey in Solo Play RN. But need to replenish my Life Support I guess. My fuel is full. And my current location is COL 359 SECTOR ZZ-P D5-78. Are there bases nearby? Nothing of value on my ship (meaning no cargo worth stealing) and my max jump is slightly more than 20 light years. Anyone know if any bases are in range? I need repairs too.
16 Oct 2021, 1:11am
Tinman3099I just joined the site. I'm on a long journey in Solo Play RN. But need to replenish my Life Support I guess. My fuel is full. And my current location is COL 359 SECTOR ZZ-P D5-78. Are there bases nearby? Nothing of value on my ship (meaning no cargo worth stealing) and my max jump is slightly more than 20 light years. Anyone know if any bases are in range? I need repairs too.

Try this site, hope it helps.


I inputted your location and I think the nearest base is over 300 LY away (System Name: Mammon). Should be doable if you have scoopable stars between you and your target destination.

Good luck to you.
16 Oct 2021, 1:42am
Tinman3099I just joined the site. I'm on a long journey in Solo Play RN. But need to replenish my Life Support I guess. My fuel is full. And my current location is COL 359 SECTOR ZZ-P D5-78. Are there bases nearby? Nothing of value on my ship (meaning no cargo worth stealing) and my max jump is slightly more than 20 light years. Anyone know if any bases are in range? I need repairs too.

Try this site, hope it helps.


I inputted your location and I think the nearest base is over 300 LY away (System Name: Mammon). Should be doable if you have scoopable stars between you and your target destination.

Good luck to you.

Thank you.
16 Oct 2021, 3:17am
Seth Bradwell
Natsumi-ChanOkay, this is going to sound incredibly stupid, given that I've been playing ED for more years than I'd like to think about...

How does one extract resources from planets? Or am I NOT missing something here?

Do you mean as in mining, or as in Engineering materials? There are plenty of guides to get you started with mining, here's one to start with: https://www.edtutorials.com/category/mining/
If it's Engineering materials you just go around in your SRV until you come across a rock, shoot at it then scoop up what comes out of it. There is a radar on the HUD that will help you find things.

Was looking for engineering materials, but I'll look at the other bit too. Thanks for the info. It'll go to good use

In addition to what Seth said, you might also slap a Planetary Surface Scanner on your ship. Scan a planet to 100% and then look at your Nav Panel to see if you spot any Geological sites. If so, land near one of them and take out your SRV. Congrats, there is your planetary mining. Have fun.

How else am I going to make the big bux as an explorer?
16 Oct 2021, 9:33am
Tinman3099I just joined the site. I'm on a long journey in Solo Play RN. But need to replenish my Life Support I guess. My fuel is full. And my current location is COL 359 SECTOR ZZ-P D5-78. Are there bases nearby? Nothing of value on my ship (meaning no cargo worth stealing) and my max jump is slightly more than 20 light years. Anyone know if any bases are in range? I need repairs too.

Hello and welcome here! You can find it easily right on Inara here. But there is no need for the life support replenishment - when it has a power (and is not seriously damaged), it works. So if it stopped to work, try check the life support module power priority.
16 Oct 2021, 2:02pm
Tinman3099I just joined the site. I'm on a long journey in Solo Play RN. But need to replenish my Life Support I guess. My fuel is full. And my current location is COL 359 SECTOR ZZ-P D5-78. Are there bases nearby? Nothing of value on my ship (meaning no cargo worth stealing) and my max jump is slightly more than 20 light years. Anyone know if any bases are in range? I need repairs too.

Hello and welcome here! You can find it easily right on Inara here. But there is no need for the life support replenishment - when it has a power (and is not seriously damaged), it works. So if it stopped to work, try check the life support module power priority.

Good advice from Artie 07
I would add that, if you are out exploring the deep wastes, the edastro interactive map* will help you find the nearest deep space array (DSSA) Fleet Carrier in jig-time. Handy for repairs and restocking lost SRVs, just check what services are available on your chosen FC here on Inara before making the long haul.

*click menu button, top right, and select DSSA Carriers from the drop down menu
16 Oct 2021, 5:45pm
Damn! MSV Solomon smells like cat piss
16 Oct 2021, 6:22pm
EpisparhDamn! MSV Solomon smells like cat piss

Hence the 30% discount.
16 Oct 2021, 6:27pm

Hence the 30% discount.

You are offering 30% discount? On what? This FC offers no services at all.
16 Oct 2021, 6:34pm
EpisparhThis FC offers no services at all.

It does, but the wellness area is VIP-only, sorry.

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