Elite: Game talk

20 Oct 2021, 1:21am
WarCat72-PCFrom talking to a few Commanders, they make a lot of profit from taking the long range passenger missions. Basically they own 3 or 4 Belugas, load them up on passenger missions that require a trip from the Bubble to Colonia, and Colonia to the Bubble. Then jump on a set schedule twice a week, offering passage to any commander who needs it, for free. They only ask if you would be willing to help haul a couple of loads of tritium to get the demand for Tritium up to the point the game will start sending NPCs to the carrier. From what the owner of the FC told me, he is making an easy 300 million a week doing that.

What's the benefit of having NPCs visit the carrier?
20 Oct 2021, 4:04am
Has anyone ever noticed that when zoomed out on the galaxy map, if you pan around, the "bubble" of stars you can see in Map view changes sizes? I happened to be looking at a spot out in Flyae Drye sector and noticed that without changing my zoom or rotation angle(s), simply panning North/South caused that bubble of red dots to go from "big enough that I could barely see the edges on screen" to about 5-8cm across (2-3 inches for those of you measuring in bananas)

I'm assuming I'm far from the first to notice, but I thought it was weird. Haven't figured out what the pattern is, yet. At first, I just assumed it was a constant number of stars, but it almost looks like it gets more dense in the expanded balloon, and less dense in the smaller one.

Also, mostly-unrelated, but is anyone else strangely fascinated by the weird "artifacting" patterns that Stellar Forge seems to have made in some parts of the galaxy? I just found a spot where there's this thick swath of lower density roughly aligned with the galaxy's ecliptic, and denser patches above & below. Viewed from the right angle, it kinda looks like the Death Star with its equatorial trench thing. Even more intriguing, said "trench" is only visible because I was filtering out L, T, & Y stars at the time. Turn on L, and the gap nearly vanishes, but you can still sorta see where it was. There's something just slightly different between it and the largely-M patterns on either side.

Also found one portion of it where there's a sharp line visible at just the right angle that runs perpendicular to the "trench," like a plane where two different sections of a tiling 3D surface met.

Space Madness is weird, y'all. If only I could access the interior of my ship and get some coffee...
20 Oct 2021, 5:28am
OsordiHas anyone ever noticed that when zoomed out on the galaxy map, if you pan around, the "bubble" of stars you can see in Map view changes sizes? I happened to be looking at a spot out in Flyae Drye sector and noticed that without changing my zoom or rotation angle(s), simply panning North/South caused that bubble of red dots to go from "big enough that I could barely see the edges on screen" to about 5-8cm across (2-3 inches for those of you measuring in bananas)

I'm assuming I'm far from the first to notice, but I thought it was weird. Haven't figured out what the pattern is, yet. At first, I just assumed it was a constant number of stars, but it almost looks like it gets more dense in the expanded balloon, and less dense in the smaller one.

Also, mostly-unrelated, but is anyone else strangely fascinated by the weird "artifacting" patterns that Stellar Forge seems to have made in some parts of the galaxy? I just found a spot where there's this thick swath of lower density roughly aligned with the galaxy's ecliptic, and denser patches above & below. Viewed from the right angle, it kinda looks like the Death Star with its equatorial trench thing. Even more intriguing, said "trench" is only visible because I was filtering out L, T, & Y stars at the time. Turn on L, and the gap nearly vanishes, but you can still sorta see where it was. There's something just slightly different between it and the largely-M patterns on either side.

Also found one portion of it where there's a sharp line visible at just the right angle that runs perpendicular to the "trench," like a plane where two different sections of a tiling 3D surface met.

Space Madness is weird, y'all. If only I could access the interior of my ship and get some coffee...

I know, right? I swear, if I get one more rocky iceball presenting like an ELW on FSS again, I'm going to start chewing through the cockpit glass.

As for the artifacting you're seeing, I've seen it too. Working my way through Flyiedge atm, and getting all sorts of weirdness as the stars start to thin out.
20 Oct 2021, 12:01pm
WarCat72-PCFrom talking to a few Commanders, they make a lot of profit from taking the long range passenger missions. Basically they own 3 or 4 Belugas, load them up on passenger missions that require a trip from the Bubble to Colonia, and Colonia to the Bubble. Then jump on a set schedule twice a week, offering passage to any commander who needs it, for free. They only ask if you would be willing to help haul a couple of loads of tritium to get the demand for Tritium up to the point the game will start sending NPCs to the carrier. From what the owner of the FC told me, he is making an easy 300 million a week doing that.

What's the benefit of having NPCs visit the carrier?

As far as I know, there is none. FC's are instanced locations, much like everything else in ED. So, when you are not at your carrier, or another commander is not at your carrier, it doesn't exist in the game. NPC's do not interact with your FC except for system security in the bubble, so they are there simply for window dressing, to make the FC look busy, as if it were a hub, when it is not.

The NPC's visiting a FC is pointless. Unless he is making his money from the passenger missions. 300 million a week would be nice if it were passive income, but as noted above, passive income for a FC is not possible. If it is active income from the passenger missions, then it is certainly not meta.

The above quote, is likely the same as the free Anaconda at Hutton Orbital.
20 Oct 2021, 12:52pm
I thought so.

ED really is a lousy trade simulation. We can hire NPCs to fly our carriers, ship-launched fighters and Apex shuttles, but when it comes to (un)loading carriers, we have to micro-manage that ourselves.
20 Oct 2021, 4:52pm
Thanks for the subtle Info that is only stuck on my screen forever

20 Oct 2021, 4:58pm
GryphnnThanks for the subtle Info that is only stuck on my screen forever

This is a bug, call the support. You see the contacts on this message!
20 Oct 2021, 5:20pm
I just restarted the game
20 Oct 2021, 6:58pm
I'm an intermediate pilot, and I'd like to do something a bit different. I've been considering buying a Mamba and outfitting it for combat, whether that be long range or short range. I'm well aware that the Mamba is considered to be the disappointing cousin of the FDL, but I've also seen more than enough people use it and make it work.

I suppose the main reason I'm trying to bother with this is because I pilot a Vulture as my favorite ship, and I absolutely love the thing, even despite the fact that it does need a little work in order to get its power under control. So coming from that and looking at the Mamba, a gorgeous ship that doesn't live up to its own flair, makes me want to at least try to turn it into something of real note.

So with that, if anyone has any suggestions on a good build, please let me know. I typically run a beam laser and multi-cannon on my Vulture, although I'm not too sure of how that can apply here. Don't worry about credits being an issue, as I have a mining ship stationed in a pretty lucrative area in case my balance gets low. In terms of Engineering, my access is limited, but just having an idea of what I should be working towards is always a good thing. Thanks in advance!
20 Oct 2021, 7:23pm
Anthony ReevesI'm an intermediate pilot, and I'd like to do something a bit different. I've been considering buying a Mamba and outfitting it for combat, whether that be long range or short range. I'm well aware that the Mamba is considered to be the disappointing cousin of the FDL, but I've also seen more than enough people use it and make it work.

I suppose the main reason I'm trying to bother with this is because I pilot a Vulture as my favorite ship, and I absolutely love the thing, even despite the fact that it does need a little work in order to get its power under control. So coming from that and looking at the Mamba, a gorgeous ship that doesn't live up to its own flair, makes me want to at least try to turn it into something of real note.

So with that, if anyone has any suggestions on a good build, please let me know. I typically run a beam laser and multi-cannon on my Vulture, although I'm not too sure of how that can apply here. Don't worry about credits being an issue, as I have a mining ship stationed in a pretty lucrative area in case my balance gets low. In terms of Engineering, my access is limited, but just having an idea of what I should be working towards is always a good thing. Thanks in advance!

Here is a build to get you started. Feel free to experiment with it before you buy the ship, however, so you can get an idea of what you want out of your Mamba. Others may also recommend their tips on builds, depending on weather or not your Mamba is going to be used for PvE or PvP. But that build will be a good first step.
20 Oct 2021, 7:30pm
GryphnnI just restarted the game

Have fun!
20 Oct 2021, 7:41pm
Anthony ReevesI'm an intermediate pilot, and I'd like to do something a bit different. I've been considering buying a Mamba and outfitting it for combat, whether that be long range or short range. I'm well aware that the Mamba is considered to be the disappointing cousin of the FDL, but I've also seen more than enough people use it and make it work.

I suppose the main reason I'm trying to bother with this is because I pilot a Vulture as my favorite ship, and I absolutely love the thing, even despite the fact that it does need a little work in order to get its power under control. So coming from that and looking at the Mamba, a gorgeous ship that doesn't live up to its own flair, makes me want to at least try to turn it into something of real note.

So with that, if anyone has any suggestions on a good build, please let me know. I typically run a beam laser and multi-cannon on my Vulture, although I'm not too sure of how that can apply here. Don't worry about credits being an issue, as I have a mining ship stationed in a pretty lucrative area in case my balance gets low. In terms of Engineering, my access is limited, but just having an idea of what I should be working towards is always a good thing. Thanks in advance!

I don't do PvP, but for PvE I have an engineered Mamba. It has a nicer cockpit and is slightly faster than a FDL but somewhat slower at turning, and its hardpoint convergence is bad, so you have to use gimballed weapons. But in hazRES and CZs it gets the job done. I haven't had to rebuy it yet.
20 Oct 2021, 9:14pm
Anthony ReevesI'm an intermediate pilot, and I'd like to do something a bit different. I've been considering buying a Mamba and outfitting it for combat, whether that be long range or short range. I'm well aware that the Mamba is considered to be the disappointing cousin of the FDL, but I've also seen more than enough people use it and make it work.

I suppose the main reason I'm trying to bother with this is because I pilot a Vulture as my favorite ship, and I absolutely love the thing, even despite the fact that it does need a little work in order to get its power under control. So coming from that and looking at the Mamba, a gorgeous ship that doesn't live up to its own flair, makes me want to at least try to turn it into something of real note.

So with that, if anyone has any suggestions on a good build, please let me know. I typically run a beam laser and multi-cannon on my Vulture, although I'm not too sure of how that can apply here. Don't worry about credits being an issue, as I have a mining ship stationed in a pretty lucrative area in case my balance gets low. In terms of Engineering, my access is limited, but just having an idea of what I should be working towards is always a good thing. Thanks in advance!

I don't do PvP, but for PvE I have an engineered Mamba. It has a nicer cockpit and is slightly faster than a FDL but somewhat slower at turning, and its hardpoint convergence is bad, so you have to use gimballed weapons. But in hazRES and CZs it gets the job done. I haven't had to rebuy it yet.

Great, thanks. That eases my doubts a bit.
21 Oct 2021, 1:20am
Hello all,
Does anybody know if there’s a way to edit the “Registered ship ID” and “Registered ship name” fields on your Inara Commander profile? I’ll be damned if I can find it...
21 Oct 2021, 1:25am
Impala_MarkHello all,
Does anybody know if there’s a way to edit the “Registered ship ID” and “Registered ship name” fields on your Inara Commander profile? I’ll be damned if I can find it...

I "think" you can change them simply by doing so in the actual game. Then Inara updates it provided it's synced with your in-game account. At least, that's how I did mine.

As an alternative, you could go to Commander > Hanger > Fleet > Click on the ship Details of your choice > Edit Ship

Then you change your ship name and ID. Don't know if this will be reflected in the game if you do it this way, though. Never tried it that way.

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