Elite: Game talk

18 Oct 2021, 9:59pm
Quillmonkeyeverything except platinum

And osmium.
18 Oct 2021, 9:59pm
Anyone ever seen a way to get a permit for COL 70? If not, do we know why not?
18 Oct 2021, 10:10pm
Natsumi-ChanAnyone ever seen a way to get a permit for COL 70? If not, do we know why not?

The novel Premonition goes into this in greater detail, but suffice it to say that there are things in COL 70 that aren't meant to be seen. I'd say "seen yet" but we've been waiting for about four years now for something to happen there and Frontier has yet to do anything with it.
18 Oct 2021, 11:59pm
QuillmonkeyThere is no downtime with limpets. If they go chasing something far away, something's gone wrong.

Spoken like a novice miner who's never mined in a Wing, or in a HazRes, or had ore stuck inside the asteroid you now need to flee 2km away from to spare your entire limpet payload... Wait, your argument is there is no downtime with limpets so throw on the extra weight and power drain even though everything is in range anyways just because? Come on man. You got lazy and threw on a bunch of A grades because A grade is just better BEcAuSE A. No sense in trying to defend it. We've all made that rookie mistake, but for those willing to learn there is no good reason to recommend anything other than D grade Limpets for mining. It's ok. You can let this one go.

Last edit: 19 Oct 2021, 12:07am
19 Oct 2021, 12:47am
Don’t you guys love it when you watch 14 limpets kill themselves like lemmings trying to get the ore from the inside of a rock? I thought them flying blindly into spinning astroids was funky but this takes the cake. Back to bounty hunting until this gets fixed or my ammo production mats get low again. That’s the only real reason why I’m mining these days. The profits are cool but being able to reload on the fly while out bounty hunting is more important to me.

Anyone else got a new Fleet Carrier with the Community Goal 30% discount reward? Sold the one I bought three weeks ago and got me a new one. As I had less than 500t of Tritium in the depot I didn’t lose any credits that way. Netted 1.3 billion profit for twenty minutes of moving assets around. That basically paid for two years of Fleet Carrier upkeep.
19 Oct 2021, 1:02am
Personally I only use A or D grade for anything, unless I am constrained by power or it only has one grade.
19 Oct 2021, 1:28am
Fragments inside asteroids, isn't that an Odyssey bug? I've never seen that happen in Horizons.
19 Oct 2021, 1:41am
SakashiroFragments inside asteroids, isn't that an Odyssey bug? I've never seen that happen in Horizons.

It happens. I've lost a lot of LTD and Void Opals to that happening on Xbox.
19 Oct 2021, 10:02am
Occasionally it has happened to me, but I find the limpits suicidal actions more of a problem. I was told do not target the object your farming to fix issue but that does not all ways work either. Low and behold now in Odyssey I find that occasionally the limpits timer acts as if they were not just released and then shut down. Really wish these bugs would be fixed because its becoming the reason I do not like to mine and quickly faming materials as well.
19 Oct 2021, 12:03pm
SakashiroFragments inside asteroids, isn't that an Odyssey bug? I've never seen that happen in Horizons.

It was supposed to have been one of the issues fixed in a patch, however, due to bugs with that patch, there were some things reverted, and I suspect the fix was reverted. There was a brief period where I did not see the stuck fragments happening, and then they came back again. You will only see that with core mining, but if you do core mining enough, you will definitely encounter it. And, in Horizons, I do not have Odyssey.
19 Oct 2021, 2:08pm

Really, there are no Japanese players in our community?

Damn, I was hoping to find at least one Cmdr originating from Japan, having a particular request.

Well never mind.

Good day to all.


There is a Japanese player faction called Pikum Paltry Pilots [JP] here.

19 Oct 2021, 2:37pm
EpisparhThere was a list of double/triple tritium hotspots all around the galaxy. I wouldn't bother with mining tritium but if I need it, I would definitely look for known places.

On fleet carrier owners club on discord is a bot finder of hotspots
19 Oct 2021, 3:56pm
BurstarSpoken like a novice miner who's never mined in a Wing, or in a HazRes, or had ore stuck inside the asteroid you now need to flee 2km away from to spare your entire limpet payload... No sense in trying to defend it. We've all made that rookie mistake, but for those willing to learn there is no good reason to recommend anything other than D grade Limpets for mining. It's ok. You can let this one go.

Wow, found your trigger, eh?
Alway willing to listen to constructive advice, but limpets? Thanks anyway.
19 Oct 2021, 4:27pm
SakashiroFragments inside asteroids, isn't that an Odyssey bug? I've never seen that happen in Horizons.

Not exactly, only materials spawns inside asteroid and is known bug in Odyssey (they working on it). Fragments on the other side works without problems... Temporary solution... add materials to ignore list. Not perfect solution, but save you time flying back to your FC (or nearby station) to buy limpets or spend all your iron-nickel on making limpets.
19 Oct 2021, 4:43pm
Quillmonkey Wow, found your trigger, eh?
Alway willing to listen to constructive advice, but limpets? Thanks anyway.

Your unwillingness to take the advice, and inability to drop it say otherwise. Your quite welcome.

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