Elite: Game talk

21 Oct 2021, 1:47am
Impala_MarkHello all,
Does anybody know if there’s a way to edit the “Registered ship ID” and “Registered ship name” fields on your Inara Commander profile? I’ll be damned if I can find it...

I "think" you can change them simply by doing so in the actual game. Then Inara updates it provided it's synced with your in-game account. At least, that's how I did mine.

As an alternative, you could go to Commander > Hanger > Fleet > Click on the ship Details of your choice > Edit Ship

Then you change your ship name and ID. Don't know if this will be reflected in the game if you do it this way, though. Never tried it that way.

Thanks for that. But that’s not what I meant. I realize that I was unclear. I didn’t mean in the “Fleet” section of your profile. I meant at the top, in the bar next to your CMDR picture. There’s a couple fields there for you to nominate one ship.
21 Oct 2021, 1:53am
Impala_MarkI realize that I was unclear. I didn’t mean in the “Fleet” section of your profile. I meant at the top, in the bar next to your CMDR picture. There’s a couple fields there for you to nominate one ship.
It's done from the same 'Hangar' page. Your ship infocards have little buttons with 'C' and 'M' symbols. 'M' stands for 'Main', and name of that ship will be shown in the profile header.
21 Oct 2021, 1:55am
Impala_MarkThanks for that. But that’s not what I meant. I realize that I was unclear. I didn’t mean in the “Fleet” section of your profile. I meant at the top, in the bar next to your CMDR picture. There’s a couple fields there for you to nominate one ship.

In the hangar section on Inara there's an "M" button next to each ship. Clicking that will make a ship your "main" ship in the profile.
21 Oct 2021, 5:53am
Thank you. I never would’ve thought of that.
21 Oct 2021, 6:43am
Hello there.
21 Oct 2021, 6:45am
General Kenobi
21 Oct 2021, 6:47am
Last night I bought a set of core mining modules (launchers, abrasion blaster, PWA) and stored it on my carrier, so that I can reconfigure my Python when I'm out in the black.

Anything else I might want to take with me?
21 Oct 2021, 6:56am
SakashiroLast night I bought a set of core mining modules (launchers, abrasion blaster, PWA) and stored it on my carrier, so that I can reconfigure my Python when I'm out in the black.

Anything else I might want to take with me?

What Refinery have you packed up?
I usually have a smaller and a larger one in store.
Sometimes, I don´t understand why people only go for two or three different mineraly, when they could easily collect 7 to 10 materials without any more effort.
21 Oct 2021, 7:11am

What Refinery have you packed up?
I usually have a smaller and a larger one in store.
Sometimes, I don´t understand why people only go for two or three different mineraly, when they could easily collect 7 to 10 materials without any more effort.

Because we're a lazy bunch... It takes too much effort to sell too many different types of goods since you have to jump to different markets to get good prices. Make it nice and easy: Take one or two types which offer a good profit and are usually traded at the same market. Cargo space is valuable for the most of us...
21 Oct 2021, 7:17am
SakashiroLast night I bought a set of core mining modules (launchers, abrasion blaster, PWA) and stored it on my carrier, so that I can reconfigure my Python when I'm out in the black.

Anything else I might want to take with me?

If mining in same system as carrier, or not in a system far away could store guardian booster and SRV on carrier and add a 5A limpet controller
21 Oct 2021, 7:21am
I have a 4A refinery, so 10 bins.

SquirtyIf mining in same system as carrier, or not in a system far away could store guardian booster and SRV on carrier and add a 5A limpet controller

Good idea!
21 Oct 2021, 7:25am
Impala_MarkHello all,
Does anybody know if there’s a way to edit the “Registered ship ID” and “Registered ship name” fields on your Inara Commander profile? I’ll be damned if I can find it...

I think you go to the fleet section of your profile and the C & M buttons allow you to mark your current/main ship for your profile banner
21 Oct 2021, 8:21am
SakashiroLast night I bought a set of core mining modules (launchers, abrasion blaster, PWA) and stored it on my carrier, so that I can reconfigure my Python when I'm out in the black.

Anything else I might want to take with me?

How about taking a range of eg. Refineries, cargo racks, limp controllers etc so you can experiment with different ships and specialisations when you’re out there.
Also, for interest sake, pack Planetary vehicle hangar so you can check out the new SRV when it drops next week
21 Oct 2021, 8:55am
Also, for interest sake, pack Planetary vehicle hangar so you can check out the new SRV when it drops next week

The new SRV won't be next week/Update 8, as it's still in development.

Content In Future Updates
We are pleased to announce the following features are currently in development and will be released in updates beyond Update 8:

Twin-Seat Combat SRV
Further Mission Additions and Improvements
Fleet Carrier Interiors

Development Update 4 - September
21 Oct 2021, 9:32am
I doubt the new SRV will appear in Horizons at all.

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