Elite: Game talk

22 Oct 2021, 12:29pm
SakashiroI'm so glad about the carrier discount week. The timing couldn't have been better, as I had just completed my T-9 and Python builds. Being able to transfer commodities from the Python to the carrier to haul them to the point of sale with the T-9 later makes things so much easier. I tried mining in a T-9 and in an Anaconda some time ago, but these ships are so slow that moving them around the rocks is a pain in the butt. I haven't tried a Cutter yet, but I doubt it's as nimble as a Python.

You do not need to manoeuver around rocks with the cutter. You use the rocks to stop Cutter's drift.

As long as the Cutter can't fly through the rocks, it has to fly around them at some point.
22 Oct 2021, 12:37pm
You do not need to manoeuver around rocks with the cutter. You use the rocks to stop Cutter's drift.

As long as the Cutter can't fly through the rocks, it has to fly around them at some point.

Well, for flying it is slightly better than type-9 because of the far better roll, pitch and yaw are similar. It still handles like beached whale. And because of the greater speed and mass it drifts a lot.
22 Oct 2021, 1:32pm
One "engineered long range class 1 laser." is absolutely useless... Two of them can make bit difference for Cutter laser mining considering cutter's maneuverability. So yes I would like to put two of those long range class 1 and replace two class 2... not to mention if this CG put down prices of all mining equipment in the future... Why not... cheaper buy... even cheaper rebuy
For some stupid paranoid reason I always look at rebuy final price of my ships. Like I (and most of other players) don't have billions... must be matter of habit from days of the starting when 1M credits looked so big
22 Oct 2021, 2:58pm
Those class 1 mining lasers are weaker than 2d. Range is irrelevant for laser mining as it prolongs collection. Those modified lasers are good only for ships that have no or limited size 2 hardpoints. Type-7 in particular can benefit from these.
22 Oct 2021, 3:19pm
ZEN IndustriesSo yes I would like to put two of those long range class 1

The CG will likely reach Tier 3, so these mining lasers will be available at tech brokers.
22 Oct 2021, 4:44pm

At least for laser mining I can confirm this... For core mining I prefer the python...

I do both with the Cutter........anyway the Python is a great ship, one of my fav.........it does everything and it does it well

Absolutely.... I'm sure it will be nice to be back in the python after having spent the next few days or weeks in my Anaconda...
22 Oct 2021, 7:50pm
Just found this on r/EliteMiners. Apparently I used the PWA wrong, and that may be why I found only two cores yesterday. Will try again today...
22 Oct 2021, 8:49pm
SakashiroJust found this on r/EliteMiners. Apparently I used the PWA wrong, and that may be why I found only two cores yesterday. Will try again today...

The cores are just one shape per hotspot. Once you train your eyes it will be a lot easier.
22 Oct 2021, 9:12pm
The PWA trick worked. I quickly found two monazite and one platinum core.
22 Oct 2021, 9:27pm
How far should I be able to go in my Fleet Carrier before having to stop and find more Tritium? I thought I'd go MUCH further than the seven to ten jumps with the carrier that I'm getting now. I spend a lot of time mining these days it seems.
22 Oct 2021, 9:43pm
All depends on how heavy your Carrier is, more modules installed etc = more weight and less jump range.
Just like "normal" ships
22 Oct 2021, 9:55pm
i wish there was a discount when i got mine
a good mining ship i think is the Cutter

I felt this comment...... The feeling is mutual. Considering I own 4 carriers, this discount would have saved me a lot. Also I agree that the Cutter is a very good mining ship. It's my personal favorite for mining.
22 Oct 2021, 10:02pm
Hugues De PayensHow far should I be able to go in my Fleet Carrier before having to stop and find more Tritium? I thought I'd go MUCH further than the seven to ten jumps with the carrier that I'm getting now. I spend a lot of time mining these days it seems.

You might find this useful for planning trips to see how much fuel you'll need.

Edit: the fuel consumption for a max 500 LY jump is between 77 and 132 tonnes depending on your current used weight.

Last edit: 22 Oct 2021, 10:14pm
22 Oct 2021, 10:38pm
Is there a way on Inara to filter intensity for conflict zones? If there is I don't see it. I need High Intensity to make it worth my while.
22 Oct 2021, 10:58pm
Hugues De Payens ~~~

You might find this useful for planning trips to see how much fuel you'll need.

Edit: the fuel consumption for a max 500 LY jump is between 77 and 132 tonnes depending on your current used weight.

Is the amount of stored ships and ship-modules taken into account, too?
Because they obviously weightless, when I check my carrier control panel (at least seem to be...)

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