Elite: Game talk

21 Oct 2021, 11:42am
Also, for interest sake, pack Planetary vehicle hangar so you can check out the new SRV when it drops next week

The new SRV won't be next week/Update 8, as it's still in development.

That’s a shame. I didn’t catch the dev live stream this week but hear it was mentioned.
21 Oct 2021, 3:25pm
SakashiroI doubt the new SRV will appear in Horizons at all.

I've been waiting for a new SRV since last December. Why make a name for the scarab if you aren't gonna give us any other SRVs?
21 Oct 2021, 4:12pm
BodyStuckHello there.

21 Oct 2021, 9:51pm
Five instead of two collector limpets make all the difference.

Going to try core mining next. Guess I'm turning into a miner after all.
21 Oct 2021, 11:01pm
SakashiroFive instead of two collector limpets make all the difference.

Going to try core mining next. Guess I'm turning into a miner after all.

Core mining is a blast...takes a bit to find em though...gets frustrating but blowing them open and getting in to blast peices off is fun!!
22 Oct 2021, 3:44am
SakashiroFive instead of two collector limpets make all the difference.

Going to try core mining next. Guess I'm turning into a miner after all.

If you can afford 3 collectors per mining laser it is best. (For core mining you do not need so many)

I like core mining and sub-surface mining more. It is more interesting and require actual skills.

BTW, when I learned fa off I've made few core mining sessions with fa off it was very interesting
22 Oct 2021, 7:01am
Core mining is fun indeed but appears to be very inefficient as a way to make money due to the scarcity of cores and the long periods of searching without mining anything at all. I was in a monazite hotspot yesterday and found only two cores, one serendibite and one rhodplumsite. Most of the rocks highlighted by the PWA had only sub-surface and surface deposits (for the abrasion blaster). I found some osmium that way, but the rest was low value stuff. And of course no monazite at all, lol.

I think instead of carrying all the mining gear at once, I will equip either laser or core mining tools, because it's annoying not to be able to interrupt the session, as the game would spawn another pirate ship, and I would have nothing to defend myself since all my hardpoints are occupied by mining gear. Far away from the bubble that would no longer be an issue of course.
22 Oct 2021, 7:19am
SakashiroCore mining is fun indeed but appears to be very inefficient as a way to make money due to the scarcity of cores and the long periods of searching without mining anything at all. I was in a monazite hotspot yesterday and found only two cores, one serendibite and one rhodplumsite. Most of the rocks highlighted by the PWA had only sub-surface and surface deposits (for the abrasion blaster). I found some osmium that way, but the rest was low value stuff. And of course no monazite at all, lol.

I think instead of carrying all the mining gear at once, I will equip either laser or core mining tools, because it's annoying not to be able to interrupt the session, as the game would spawn another pirate ship, and I would have nothing to defend myself since all my hardpoints are occupied by mining gear. Far away from the bubble that would no longer be an issue of course.

Laser mining -> staying mostly in the same area, having a lot of cargo space, the more concurrent limpets the better...
Core/sub surface mining -> cover larger areas quickly, less cargo and limpets needed

=> some are even using different ships

22 Oct 2021, 7:54am
I'm so glad about the carrier discount week. The timing couldn't have been better, as I had just completed my T-9 and Python builds. Being able to transfer commodities from the Python to the carrier to haul them to the point of sale with the T-9 later makes things so much easier. I tried mining in a T-9 and in an Anaconda some time ago, but these ships are so slow that moving them around the rocks is a pain in the butt. I haven't tried a Cutter yet, but I doubt it's as nimble as a Python.
22 Oct 2021, 9:27am
SakashiroI'm so glad about the carrier discount week. The timing couldn't have been better, as I had just completed my T-9 and Python builds. Being able to transfer commodities from the Python to the carrier to haul them to the point of sale with the T-9 later makes things so much easier. I tried mining in a T-9 and in an Anaconda some time ago, but these ships are so slow that moving them around the rocks is a pain in the butt. I haven't tried a Cutter yet, but I doubt it's as nimble as a Python.

the fleet carrier will change the way you play the game....i wish there was a discount when i got mine
a good mining ship i think is the Cutter
22 Oct 2021, 9:56am

the fleet carrier will change the way you play the game....i wish there was a discount when i got mine
a good mining ship i think is the Cutter

At least for laser mining I can confirm this... For core mining I prefer the python...
22 Oct 2021, 11:06am
So this is the 2nd time in as many months that they've trotted out that engineered long range class 1 laser. What am I missing here? The further away from the asteroid you are the slower the limpets mine the fragments. In a way, it's kinda like the hutton conda. Is FDev pranking newbies or is there some superpower I'm not aware of?
22 Oct 2021, 11:24am
UmbrellaCorpSo this is the 2nd time in as many months that they've trotted out that engineered long range class 1 laser. What am I missing here? The further away from the asteroid you are the slower the limpets mine the fragments. In a way, it's kinda like the hutton conda. Is FDev pranking newbies or is there some superpower I'm not aware of?

There are 2 use cases I can think of:
1) On exploration vessels that are mining for jumponium. In this case the extra range allows you to mine, determine whether that unprobed asteroid has anything useful without travelling all the way to it, and by the time you're in range to pick up the ore they are well clear of the asteroid, motionless and in formation for easy limpetless collection,
2) The increased efficiency might be good to add on just a little more mining rate when your distributor has more power than your current class 2 lasers demand, but not enough to add one more class 2 laser.
22 Oct 2021, 12:10pm
SakashiroI'm so glad about the carrier discount week. The timing couldn't have been better, as I had just completed my T-9 and Python builds. Being able to transfer commodities from the Python to the carrier to haul them to the point of sale with the T-9 later makes things so much easier. I tried mining in a T-9 and in an Anaconda some time ago, but these ships are so slow that moving them around the rocks is a pain in the butt. I haven't tried a Cutter yet, but I doubt it's as nimble as a Python.

You do not need to manoeuver around rocks with the cutter. You use the rocks to stop Cutter's drift.
22 Oct 2021, 12:12pm

the fleet carrier will change the way you play the game....i wish there was a discount when i got mine
a good mining ship i think is the Cutter

At least for laser mining I can confirm this... For core mining I prefer the python...

I do both with the Cutter........anyway the Python is a great ship, one of my fav.........it does everything and it does it well

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