Elite: Game talk

02 Nov 2021, 7:22am
They better stop re-introducing old bugs. Currently almost every single ODY mission I get is borked.
02 Nov 2021, 1:27pm
BluecrashBut how do you know?

The previous dev update Development Update 4 - September listed the "Twin-Seat Combat SRV" under "Content In Future Updates" category ("We are pleased to announce the following features are currently in development and will be released in updates beyond Update 8), not the "Upcoming Updates and Content - Update 8" category.

However, the most recent dev update Development Update 5 - October does have the "Twin-Seat Combat SRV" listed under the "Upcoming Updates and Content - Update 9" category.

Now we wait and see.
02 Nov 2021, 3:27pm
SpaceohrCan someone tell me how I can find fleet carriers that fly from Colonia back to the bubble? Thanks in Advance. (sorry for my bad English)

Nothing wrong with your English here
Also try https://www.reddit.com/r/FCOC/ for Fleet Carriers going to and from Colonia back to the bubble.
02 Nov 2021, 5:55pm
I got a question about the DSS.
I´m (as often) in the need of raw material.

I´ve succesfully mapped quite a few planets now.
And I often see "Goelogical signal" in the upper right corner from my HUD.
But there´s no signal source to be found in my list?!?
Right now for example, my DSS tell´s me of 19 signals
With at least 3 geological...

But my panel to the left only lists four human signal sources
(emergency calls, crash sites and wreckages)

so where are the missing 15 signal?
And especially; where are the "geological" ones?
02 Nov 2021, 5:57pm
You are probably playing Odyssey which doesn't display them.
02 Nov 2021, 6:08pm
GryphnnYou are probably playing Odyssey which doesn't display them.

You must be kiddin´, right?

OK, you are right!
Just switched to Horizon...
Here they are!

I can see them, because of EDO?"?
*insert facepalm emoji here*

Dude, I really try to love EDO...
But it´s really forcing me to demant at least half of my money back!

*** EDIT ***

It´s not just about seeing them...
They just ARE NOT THERE in EDO.
I´ve landed next to a "field of ore-notes" or whatever in horizon...
Switched back to EDO...
All gone...

(At least I didn´t had to remap all keybindings!)

Last edit: 02 Nov 2021, 6:20pm
02 Nov 2021, 6:28pm
In EDO geological and biological stuff is displayed as heatmap.
02 Nov 2021, 6:35pm
EpisparhIn EDO geological and biological stuff is displayed as heatmap.

Oh yeah!
I think, I realized that there is some "filter overlay"...
I can change the filters in the DSS screen...

Unfortunately, they don´t change ANYTHING.

I just double checked it 30 minutes ago...
(I´m on Kuwemaki - Engineer Hera Tanis place)

Or do I have to speak a some magic words before?

Really; FDev should make a tutorial about this stuff, and how it works; instead of telling us, how to walk with space legs...

Sorry for my ranting.

Could you be so kind an lead me to a "good youtube" or something about this in EDO?
I must admit, I have no idea of how to "do-it-right"

Last edit: 02 Nov 2021, 8:04pm
02 Nov 2021, 7:59pm
EpisparhIn EDO geological and biological stuff is displayed as heatmap.

Oh yeah!
I think, I realized that there is some "filter overlay"...
I can change the filters in the DSS screen...

Unfortunately, they don´t change ANYTHING.

It actually does, but the OG Horizons signals tend to overlap each other. The nodes do still exist in ED:O too btw just not with distinct landable signal locations, just a possibility of finding the stuff amongst the vast blue area(s).

ED:O exobiology guide in a nutshell: Use this website to search for thin water atmosphere worlds. Highest payouts. Everything else is common enough you'll see it eventually anyways.
02 Nov 2021, 8:09pm
I'm wondering how much it will cost to add Vista Genomics to a fleet carrier. If it's as expensive as Universal Cartographics, it may not be worth it.
02 Nov 2021, 8:29pm
Oh yeah!
I think, I realized that there is some "filter overlay"...
I can change the filters in the DSS screen...

Unfortunately, they don´t change ANYTHING.

It actually does, but the OG Horizons signals tend to overlap each other. The nodes do still exist in ED:O too btw just not with distinct landable signal locations, just a possibility of finding the stuff amongst the vast blue area(s).

ED:O exobiology guide in a nutshell: Use this website to search for thin water atmosphere worlds. Highest payouts. Everything else is common enough you'll see it eventually anyways.

OK, so when I am in the urgent need to farm raw material in EDO, I have now two options right?

Flying or driving around the nearly completly blue heatmap on a literally PLANET (!!!)
Just to be lucky enough, to stumble upon something...

Or farm the crashed anaconda right?

(Since materials from laser mining are still bugged most of the time. So no third option)

So this is eventually the area, where I could possibly, under some lucky circumstances find some ore notes, if I´m lucky enough?
Well, easy!!!

Last edit: 02 Nov 2021, 8:36pm
02 Nov 2021, 10:36pm
Apart from the absence of shard sites in EDO, it is actually easier to find raw mats as they aren’t restricted to geo sites any more.
Arsenic and Selenium can still be tricky because you need to find high G2 percentages AND drops that have G2 in the majority. Unfortunately this means crystalline fragments (G2 & G3) which are only on volcanic worlds or Mussanite(?) seed pods which are bio signs on thin atmos worlds. These also drop G2 & G3.
In EDO these show up miles away on the SRV scanner.
02 Nov 2021, 11:59pm
Still hunting for Arsenic or things easily traded down to it. Suggestions? My SRV hates me, and asteroids have that damned materials bug.
03 Nov 2021, 12:59am
Natsumi-ChanStill hunting for Arsenic or things easily traded down to it. Suggestions? My SRV hates me, and asteroids have that damned materials bug.

It's actually not bad with the SRV if you're familiar with the scanner and able to identify metallic meteorites by their wave forms. Metallic meteorites are the counterparts to high grade emissions in space. They contain all the good stuff you can trade down. The other rocks are a waste of time unless you are far out in the black with no material traders around.
03 Nov 2021, 8:52am
Looks like the new Guardian plasma charger is gaining popularity in PvP and ganker circles. Projectile speed 6km/s, 0.5 shots per second, damage 100% absolute, more powerful than plasma accelerators.

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